When I Became Us

Author's Rant: Hey it's Mizuki! I know I'm writing 'For You I Will, a Sessh/Inu, but I decided to upload this story too! I'm shocked that people are still reading, reviewing, and liking my stories. I finally have a bit of time to myself, but I still do not know how I'm going to be able to update. I felt that because people wanted me to update my stories, I would at least try again.

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Vampire Knight at all!

Warnings:*Remember this is a yaoi [BoyxBoy], so if you don't like don't read and please don't flag!

Summary: Kaname Kuran's daughter Akemi always causes her nannies to leave, what happens when he runs out of people to take care of her and Shiki introduces him to a silver head who loves children. What changes will Zero bring to Kaname and Akemi's life and what changes will they bring to his? Zero does not hate all vampires in this, just the one that killed his family.

KaZe. Rated M for later chapters.



"Mate's messages"

I hope you enjoy!

Please read the A/N at the bottom! :)

Kaname's P.O.V

The trip back home was a quiet one for Zero, Akemi and I. I was carrying Akemi, Zero was walking far behind us hands in his pockets, looking at his feet and kicking rocks, and Sara was complaining about how her shoes where getting dirty or something, while I ignored her. All I wanted to do was walk beside Zero and make him smile and have slight conversation. I would have loved for it to be just the three of us, I would find a way to get rid of Sara but she is so stubborn. I don't know why I want to spend so much time with him rather than my girlfriend but I just know that I do.

Suddenly I stopped and slowly turned to look at him, eyes wide. 'Could it be that I have feelings for him?' Zero lifted his head and looked back at me. I saw him raise his eyebrow before he looked the other way. I could see a red taint on his cheeks and that caused me to smile. My smile only got bigger when I saw that cute pout. 'Seems like I found a new way to be entertained.' I could hear Sara growl next to me and when I glanced over I saw her glaring at Zero, causing me to roll my eyes.

Zero's P.O.V

'I was really disappointed that this bit-I mean female was coming. 'She is going to be wanting all of Kaname's attention and taking him away from Akemi and me. Wait! I didn't mean the last part. Right? Yeah! I meant to say that today was supposed to be father and daughter day for them and with Sara there, he won't be able to give all his attention to her. Wait, doesn't that mean that I'm taking time away from her too?' Sigh, why is this so complicated? I felt like I was being watched and when I looked up Kaname was staring at me intensely and Sara glaring at me. I didn't understand why but just having him look at me caused my heart to flutter. I looked away once I felt a blush creeping onto my face but from the corner of my eyes I could see that he noticed and he started to smile, causing me to slightly pout.

We continued walking after Sara started stomping away. I ran a little to catch up to Kaname and "accidentally" bumped into him. "Jerk," I said trying but failing to look mad. Kaname just gave out a low laugh and bumped back into me. "It is so on," I growled. We started a bump fight as we walked and laughed. When we arrived to the driveway of the house, I bumped Kaname hard, causing him to lose a bit of balance. After making sure he was fine, we notice that Akemi was watching us with a smile. "Hey there baby girl," Kaname said as I said "hey there sleepy head." Her smile widened as she waved and rubbed her eyes. I grabbed Akemi out of Kaname's arms and said "let's go give you a bath and dress you so we can go to the fair." I noticed that Kaname had come closer to me and I could feel his breath on my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Are you going to bathe me too and dress me again." he whispered in my ear. I knew I looked like a tomato and I could hear him laughing right next to my ear. I felt a warmth starting below my belt and I knew I had to get away.

Normal P.O.V

Zero pushed Kaname away from him and whispered "pervert" without looking at him. He then held Akemi tighter and ran the rest of the way inside. 'Ohh Zero, if only you knew how much fun I have teasing you.' Kaname thought.

Sara was not happy, she had been watching what just occurred from the window of the living room. She could see the attraction between the two of them, but she was going to make sure she stopped anything from happening. Kaname belonged to her and only her.

