Celty stared out the window of Shinra's apartment, overlooking the midnight city of Ikebukuro. Her brown eyes were distant as she looked down at something far away. She had received her head over a year ago when Izaya mysteriously disappeared. He mailed it to her with a letter of explanation. She was angry at first, but then decided to let it go. He did give it back to her, after all. He even wrote an apology letter.

Shinra walked into the living room with two cups of tea, "My beloved Celty! I brought you some tea!" She didn't move. "Celty?"

"There's something out there. Something that isn't human."

Shinra gulped, "Then what is it?"

Celty's voice was solemn, "Something evil."

"Tom! For the last time! We. Are. Lost!"

"We're not lost! I told you, I know this city like the back of my hand! Anyway, I thought you knew Ikebukuro pretty well?"

"But not the Underground! I've only been here, like, twice! And that was only because I was chasing that little shit!"

"You mean Izaya? I wonder what happened to him. I mean, did he die? His sisters are still here and they don't know where he is either..."

"He disappeared over a year ago...it's old news…"

"Fine-wait? Hah! Found it! Heh, told you we weren't lost!"

Shizuo and Tom were sent to collect money from some man named Ian, who supposedly was going to be in "a large brick warehouse with a purple roof in the West area of the Underground. You can't miss it". Obviously you can. It was wedged between an old plane hanger and an abandoned enormous green storage trailer. The only entrance was in the incredibly narrow gap between the storage building.

Shizuo grimaced as they picked their way through garbage. He noticed that the only light came from flickering dull lamps spaced along the brick wall and that the trailer was covered in graffiti. There was a large dark stain on it but, due to the lack of good light, he couldn't see was color it was. He wasn't sure he wanted to.

"Here it is."

Tom led Shizuo to an old metal door in the brick wall. The trash can next to it had a rat on it. The blonde wrinkled his nose. Gross, smells like rotting meat and nachos. I hope I didn't step in anything.

The door suddenly swung open with an ear-splitting screech, and a drunkard with two hookers on his arms stumbled out. The duo had to press against the side of the building to let them pass. Shizuo was sure he stepped in something squishy that time.

The open door let loose the sounds of blaring rap music, cheering, and what was probably the sound of two people fighting. Shizuo and Tom made their way inside and the former couldn't help but cover his ears at the sheer volume. It really was a huge building, with a boxing ring in the center and bleachers and speakers around it. The room had a high ceiling and the brick walls were just as messy as they were on the outside-just clustered with flat screens playing football game reruns. Tom had to shout for Shizuo hear him. They pushed themselves past cheering onlookers to get to the less crowded back of the ring. It was where the "head honchos" would be.

There was a young woman, with Japanese black hair chopped to her chin, who was furiously trying to climb into the ring while screaming obscenities at one of the fighters. Her skin was fair and she wore white sneakers, thigh high pink and orange striped socks, black shorts, and an average white tank top. A young man with long black hair tied back into a high ponytail was comically trying to pull her back. His clothes were the definition of baggy. He was obviously thin and his fair skin stood out in comparison to his dark blue sweatpants and jacket. He wore white sneakers and a light gray T-shirt. The two of them both had the same slate gray eyes.

"Stop sis! It was a fluke!"


The other people were seated at two large round wooden tables, and Shizuo noticed that this was the only area of the whole building that was covered in plush blue carpet. There was a fair skinned young woman with bright red hair in a high pony tail with red eyes who was chatting casually with the woman beside her. She wore the same tank top as the girl who, by now, was wrestling on the floor with the young man who had tried to stop her. It was clearly a one-sided battle. The redhead had on green cargo pants and black sneakers.

The woman she was talking to looked to be around Shizuo's age (the other's did too, but she seemed slightly older in appearance).She had dark brown eyes and straight chest-length black hair that cascaded over the front of her unzipped brown trench coat. Pale skin contrasted sharply with her black V-neck shirt and shredded dark blue jeans. Black combat boots and black leather gloves finished the ensemble. She was sipping a bright red drink from a straw stabbed into a styrofoam cup. While the redhead was talking animatedly, she only nodded her head occasionally.

Two other women sat at the table. A petite, Japanese girl with long black cropped hair was asleep with her head in her arms as she rested on the table. She wore an oversized pink floral kimono and traditional wooden sandals. She had a pink flower in her hair. The other was a girl with jet back hair that reached her waist, fair skin, freckles, and sky blue eyes. She wore a plain black T-shirt, bright green skinny jeans, and black flats. She was playing solitaire and was eating something that looked like jerky.

On the other table sat two men. One of them looked to be in his early thirties with messy black hair that reached his shoulders. His face was that of a regal man with a squared jaw and piercing dark blue eyes. His skin was a shade lighter than fair and he had stubble. His shoulders were broad and he wore a white button down shirt, black slacks, and dark brown dress shoes. The other man was in his mid twenties and had messy light brown short hair, matching eyes and sun-tanned skin. He was not overly muscular but in no way was he lanky. He was wearing a brown short-sleeved shirt, dark green cargo pants, and black sneakers. The two men were laughing about something, and the black-haired one was holding a cigarette between his fingers.

