Hey guys! I actually decided to do a re-write for the first chapter since the timeline didn't make sense and it just wasn't sitting well with me. Here's the rewritten version! Re-written : 08/08/13

My name, is Kozmotis Pitchiner and this is my story so far. I, am the King of Nightmares. How did I become the King Of Nightmares, you may ask? Well, I was once one of the finest soldiers back in the Nightmare Wars that lead into the Golden Age. I was so capable I was appointed the security guard to the prison all the nightmares were kept in. However, those nightmares I was told to keep watch on, tricked me, into releasing them by playing into my fears of losing my family, especially my little girl. I however got 'corrupted' and became the magnificent King of Nightmares. Albeit, till today, I still cannot forgive those nightmares…

It is unfortunate that I must admit I haven't really been living up to my title since the Dark Ages. This is all because of those meddling guardians. Especially that pesky Sandman.

Aside from re-instilling fear in the children of the world, I had a slightly more personal mission I haven't been successful on. Nineteen years ago, when I was still the finest soldier around, I fell in love with a guardian. The guardian of Bravery. Seems pretty ironic now, doesn't it? Her name, was Brightly. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was kind and caring, every man's dream.

Three years later, we had a precious angel of our own. Her name was Soarele. She was my everything, my dearest. I loved her so much, I dare say I loved her even more than her mother. She was so innocent…

Shortly after her sixth birthday, I became Pitch. That was the same year my precious was taken away from me. Brightly and I engaged in a heated fight. Fury and revenge was all that flowed through my veins. With a final swing, my scythe cut through her last thread of life and she fell, her face lifeless.

From that day onwards, I swore to find my daughter. And I would never let ANYONE take her away from me. Ever. Again.

Soarele's P.O.V

How long has it been? Somewhere near ten years, I think. It's been ten years since I have seen my parents. I have also been in this room for ten years. It seems impossible. I know. But… Uncle North has never let me out. Not once. My room is full of tapestries and pillows.

When I was four, my mother gave me a scarf. It had my parents' names on it. That is the last thing I have from my childhood, next to many memories of seeing my mother knit in her rocking chair, opposite the fireplace. I then brought it upon myself to learn from the many servants we had how to knit. For some reason, my mother and I would be very weak during winter.

So, when I was six, I knitted a white scarf for my mother during Christmas. She was so happy that she promised to read me as many bedtime stories as I wanted.

However, an hour before my bedtime on that same day, I saw mother talk to a tall man with pale, gray skin, black hair and the same dark clothing to match. His eyes were golden. After that, she came into my room and opened a magic portal where she brought me through.

We arrived at a place with bright and colorful Christmas lights. Mother told me to go to a particular room, and that was the last I saw of her.