Discaimer: Dear Goodness, I really do this? Fine. I A-List Goddess Solemnly Swear I am up to no goo-. DARN IT I DIDN't mean to let that slip in. What I was trying to type earlier without myself going on a tangent is that I personally do not own any of the Rise of the Guardians, probably trademarked characters. However I am the creator of this plot, as well as the original names used... Mostly.

Tooth checked the schedule for the fifteenth time that day. Busy as she was in coordinating, it would only take more time from her and her workers if she made a mistake in tooth collection assignments.

The year was 1816, and time flew by like Sandy's grains in the wind. Which is to say it moved by quickly. Human's were coming up with new contraptions every year. Instead of the old lanterns that used to light the streets, the fairy's came back with news of gas lamps providing a warm glow to all who made their way in the night.

Tooth was too busy to discover interesting new things like this on her own. She had the sole responsibility of organizing all the Baby Teeth fairies on their collection routes. She looked from her schedule to the clock on the wall across from her.

In addition to all the teeth stored in her home, there were plenty of clocks so Tooth could always be on time. Night was falling in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States of America.

Ah, the Americas. They had been having strange weather there recently. The people there referred to the season as the "Year without a Summer". Tooth's finger skimmed the list for children in the area that were scheduled to lose a tooth that night, and kept the weather conditions in mind as she called her crew.

"Winter Crew report to me please." Announced Toothiana in a hurried voice. Busy busy like a bee. Mustn't be late for the children.

"Small Tooth, you'll head to New York for Logan Avery*, Mayer Kornfeld, Frieda Dayan... Mini Tooth, can you cover the Carolinas? There's Lea Fischer, Peter Wysong..."

Tooth went down the list and assignments until she finally got to Baby Tooth. She would be assigned to the Georgia/Alabama area, and there were not many children scheduled there for pick-up tonight. However, all the children were all spread out over great distances and it would take a while. "I'd like you to get Sylvia Harriet Blackman, Gracie Young, Jackson Overland Frost..."

Baby Tooth zipped off from the Tooth Fairy base. The first pick up was fairly simple. Sylvia Blackman was in a heavy slumber that even a tornado like Dorothy's couldn't wake her. Her arms encased her pillow in a bear hug at her torso leaving the tooth wide open for collection.

Baby Tooth had a small variety of goodies she could leave the children, however based on the sooty and burnt apron hung in the corner, and the extremely callused hands on Sylvia, Baby Tooth decided to leave a dime** because families who needed to send their children to sweatshops definitely needed help financially.

Gracie Young was as easy as the first. It was when she got to the location of the third child Baby Tooth ran into problems.

Not operation stopping problems per say, more like strange different from the normalities problems.

It wasn't the fact that there was snow on the ground in Georgia. That was something that had been happening all over the country, it was the actual child himself.

There was a thrall of teenage boy's in the trees, being young and enjoying their youth. A small fire was lit on the forest floor, and balls of snow were launched through the air by the adolescents. The boys were sitting in a variety of positions, in a variety of altitudes. The one on the tallest branch hung from his knees upside down and had managed to bring some sort of staff with him up the tree. His hair was the first strange thing. A messy mop of vibrant Eirian***.

He laughed at the group's jokes, threw snowballs when each round would start up, shook snow from upper branches down on the friends then blame it on another boy. The regular jokester, except not. When he would crack a joke, no one laughed. No one returned the snowball attacks he dealt. No one played friendly pranks on him.

The boy had a smile plastered on his face, but every now and then it would flicker. Not much, only to one who had experience of being neglected could see the moments that betrayed how much it hurt. To not be noticed. To be ignored. To be alone in a crowded room. Baby Tooth didn't see it, too used to being in a loving family that noticed her, and that returned the love she gave them. She didn't notice that part of the strange.

Baby Tooth instead stayed to watch because she was entranced by the laughter and happiness of the scene that played out in front of her.

She saw the silver haired boy climb down from his high above perch. His staff was tucked under his arm, and he gathered a huge clump of free snow, not bothering to clump it into a thrall of snowballs. A grin was apparent, and no one turned to see as he tiptoed towards the leader of the group named James with his pile of snow.

No one was near enough to hear him murmur "It'll surely work this time. They'll notice me I swear." He lifted up his pile of snow in anticipation, above his head. He stood directly behind James, and rushed forward and down with his snow mass.

And the strange.

James looked up and around furious that one of the other boy's got the better of him and finally dumped him with snow.

The lonely jester went THROUGH James. Not above, not to the side, but through James and fell towards the ground.

His staff fell after him. Baby Tooth heard a loud thump when the boy hit the frosted forest floor.

His smile fell. His fist hit the ground 3 times in anger and frustration. And sad.**** He pushed himself off the ground, not bothering to brush off any of the snow. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath. In. Out. In. Out.

A smile not full enough to be happy, but incomplete enough to convey the melancholy he felt was mounted. He brought his hand up to his teeth feeling that they were all there, and after determining so massaged his jaw. Then he flew away.

Baby Tooth was so flabbergasted that she forgot to stay and collect Jackson's tooth. She moved on to the next child, and only at the end of her route remembered she still had to retrieve the tooth from the strange third child.

The little fairy returned to the scene and let her senses function freely and let her internal compass spin as it found where the tooth was exactly at the scene was supposed to be. Even if she couldn't find the kid now to give the reward, it was still her duty to retrieve the teeth so in the future the Tooth Fairy could return the good memories when they were needed.

There was no tooth. Whoever this Jackson Overland Frost was, he certainly did not lose a tooth that day.

*Some of the names are from my ancestors/family tree. The first to guess one correctly, and I'll write the next chapter based on your request.

**Yes I know a dime was a fairly good amount of money back then. Baby Tooth was just feeling generous.

***Silver in welsh. It sounds cooler then silver.

**** Yes I'm using sad instead of sadness. It's an artistic choice, so deal.

I finally got chap 2 up! It's not really an accomplishment seeing as I promised it 5-6 months ago. But seeing as I'm going to be gone for 7 weeks I was like What the Heck I kind of owe it to these amazing people to update my story that decided to story alert/favorite/follow me to actually get this chapter online. Also, I didn't spend a lot of time editing this... Actually none. It was written at 11:30 PM- 12:44AM so go easy on the grammar. Or not seeing as I should be more responsible as a writer and get it good before I bother to upload the next chapter to Fanfiction . Net And one more time

*Some of the names are from my ancestors/family tree. The first to guess one correctly, and I'll write the next chapter based on your request.

And if you're still here reading the author's notes, check out my deviantart, I'm daisyofthenight, and you can nag me to get the next chapter up. I'm on there more then here so you'll probably be able to get me to stop procrastinating on this story.