"Excuse me?" Tom walked towards the younger man with a faux smile. Shizuo followed behind and kept watch to make sure nothing went wrong, and if it did...well, he wasn't called the strongest man in Ikebukuro for nothing.

The man looked up from his conversation and smiled, "Yes? What can I do for you?" Shizuo took a moment to realize that the smile was genuine. Weird...I thought he was going to be an asshole like they usually are...

"Yes, are you Ian?"

"Yes. Is something the ma-oh! You must be the debt collectors! Okay, one second. Marie!"

Shizuo blinked, well that was easy...The girl put down her cards and turned around, "Yeah?" Ian motioned the duo, "They're the debt collectors, do you have the money I gave you?" The girl paused for a moment and then pulled out a pink wallet from her back pocket, "Yeah, here ya go!" She tossed it over and Ian caught it easily. He opened it and pulled out the money owed. While Tom counted it Shizuo looked back at the boxing ring, he wasn't really interested. Just bored.

"Who's fighting?"

Ian smiled and threw the wallet back at Maire, "Oh, some random guy and Maria."

"Maria? As in, a woman?"

Ian chuckled and lit a cigarette, "Yeah, that's my fiance for ya. See, I forgot to give her a present for our anniversary - even though I gave her a card and stuff - so I decided to let her blow off steam by beating up someone other than me."

Tom lit his own cancer stick, "She gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine. She likes these kinds of things. Always been a fighter, my Maria."

Shizuo walked over to the cords to get a better look, and his eyes widened. A pale skinned young woman with purely white hair that reached her mid back and dressed in a white long sleeve V-neck, white skinny jeans, and white sneakers was duking it out with a burly man twice her size. She was clearly agile as she seemed to blur around the man, easily evading every punch he threw. With a sharp uppercut, she sent the man sprawling to the floor. Tom gaped, "She's strong!"

Ian laughed and tilted back his chair to cross his feet on the table, "Not really, she's just quick on her feet." When the two were ready to leave, Ian shouted out to them, "Hey! If you see a man sitting outside could you tell him that I have some food for him?! His name's Vincent!"

As Tom and Shizuo exited the warehouse, they concluded that tonight was one of their more "peaceful" jobs. Shizuo tapped Tom on the shoulder and pointed at a man who was sitting directly in front of the door, bathed in shadow, eating something that Shizuo couldn't see due to the lack of light. "Hey?" Tom prodded the man's black combat boots with his own shoe, "Are you Vincent?"

The man put down what he was eating and wiped what looked like sauce from his mouth with the back of the sleeve. "Who wants to know?"

Shizuo cleared his throat, "Ian said he wanted us to tell you that he has some food for you."

The man let out a groan and wrapped whatever he had been eating in a wrapper and shoved it in the pocket of his black leather trench coat. "And I didn't even get to finish what I was already eating! What the hell? I'm not some kind of garbage disposal!" The man grumbled as he stepped out of the shadows. He wore a trench coat, a dark gray shirt, and a pair of combat boots. Around his neck was a faded dark blue bandana. His eyes were dark brown, his black hair was ratty and hung just below a 5 o'clock shadowed chin. He thanked Shizuo with a clap on the shoulder and then shuffled inside with a faint limp, the door closing with a bang.

Shizuo parted with Tom just before they officially left the Underground. The Underground was a term used to describe the part of Ikebukuro that was basically the center of crime. It was rundown and mostly abandoned besides for the gangs and occasional clubs. Homeless people liked to hang around there too, which was why Shizuo paid no mind to the man slumped beside the garbage can when he passed through a dimly lit alley on the way back to the better side of town.

Until the man spoke.

"Shizuo Heiwajima?"

It was weary and raspy, but he knew that voice all too well.


His hair had grown out to around his shoulders; ratty and wild. His trademark fur-trimmed jacket was nowhere to be seen-instead replaced with a black cotton trench coat that was worn at the bottom. He wore baggy black pants and a black long sleeve T-shirt. His black boots were scuffed and one of the soles was falling apart. He had black leather gloves on his hands and the skin peeking out from beneath the sleeves was pale. His face was thinner. He looked hungry, but not starving. There were dark circles under his eyes, eyes that were no longer held a spark. Instead, they were dull.

He had the eyes of a dead man.

"You...look like shit."

Izaya let out a raspy chuckle that escalated into a fit of coughs, he looked at his glove that he covered his mouth with and grimaced before wiping whatever it was on his pants. He looked up at Shizuo and smiled weakly, "First time we meet in over a year and the first thing you say is that I look like shit? Wow, you always were a charmer, Shizu-chan."

Shizuo tried acting calm by pulling out a cancer stick and lighting it, "Well, it's true."

Another laugh/cough, "I guess you're right."

He pulled the cigarette away and watched the smoke trail up into the air from his mouth.

"So, where'd you go?"

Izaya shrugged and leaned to the side as he reached into his pocket for something, "You know, here and there. Hey, can I get a light?"

