Hold the Phone!

Goku has a Sister!?


They both studied the entrance, the black gaping hole in the side of the rock seeming almost innocent to what it contained. Both men focused again, feeling Kenya's energy strong within the cave. And something else. Something dark that made them shiver slightly, both hesitating before stepping closer. The prince and Goku paused before entering, the feeling of foreboding sweeping over them as they slowly stepped into the blackness.

They walked for what seemed like hours, skirting massive, gaping holes that seemed to lead down to hell, the dank smell of coppery water reaching their nostrils. There was a steady drip of water echoing throughout the cave, seeming not to abate, even when they went deeper into the structure of rock. The steady sound grated on their nerves, making the prince grit his teeth, and a muscle twitch under Goku's eye. Vegeta suddenly stopped, the man behind him grunting as he hit his back. The prince didn't spare him a glance, as he stared down. Goku looked over his shoulder.

There were stairs in front of them, going down into darkness. Nothing else was around, no doors, no other passageways, nothing. They studied the steps again, before Vegeta stalked down them. Goku followed after a moment, feeling his sister's ki down in the blackness.

They entered into a room, the place devoid of anything except for a hallway off to the right. Vegeta headed for it, his jaw clenched. They both passed a familiar room. There was a window encasing one wall. Their eyes widened. This was Brolly's hideout! What the fuck! Both men studied the room for a moment, before moving on. They made their way back to the chamber Kenya killed the saiyan in. She was laying on the bed, her nightgown split down the middle. Her stomach was gaping open. They both gasped, their eyes wide. Vegeta slowly walked up to her, a gasped sob escaping him. He laid a shaking hand on her chest. It was still. He looked down at her stomach. Where the baby used to be. Blood saturated the bedding around her, the nightgown she had on marred with the substance. Her insides were showing. A broken sob escaped the prince, before he looked over at her brother. Goku's face was white, his throat working to keep down the sobs trying to escape. He stared wide eyed at his sister, before his features blanketed with rage. Vegeta felt an answering burning in his chest, his breathing becoming ragged as he felt power start to encompass his vision. His body was burning, his whole form shaking with the need to release this rage trying to come out. Goku was feeling similar results, gasping as power consumed them. They both looked up to the sound of a baby crying. The little cries were coming from the room next door, floating passed the archway on the other side of the chamber. The men looked at each other, their eyes shining. They both nodded. Vegeta left his wife, moving slowly around the bed and walking with deadly intent towards the room next door. Kenya's brother was right behind him. They stepped through.

There was a baby laying on a table, a blanket bundled underneath it. It's arms and legs were flailing in the air as it screamed. Its tail wrapped around its waist as black clumps of hair stuck to its face, the baby still covered in mucus and blood. It settled to mewling sounds, as if it sensed the two men in the room. A tan skinned demon was beside it, licking its fingers as it dragged them over the baby's stomach. It had its back to the door, not looking up as the two saiyans entered. The demon reached over with talon-like fingers, and grabbed a dagger off the table next to it without looking. They could hear it's raspy voice as it spoke.

"I'm going to enjoy cutting you into chunks, little one," it giggled, making a sickening smacking sound with its lips.

Vegeta let out a roar, watching as the demon whirled around. He looked into the red eyes of the thing responsible for killing his mate. The prince finally let the fury consume him, feeling Kakkarot follow him through to the other side.

He walked over quietly, staring down at her. Her skin was still dark, her lips still rosy as if she was alive. He reached a hand out, and hesitating for only a second, cupped her neck. She was still warm. A gasp escaped, and he gently picked her up, studying her face until his fellow warrior stepped into the room. They studied each other for a moment, the baby's cries diminishing as it fell asleep in the man's arms, before they both looked down at the woman cradled to his chest. Without another thought, they were gone.

Dende stilled slightly before walking out from his quarters, feeling two tremendous powers appear on the lookout. He faltered as he caught sight of them. It was Vegeta and Goku, yet...not. Maroon fur covered their bodies, the middle of their chests clear of the silky looking hair, their eyes rimmed in the same color. Vegeta's hair was brown, while Goku's was still black. Dende gasped when he caught sight of a tail wrapped around both men's waist. The prince still had his armor on, the cape billowing behind him as he let the guardian study him. His spandex uniform had been burned off to the waist, leaving his chest and arms naked. Goku's orange training shirt had received similar fate, the tattered remains fluttering from the waistband of his pants. Their eyes were piercing as they settled on him. The guardian swallowed, walking up to the prince, his eyes on the woman in his arms. He could tell she was holding on by a thread. He gasped again at the state Kenya was in. Her stomach had been ripped open, her insides showing. He looked at Vegeta's face. It was impassive, his eyes boring into the tenderhearted nameks.

