When The Wrong One Loves You Right

Author - Clara Lou

Disclaimer - You think I own it Ha Ha! Oh wait your serious? Nothing of Harry Potter belongs to me it all belongs to the wonderful J.K.Rowling. The title of the story is a Celine Dion Song so it belongs to her and her record companies. The only thing that belongs to me is Jennifer Connelly and anything about her.

Summary - What do you do when the girl you love, loves your brother instead? Even worse when he loves another who loves you. Everyone always tells you love was complicated but this is just hormones gone crazy.

Couples - G/Hr, F/Hr, F/OC, G/OC, H/G, R/??

Spoilers - All four books!

Author's Notes - It isn't a update of such but I have replaced all the chapters that I have on ffn with my betaed ones. Most of the chapters are the same except for chapter 6, which is quite different.

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Crumpling the piece of parchment up, he threw it across the room towards the bin. It missed the bin, and fell upon the pile of parchment already scattered around. Throwing down his quill, he leaned backwards in his chair, and tilted his head back so he could stare at the ceiling. He thought that expressing his feelings through a letter would be easier, especially with the girl in question. However that wasn't the case now, everything he came up with was too cliché or not saying what he wanted it to.

How do you tell your little brother's best friend you were in love with her? That the mere sight of her could make your heart beat faster and your palms sweat. That all you can think about is her: kissing her, talking with her, just everything about her.

He sighed, and looked over at the pile of parchment; he had to get rid of it before his roommates came back. He stood up and gathered up the papers. He threw it into the fire, and watched it until it was no more than ashes.

He put his ink, quill and parchment away in his trunk, and walked to the window beside his bed, and sat down on the window ledge. Thinking back over the summer he smiled; Dumbledore had decided The Burrow was the best place for everyone, so Harry and Hermione had spent half the summer there.

Harry was still belittling himself over Cedric's death, and no matter how many times he was told it wasn't his fault, he wouldn't believe it. The whole Weasley family had banned together to bring him out of his funk, even Bill and Charlie had spent part of the summer at home.

It was during this time he had fallen in love with Hermione. His twin and him had decided it would be a good idea to get to know the female member of the trio. They had convinced her, along with Ron and Harry's help, to let them teach her how to fly.

He couldn't remember the exact moment he had fallen in love with her, it had happened slowly as he had gotten to know her. She had a great sense of humour when she wasn't focused on schoolwork, and she cared greatly for her friends. He had gotten to know her better than his twin; she had talked to him more, confided more in him.

George shook himself out of his revelry and went to bed. There would be more time to think about Hermione tomorrow and in his dreams.


Hermione packed her bag, and looked around the room seeing if there was anything she had forgotten. She looked in the mirror, and smiled. The Muggle hair products she had bought had smoothed her hair out, and let the natural curls come through. Sitting down on the bed, she pulled out her diary and flicked through it looking at the previous entries. She stopped when she came to one dated July Seventeenth.

Dear Diary

I'm extremely confused I think I'm falling for my best friend's big brother. I don't know why this has happened, he isn't even my type. All he cares about is playing practical jokes on everyone with his twin; he doesn't care about O.W.L.S or N.E.W.T.S. He's the complete opposite of me. God, why couldn't I have fallen for Ron? At least then I would know how to act around him. Maybe everything will become clearer in the light of day.


Shaking her head, she flipped through her diary till she came to the entry for August twenty-fifth, the day the whole Weasley family, including her and Harry, went to get their school supplies from Diagon Alley.

Dear Diary

Why do I need to feel like this about him of all people? He spent the whole time flirting with Jennifer. It's not that I don't like Jennifer. She's brilliant; one of my best friends apart from Harry and Ron. I can talk to her about anything. Including my feelings about him. That's why I know she doesn't like him, she likes his brother. Oh what a tangled web this is.


Sighing slightly, she smiled. What a strange world this was. She liked Fred, Fred liked Jennifer, and Jennifer liked George. Wouldn't it be funny if George liked her? Laughing slightly at this idea, she put her diary away.

She walked out of her dorm, down the stairs, and into the common room. She smiled when she saw Ginny and Harry sitting and talking. Thank the lord for Ginny, she had succeeded where the rest of them had failed in bringing Harry out of his depression over Cedric's death. He still blamed himself, and nothing they told him would make a difference. Nothing, but Ginny shouting at him. She shook her head as she spotted Fred and George sitting huddled in the corner. She walked up behind them silently. She held a finger to her lips as George spotted, indicating that he should stay quiet.

