Another oneshot just to pass the time. Very short.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Wally walked into the living room area from the gym looking especially pleased with himself. Just a little more than usual.

Robin: Hey dude. Someone seems pleased.

Wally: Well you know the Wall-man, scoring it with the ladies.

Robin: Oh please, what ladies? Artemis?

Wally: Ha no way. Ever. Ever. But, speaking of my least favorite archer, there is going to be a very surprising thing awaiting her in the shower today.

Robin: *snickers* What? A camera?

Wally: I hate you today, you know that? But you'll see.

Artemis walked by on the way to the shower and glanced at the two before closing the door. The sound of water could be heard turning on and in around 2 minutes, a scream erupted.


Robin flipped over the couch and hid behind it to avoid Artemis's wrath. Kaldur looked up distractedly while reading a book while walking and tripped down the library stairs. Conner and M'gann were busy making out in the hanger until Conner clutched his ears in pain from the noise and M'gann clutched her head in pain from the poisonous thoughts that leaked out of Artemis. Zatanna choked on her soda in the kitchen and stumbled into the living room.

Wally: Well I see my cue to leave is here.

He down the hall to go hide who-knows-where.

Artemis stormed out of the bathroom with her hair dripping wet with one noticeable difference. Really noticeable.

Her hair was a bright, hot pink.


Zatanna: Artemis, uh, your hair, is...

Artemis: Quick, turn it back! Use a spell or something.

Zatanna: Uh, um, dnolb ot riah! (hair to blond!)

Zatanna's hair became blond immediately and her eyes widened in shock.

Zatanna: Uh, kcalb ot kcab riah!

Her hair became its regular black color again but Artemis was still in no luck.

Robin: Well for an easy $5 I can hook you up with a Wally to hit.

Zatanna: You would sell out your best friend?

Robin: He stole my glasses last week so I had to hide out in my room and this is my revenge on him.

Artemis: No way am I paying you. But tell me where he is and I won't kill you!

Robin: Well when you put it like that... He's hiding in the boiler room behind the third generator. He always hides there.

Artemis stormed off to go dish out some punishment.

An hour later, she was finished screaming at Wally and only gave him a bloody nose which healed rather quickly. She pretty much calmed down and was sitting on the couch thinking about what excuse she could use at school to tell Bette.

Conner walked in from the weight room and went over to the group.

Conner: Hey, I'm out of shampoo and need to borrow some, did you leave your's in the bathroom Artemis? (These are single person showers like the ones found in houses so it's not like he's going into the girl's shower room)

Artemis was lost in thought and barely considered his question before responding.

Artemis: Yeah. It's on the counter.

Conner thanked her and walking into the bathroom.

About 5 minutes later...

A shout of anger erupted from the bathroom.

Robin: You better be packing some kyrptonite because he sounds mad.

Superboy yelled from the inside at the top of his kyrptonian lungs.


Just a little oneshot, hope you enjoyed it! I got the idea from the fact that my friends put dye in my hair a few months ago and it took weeks to get it back to normal. At least my hair wasn't pink. R&R!

~The Archer Artemis