Umm...Hi guys! Hahaha...So, I'm here with another chapter! Recently, I haven't really had much inspiration even though I know what I'm going to write so I hope ( anyways ) that I can get as much out as possible before school reopens for me. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Soarele eventually got out of bed. She had been sitting in the same position until the sun started to rise. She made herself look presentable and went out of her room, to the dining table. There, she saw North at his usual seat, at the end of the table.

She put on a smile and walked in, taking her own seat. "Good morning, Uncle North!" She said cheerfully. North looked up from his food and grinned at her. "Good morning, my dear." He got some elves to bring her breakfast.

"How are you feeling?" North asked her, concern painted all over his face. "I'm just fine." She smiled at him, hoping that it was convincing enough. If it wasn't, North was doing a good job of hiding his suspicions as Jack walked into the dining room, smiling at Soarele when they made eye contact.

"Ah, Jack! Come join us for breakfast." North grinned widely at the winter spirit. Jack greeted North before taking his usual seat next to Soarele. North was busying himself with some papers so Jack thought he would talk to Soarele, who didn't wish him good morning like she did on other days. She was also staring into space, looking deep in thought.

Jack gently put a hand on her shoulder, to which she jumped a little at before she looked up at him. "O...oh. Jack. Good morning." She said blankly. "Are you...are you all right, Ele?" He suddenly asked.

"E...Ele?" Soarele looked at him curiously. "Yeah. Do you mind if I call you that?" Jack lightly chuckled. "" The corner of her lips curling up into a small smile. "You know you can talk to me if there's anything bothering you, right?" He said. Soarele nodded and the conversation ended after North reminded Jack to actually eat, so he grabbed some of the food already laid out on the table and slowly nibbled on his bread, sneaking glances at the girl next to him.

A little into breakfast, Bunnymund walked into the room. "I just thought I'd come 'ere to say goodbye, so...goodbye." The easter bunny awkwardly said before walking off. Soarele got up from her seat and called after him. "Bunny, wait!"

Bunnymund turned just as he was about to open the door and looked down at her. It took a while for him to register that he should probably bend down to her height, so they could hold a proper conversation. "Yeah?" He asked. "Well...I was just wondering...could you bring an easter egg the next time you stop by? I've never actually seen one." Soarele blushed, looking down at her feet. The easter bunny was shocked yet happy at the same time. "Actually, I happen to have one of my mates here with me now." He pulled out a pink striped egg from his satchel. He smiled at her and ruffled her hair before he opened the door, tapping the ground outside.

Soarele grinned to herself, admiring the beautifully painted egg which jumped up and down in her hands before returning to the dining table, to see that Toothiana also joined Jack and North for breakfast. She took her seat and sat there, staring at her now empty plate. "Well, good morning dear." Tooth smiled at Soarele. It took a sharp eye to see that her teeth were gritted, meaning she was pretty annoyed. She had good reason to be, since Jack had been staring at the girl since the moment she walked in, ignoring every word Toothiana said to him.

"Good morning, Toothiana." Soarele said, smiling softly at the guardian. Tooth half-smiled to herself. She couldn't hate a girl for no reason. She stuck to eating her own food, of course talking and starting up conversations whenever the table felt too awkward or too silent for her tastes.

Soon, the Sandman walked in, rubbing his eyes as he took his own seat. The whole table greeted him and Tooth had to shake him awake for him to respond in kind, beaming at them sleepily while projecting images of sand above his head. At this time, North stood up and bid them all farewell as he disappeared into his office to probably make another one of his toys.

Toothiana finished up her breakfast, looking at the imaginary watch on her wrist. "Oh my, I've gotta get going! My fairies need me back at the palace!" She stood up. "Good bye everyone! And Jack, one more look to last me the journey?" She said, not waiting for a response before she flew up to him, pulling his mouth ( which wasn't filled with food, thank God ) open, staring at his teeth for a second before sighing dreamily and flying out of the place. In her hurry, she knocked into a cupboard, causing a few of her feathers to drop onto the wooden floor.

Soarele couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealously when Toothiana was admiring Jack's teeth, them being so close. Sandman got up next, waving goodbye to them before leaving, barely even having any breakfast. Before this, he made Soarele a tiny necklace of sand, as he did whenever a child saw him. Soarele was technically still a kid since she was only 16. This was just a little gesture the Sandman did, making him such a well-liked guardian.

This left Soarele and Jack alone. "Hey Ele, what do you wanna do today? We could go meet some of my friends, I'm sure they'd love you." Jack suggested, smiling brightly at her.

Soarele shrugged her shoulders. "I don't mind but what if Uncle North does?"

"Don't worry, I'll go convince him!" Jack laughed before getting up from his seat, flying to North's office and nearly missing a pillar as he went. Everyone seemed to be accident prone that day.

Soarele, at this time, crept over to the cupboard where Toothiana had bumped into earlier and picked up two of her feather before scurrying off to her own room. She put the egg and feathers in a intricately carved wooden box and shoved it under her bed before running back to the dining room, seating herself and playing with her fingers until Jack returned a few minutes later.

"Okay, after much persuasion, the big guy finally allowed me to take you out, granted I take extra care of you and all that ready?" He asked her, excitement evident in his bright blue eyes. Soarele bit her lip and nodded. Jack laughed before taking hold of her hand, rushing out of the workshop and into the snow. Soarele immediately shivered and Jack took the scarf around his neck, wrapping it around her. "You ready?" He asked her again. Soarele nodded, with more zest this time as Jack pulled her to him, hugging her close. "Hold on tight, Ele!" Was the last thing he yelled before he took off, flying high in the air.

Please review if you liked this chapter and I hope you all have a nice day ahead! :D