"Would you please explain exactly what you are up to?" she asked in her best McGonagall style voice. She laughed as Fred jumped slightly in his seat and spun around.

"Merlin, 'Hermione, you trying to give us a heart attack?" he asked her, as she sat down beside George. She smiled at him.

"Aw, you poor baby. Did I scare poor little Freddy?" she asked in a voice most people used when talking to babies.

George held his stomach as he laughed, tears starting to leak out of his eyes. Fred raised an eyebrow at them.

"You knew you arse, and you didn't tell me, your twin. That's terrible! What's the world coming to when you can't even relay on your own twin to side with you?" he wailed.

By this point Hermione had joined George in the laughter. Fred rolled his eyes and waited till they were done.

"Are you done yet, or don't you want to know about our latest joke?" Fred asked her. Wiping her face and taking a deep breath, Hermione nodded.

"All done. So tell me about your newest creation, Oh Brilliant ones," she said with a grin.

Fred and George proceeded to tell her about their newest joke, while Hermione added her opinion on it.


Hermione walked through the corridors swinging her bag as she made her way to the library to start her Potions homework. Snape had told them to write a three foot essay on the effects of The Cultriy potion, which had been discover in 1605 by Armadas Jupli. She marked off all the points in her head that she already knew about it. Healed burns, scratches, easy to make, ingredients weren't rare and it was used in numerous battles because of these reasons.

She walked into the library and smiled as she saw Jennifer sitting at their usual table. She tilted her head to the side; she really couldn't blame Fred for liking her.

Jennifer Connelly was a seventeen-year-old Muggleborn. She had been sorted into Gryffindor due to her fiery nature. Her long dark brown hair and brown eyes complimented her coffee coloured skin. However her skin brought her as many problems as being Muggleborn. Malfoy found it hilarious to ridicule her just because she was coloured. Jennifer just shrugged it off though, and replied, "Laundry is the only thing that should be sorted by colour."

Now many people by this point would be gagging, thinking can this girl be any more perfect? She admitted herself she wasn't, she was an average student, who only scrapped by in Potions and Transfiguration, and that was due mainly to Hermione's help. Her favourite class was Charms, which she had a talent for picking up very easily. Also adding to her imperfection was a bump in her nose, which she had broken in her second year. Oliver Wood had accidentally sent a bludger flying at her while she was watching the teams practice. The bludger broke it in two places; he had been very apologetic about it. Though George and Fred thought he was more scared of her temper than anything else.

Hermione shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts, and walked over to the table and sat down across from Jennifer.

"Hey there, Hermione, you're a bit late than usual. Planning another prank with Fred and George?" Jennifer asked her with a grin.

Hermione nodded and laughed. "Yes. They had a great idea for a prank to play on the Slytherins." She looked about and leaned closer to her. "They are going to plant dung bombs with the timer modification that I made under The Slytherin table in the Great Hall, and set them off during dinner. The best thing is that Snape can't pin it on us," she whispered excitedly to her.

Jennifer giggled and shook her head "How can you be so sure about that, Hermione? It's Snape you're talking about here. He's going to know it was a Gryffindor that did the prank," she asked

Hermione grinned. "The timer modification disappears as soon as it is set off. There will be nothing to trace it back to us. I made sure; I've gone over it hundreds of times," she said, and sat back in her chair smiling smugly.

Jennifer looked at her in admiration, and smiled, "Wow, sounds like it will work. Also it's great for you since you get to spend time with Fred." She sighed the last bit dramatically, and laughed at Hermione.

"Hey," she replied as she threw a bit of parchment at her "Wouldn't you want to be with George?" she teased back.

Jennifer giggled, "Fine, fine I'm in love with George, and you're in love with Fred. Now let's just leave it at that."

Hermione sighed, "If only it was that simple. Fred likes you not me. At least you have a chance with George," she finished with a frown.

Jennifer bit her lip. She knew George didn't like her, because he liked Hermione. He had confided in her when they had met in Diagon Alley. She sighed softly; her Mother had said love was a tricky business. She didn't think it would be this hard and complicated. She looked at Hermione, she actual thought that she was more suited to George than she was. She leaned her head in her hand, there had to be some way to make Hermione fall for George, even though it meant that she would have to watch them be together. She knew that George would never fall for her; he didn't even look at any other girl other than Hermione. It was quite sweet actually; she grinned and started to plot.