Shizuo blinked down at the man who was holding out his own cigarette.

"Didn't know you smoked."

Izaya shrugged again, "Things change."

The blonde sighed and lit the cancer stick with a huff. He noticed the box that it came from sticking out of the raven's pocket. He didn't recognize the brand. The writing looked Russian.

"Why aren't you attacking me?"

He blinked and looked down at Izaya, "Because you're obviously in no condition to fight. It wouldn't be a fair match...it wouldn't be a contest."

The raven shrugged and took a long drag, "You're right...no contest at all..."

There was a pause.

"How are my sisters doing?"

Shizuo paused at that.

"They're...doing fine, I guess. They miss you, you know. They want their big brother back."

Izaya stubbed out his cigarette on the sole of his boot, flicking it away. He used the garbage can for leverage as he struggled to stand; Shizuo noticed that he had grown an inch.

"That's good...but I'm afraid they can't have me...I can't stay here."

Shizuo furrowed his brows and doused his own cigarette, "Where are you going?"

Izaya turned and slowly walked back down the way that Shizuo had came. The blonde noted that the man seemed smaller, somehow. He was hunched over and his right leg dragged slightly with a limp.

"Aw, miss me? And here I thought you hated me. Guess I was wrong."

"Not a chance flea! Nothing's changed! Stay out of Ikebukuro!" He called after the retreating shadow.

"On the contrary Shizu-chan...", the raven rounded the corner and yet his voice was still clear, "...everything's changed."

Shizuo sighed and threw his glasses and tie on the couch. "Fucking flea. What the hell does he think he's doing by showing up like that? At least look a bit decent, slob." He dropped the house keys on the table and padded over in his socks to his kitchen to get some tea. Just when he was about to get his tea kettle, his cellphone rang.

ha ha he he to the funny farm where life is-

"Hello, Shinra."

"Hey Shizuo, it's Celty - Shinra get away from my ass or I'll break your nose - how are you?"

"Fine. Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just - GODDAMMIT SHINRA - I just had this bad feeling...are you sure everything's okay? Nothing new happened?"

"Well...Izaya came back."


Shizuo winced at her volume, "Well, for starters, I found him in an alleyway. He looked like shit, too. His hair grew out."

"I don't really care about his hair, Shizuo."

"Well you should see it. 'Bout down to his shoulders now. 's kinda freaky looking."

"How long is he staying?"

"Actually, he said he had to leave again."

"Why?! Where'd he go, anyway?!"

"He didn't specify."

"Well, if you see him again, will you tell us?"

"Of course."

"Well, I gotta go, okay? Shinra's-"

Shizuo let out a chuckle when the call abruptly cut off. Skipping the tea entirely, he decided to go get changed into something more suitable for three in the morning.

Shizuo froze when he looked in the mirror over his shoulder.

"What the...?"

Where Vincent had touched his shoulder, there was a bloody handprint.

Shinra had just finished washing the dishes when Shizuo knocked on the door.

They were currently standing in the living room and Shinra was staring at Shizuo oddly.

"Shizuo...why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

The fake blonde flushed and instantly grabbed a blanket from Shinra's couch and wrapped it around him like a shawl.

"...that was Celty's..."

"Whatever, I didn't have time to change, okay?"


"Because I need you to look at that!"

"...You need me to look at your shirt..."

"No you idiot! Turn it over!"

"Why is there a bloody handprint on your shirt?"

"I was thinking you could analyse the DNA in the blood to find out who it belongs to. I was on a job with Tom in the Underground and some guy named Vincent touched my shoulder. When I came home I saw the blood, and, well..."

"...and yet you still couldn't put on a clean shirt?"

The smash of a teacup startled them. Shinra whipped around towards the kitchen to see Celty standing in the doorway with a look of horror on her face. Before he could even ask what was wrong, she had run over and snatch the shirt from his hands.

"Wh-Where did this come from?!"


"This reeks of evil!"

"Okay...Celty, I love you and all...but you sound really stupid..."

"Shut up Shizuo! This-Gahh!"

She ran a hand through her hair and paced back in forth in her pink pajamas.

"I knew something was off! I knew it! What happened?"

Just as Shizuo started to explain, there was a crash and the sickening sound of nails on a wooden door. Whoever was on the other side was raking their nails frantically against the door and seemed to be kicking the door, due to all the banging sounds.

Shinra hesitated before turning the knob.

Suddenly, there was a black blur and Izaya flung himself into the room and immediately slammed his back on the door to close it. The apartment was silent save for the wheezing gasps of the informant as he slowly slid down the door. Shizuo's eyes widened when he saw the raven's back leave a trail of blood on the door as he slid to the floor. Izaya had a hand clutching his right eye and another wrapped around his middle. He looked up at the trio with a shaky laugh. There was a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and more blood was pouring from beneath the fingers covering his eye. He had to catch his breath between words.

"Heh...it's funny...I've never...been one to...lose things...but it seems...I've lost...an eye...Shizu-chan..."