Notes: Just a little bit AU, set during season 3. Team Avatar goes to a Fire Nation festival, this time with Zuko in tow.

Chapter Four

"On a Date"

"You know, for an evil empire, the Fire Nation really likes festivals," Sokka commented, looking curiously into all the vendors as the group walked down the street. Zuko blanched, inwardly thanking the spirits that no one was paying attention to them amidst the commotion.

"It's almost like they don't know there's a war going on," said Katara. Zuko commented under his breath that they don't, only to shy away when the group stared at him. He shrugged, as if it was obvious, avoiding their gazes.

"Let's talk about something else," he sulked, pulling his hood further down over his face. He continued to sulk as the others "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed over the various stands, hanging back with his arms crossed over his chest. Sokka eyed him in his peripheral, frowning. Announcing suddenly that he and Zuko needed to head for the nearest vendor that sold fire flakes, he grabbed the sullen firebender and dragged him protesting through the crowd.

"Okay, you're acting way moodier than usual. Tell me what's wrong," Sokka interrogated him as soon as they were out of earshot of the rest of the group. He had Zuko cornered in the shadows behind one of the tents, where no one was likely to pay them any attention. Zuko was preoccupied with looking everywhere but directly at Sokka, pouting. He mumbled something incoherent. Sokka was unmoved. When the silence between them became unbearable and it was clear he wasn't getting away any time soon, Zuko relented,

"This was supposed to be our date," he grumbled. Sokka blinked for a moment. He smiled with relief, as if to say, that was all? He thought it was something serious.

"It still is our date, just with a lot more people involved." Zuko glared. "You're right, you're right. I know it sucks. I tried hinting at them that we wanted to go alone. You try convincing Aang not to go to a festival." Zuko's expression was petulant for a few moments before he finally dissolved, kissing Sokka quickly. Sokka smiled, tugging away Zuko's hood.

The couple finally emerged into the crowd again, after Sokka convinced Zuko to buy him fire flakes.

"I don't know what you see in those," Zuko commented, crossing his arms in mock disapproval. Sokka shot him a wilted look.

"I can't help it. They burn so good!" Sokka could barely conceal his drool. He didn't see Zuko blush at the phrase. Zuko waited behind, his mood pleasantly turned around. He listened idly to the crowd buzzing around him. He could pick out a conversation vaguely, a few feet away.

"Hey, is that…?"

"That's the guy on the poster!"

"Yeah, they have the same scar."

It felt like someone punched Zuko in the stomach. He called out for Sokka, trying to tell him that they had to leave, but Sokka wasn't paying attention, in the middle of a conversation with the fire flakes vendor about the finer nature of spices. A heavy hand clapped down on Zuko's shoulder. Zuko flinched.

"Hey, kid, I'm gonna need you to come with me."

A/N: Trying something a little different for this chapter. Gonna do a small arc of sorts. Aaaah suspense! Anyways, hope you liked it! Critiques and comments always appreciated.