"Lay her down," the guardian instructed softly, kneeling down as she was gently deposited in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he got to work.

Vegeta lifted her to him as a breath escaped her lips an hour later. He swallowed, watching her eyelids flutter. She lifted her head, her eyes rounding when she caught sight of him. He let her study him, watching as a hand came up to cup his face.

"Hi," she whispered, blinking at him again.

A small smile appeared on the prince's face, amused that she was studying him so intensely.

"Who are you?"

His heart dropped at her whispered question, his eyes roaming her face for any recognition on her part. There was none. Vegeta lifted his head, his wide eyes falling on the namek.

"Lay her back down," the guardian instructed again, moving to sit at her head. He put a hand on either side of her forehead, watching as she arched her back to look at him. She stared at him in curiosity, her gaze innocent.

"Hold her hands, prince," Dende whispered, waiting for the man to gently but firmly grab the woman's wrist, holding them to her chest. She lowered, looking at Vegeta in curiosity and confusion.

A spark appeared on either side of Kenya's head, her gasp echoing throughout the lookout. A moment passed before Dende did it again, this time a scream ripped from her throat, her body arching a little. Vegeta swallowed, looking away. He kept his hands on her arms. He closed his eyes as she screamed again, the yellow spark constant between the guardians hands now. They listened as she continued to scream, the baby crying from the sound. Then it abruptly stopped.

Vegeta opened his eyes and looked at his wife. Her eyes were closed, a raspy breath coming from between her lips before she opened them. Dende stood, moving away from her as they all waited. She stared at the blue sky for a moment, before looking down. Her eyes widened, a gasp escaping.

"Vegeta," she whispered, her gaze steady on his face. She slowly sat up as he let her wrists go. She hesitated for a moment before cupping his cheek. He let her eyes roam his face, her hand running down to his neck before resting on his armor. She looked at his body before her eyes shot to his again. She suddenly launched herself at him, her body smashing against the armor still encasing his chest. He brought an arm around her, holding her to him for a moment before she leaned back. Her gaze went to his hair, looking at it for a moment before meeting his eyes. Her eyes went wide soon after, a cry escaping her as her hands went to her stomach. Kenya met his eyes'.

"My baby!"

Someone cleared their throat behind them. Kenya turned, her eyes going even wider at the sight of Goku in the same form as her husband. Then her gaze rested on the bundle in his arms. With a cry she jumped up, rushing over to him and grabbing the baby from his arms. A sob escaped her as she looked down at the newborn. She looked at her brother, wrapping an arm around him for a few minutes before stepping back, kissing him on his cheek. She laid a hand on the side of his face, studying him for a moment before turning her attention to her child.

"Sis," Kenya's head whipped up at the new sound of her brothers voice, her mouth gaping a little. She looked at Vegeta.

"Does your voice...echo like that, too?"

"Yes," the prince said simply, a small smile on his face.

Kenya studied him for a moment, blinking, before looking back at her brother. He stepped forward, laying a hand on her back.

"I have to go make sure my family is alright," he cupped her cheek. "I love you Kenya."

With that he disappeared. She stared at the spot for a moment, before turning towards her husband. She walked up to him, still sort of studying him, a small smile on her face. She ran a hand lightly over his arm, feeling the silky fur underneath her hand. She looked back up at him, her eyes roaming his face again. A grin appeared. Kenya walked into his arms, holding their baby close as they were transported back home.

Dende let out a big sigh, bending and grabbing his staff off the ground. He straightened, studying the spot they were just in for a moment, before turning.

"Never thought I'd see the day when one of the strongest men in the universe was brought to his knees by a woman."

His whispered words echoed into the air as he walked back towards his living quarters.

A/N: Well, you guys! This is it! The last chapter! I'm debating on whether to do a sequel or not, depending on if I can think up a good enough story to follow this one!

Please REVIEW and let me know what you thought, of this chapter and the possibility of a sequel!

Thank you all for reading and staying with this story for so long! You guys are awesome!