Tsuna had finally gotten Hayato to leave, ignoring his worried glances. A plate of food sat next to him, forgotten as soon as the silver-haired Storm had walked out. He couldn't help but smile to himself.
"What're you smirking at, Dame-Tsuna?" The cold voice of his ex-tutor and closest advisor pulled him from his reverie.
"Just thinking. Everything's different now, ya know?" He glanced over at the taller man, who had sat down next to him and put the food in his lap. "I mean, we knew some things would have to change, but… everything's different."
"Eat, idiot. What're you talking about now?"
"Hayato was just here. It's hard to believe that a couple of years ago, I was afraid of him." The brunette chuckled as he absently set the plate aside again. "Now I can't get by without him. He's been… calmer, here. And I caught him the other day, draping a blanket over Lambo and Onii-san when they were passed out on the couch. He was always a mother hen with me, so it's nice to see him taking care of everyone else too."
Reborn just shook his head slightly, not even catching the young Don's attention as he stared off into space again. "Lambo's been happier too… he even brought his homework to Hayato for help." Tsuna rolled his neck, stretching sore muscles stiff from sitting so long. "And did you see Vericoni after Kyoko and Haru were done with him? That was honestly the only time I've ever been glad of Shamal's rule about treating men."
The ex-Arcobaleno blinked, hiding his surprise with a lowered fedora at the almost malicious chuckle from his normally kind pupil. Kyoko had left twin scars in the visiting Don and Haru had threatened to remove the family jewels with a small caliber pistol pressed tightly into the man's crotch after they caught him shoving Hana up against the wall. Reborn thought he'd deserved a lot more, but women always held a special place in the hitman's heart. Hearing his opinion mimicked in the tone Tsuna used was more than a bit surprising, but he found he rather liked it. His only fear for his Dame student was that he'd be too soft to protect his family in non-life threatening situations.
"Really, Reborn, you should try to have a LITTLE more faith in me." Tsuna's voice was chiding as he shook his head. "I'm not 14 anymore, after all." The look of surprise on Reborn's face was worth every single time the Vongola boss had been blown up, kicked awake, or knocked down the stairs. Tsuna carried a mental image of every time he'd ever actually surprised his tutor, and this was a REALLY good one.
With a slight wave of his hand, he continued as if nothing had happened, allowing the older man to collect himself. "Kyouya's been a lot calmer recently too… not just his normal icy self, but he's been sticking around after dinner, and sitting in the common room with us in the evenings. It's a nice change to know that looking at him funny won't end up with a tonfa in my head." The soft chuckle was cut off before it started as the young Don stared at his hands, turning into a growl of frustration. "Chrome has been so… lively recently. It's really nice to see her come into my office with that smile on her face. It always feels warmer when she's there now, instead of this meek shell she used to be."
Reborn sighed softly and shook his head. "You know what the Ninth said."
"Yeah, and he's wrong. They all are." Tsuna's head whipped up to stare at his tutor with barely-disguised fury and a slight quivering of his lip. "They're all wrong, Reborn. Why am I the only one who can see this? Why do I have to choose, hm? Haven't they both been standing with me? Hasn't Mukuro proven himself, over and over again? Wouldn't Kyoko and Haru be heartbroken if we lost either of our Mists?"
A sudden tug on his hand startled him into silence as he looked down. Long, thin fingers shifted, twisted, and then gripped his hand tightly, like a drowning swimmer trying to pull themselves above water. The soft 'Fu…' made the Vongola Don smile gently before heterochromatic eyes blinked themselves open. "Ts-tsunayoshi-kun?"
Tsuna breathed a soft sigh of relief. "Mukuro… it's about time you woke up." He smiled down at his Mist, brushing his hair back from his forehead gently. His fury was forgotten for the moment, but his large eyes were still thick with the tears he wasn't allowed to shed.
The illusionist blinked a bit, getting his bearings before looking directly at his boss. "Ku… fu fu… fu… crying for me… Tsunayoshi-kun?" His voice was hoarse from misuse and shook slightly, but it had never sounded sweeter to the young boss.
"Heh… just got something in my eye, that's all." He continued to stroke the Mist's hair gently, making sure he was actually staying awake this time. "You should have called for help, Mukuro… your pride is going to be the death of you one day."
"Oya, already scolded? There was no time, little Vongola. If we had taken… even a moment… Sawada-san would have come out and been harmed. How is my darling Chrome?" He tried to sit up, but Tsuna's hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"She's all right. She's still weak, but Kyoya and Ryohei were able to help her. She's been up and around for about two weeks now." He winced slightly at the sudden tension in the older man.
"Two weeks? How… how long have I been gone, Tsunayoshi?"
"About five and a half weeks." He soothed Mukuro with a gentle hand on the side of his face. "I never did get the chance to thank you." He stood, surprised at how his legs shook… how long HAD he been sitting there… and kissed his Mist's forehead softly. "Please don't worry me like that again."
"Allow me to possess your body, if you're feeling so gracious." He smirked, lifting a hand to run it through his Sky's auburn hair.
"You never change…" Tsuna laughed brightly, the sound carrying through the tenth generation's quarters. Only one thing could cause that sound after so many weeks of silence….
Five minutes later, Mukuro's bed was surrounded by the Guardians, Chrome having launched herself across the room to land on her mentor and best friend.
Reborn sat back and watched silently as the Mist was brought back into the family with their typical boisterousness. Hayato had launched into a tirade about the Mist's injuries worrying his precious boss, which Takeshi had quickly interrupted with an arm slung around the Storm's shoulders. Chrome was trying her best to smile and cry at the same time, Kyoya told the 'stupid pineapple herbivore' to stop lazing about, and Ryohei wished him an EXTREMELY QUICK recovery. Lambo laughed with Tsuna and gave Mukuro one of his prized grape lollipops, which the illusionist accepted with a soft chuckle.
The door opened a second time and suddenly, the infirmary had turned into a party as Kyoko, Haru, and Hana came rushing in. They all swooped in on their injured friend for a hug and a kiss each, then ran out the door. The Guardians were left speechless for only a few minutes before a large cart full of food was wheeled in.
As everyone cheered and started divvying up the small feast, the ex-Arcobaleno made his way out. There were arrangements to be made if Tsuna was going to have his way at his debut ball. And Reborn couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when he did.
AN: This is it, folks. I didn't really want to focus too much on Tsuna in this, for two reasons. 1: He's the main character of the anime, and we get to see all of his changes. 2: He got his spotlight in Not Your Whipping Boy. So, there you have it. Love it, hate it, either way, please review. I'm probably not going to do much more with this particular group, but that might change depending on reception and requests. lol ^.^ Thank you so much for reading!