Zero reached Akemi's bedroom out of breath. "Can I go see Seiren before I bathe?" Akemi asked. Zero nodded and told her to hurry up. When she left, Zero pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar number. "Hey, yeah I feel it starting. I should be fine for a little bit, but I may need some by next month. Thanks for everything Kaito. Yes I know, I'll call you more often." Zero sighed as he hanged up the phone and started scratching his throat.

Akemi P.O.V

I started skipping down the hall to Seiren's room. I was so happy because I could see my daddy was happy with Zero. I got to Seiren's room and knocked. The door slowly opened and I said. "Seiren we are doing well! They were playing a lot" She waved me inside. "That is good to hear. Where are you going now" "To the fair! But Sara is coming." I frowned. "Oh no, no. That won't do. Ok Akemi, new assignment. You need to keep Sara away from them. Take her away to do stuff you want to play and rides you want to go on. Say you want to spend time with her, she won't say no because she wants to impress Kaname. Give them their alone time and every chance you get, keep them together and touching. Don't and I repeat don't let Sara and your father go in the tunnel of love or the ferris wheel together, if Sara wants to go, you sit next to her and have them go together." "Ok!" I laughed and ran as I waved goodbye.

Normal P.O.V

Akemi ran back to the room and saw Zero waiting for her by her bathroom door. "Come on little one. We need to get you ready" After about 15 minutes, everyone was waiting for Zero downstairs, well except Sara who did not want him to come. She was dressed in a long tight pink dress, which showed her curves, and heels. Not something you would think someone would wear for a fair, but…it's Sara. Kaname just kept looking at her and slowly but surely putting as much distance between them as possible. He thought that she was trying too hard and her perfume was overpowering and smelled awful. Kemi was holding her nose as she stood in the middle of both of them. Akemi was dressed in some knee high light blue shorts, white and blue pumas (sneakers), and a dark blue shirt, which read 'daddy's little girl' but the 'little girl' words were crossed out and replaced with 'trouble maker.' Kaname was wearing a simple red t-shirt, some red Jordans, and dark jeans and gagged, "God! What died in here?" Kemi and Kaname started laughing hysterically. Out of all of them, of course Zero would be the one to call attention to it. He was wearing a black t-shirt with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo ghoul holding his mask, light blue skinny jeans, and some old converse. He gave them a weird look and started heading to the door, Kemi and Kaname following behind them.

Sara fumed because she felt out of the loop and was left behind. Also, she was upset on how Kaname was looking at Zero. He was basically drooling! She didn't like how they were getting along, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her date night with him. She will make sure that his attention was solely on her. She starts walking outside and noticed that the group was already at the end of the driveway.

"Kaname darling, you don't expect me to walk?!" Kaname sighed and turned around to answer, but before he could, Zero beat him to it. "Is there something wrong with walking your highness?" Zero said sarcastically, while rolling his eyes. Kemi smiled and Kaname covered his mouth and turned away, trying to cover his laughter but the shaking of his shoulders let Sara know he was laughing. She was shocked for two reasons, one because how dare this thing speak to her that way and two because she has never seen Kaname laugh or at least try to hide a laugh.

"Excuse me? Unlike you, I don't like getting sweaty and ruining my make-up, plus I'm in heels and my dress could get dirty with the dirt on the road. I like MY Kaname seeing me beautiful" She replied like he should have known that already." "Who told you that wearing heels to a fair was a good idea in the first place and it's sad to think that you compare beauty to the clothes and make-up you wear. Does that mean you aren't naturally beautiful?" Zero said with a big mocking smile. Kaname was shocked, Zero was telling her off and in a sick, twisted way, he loved it because he never could.

Sara was furious! How dare this level D speak to her like that and her boyfriend was not doing anything about it. Zero held Kemi's hand and started walking down the path. "Kaname! Are you going to let him speak to me like that?" "You asked for it" Kaname answered and was about to start walking. "I refuse to walk darling. Why don't we have my driver take us and let Alemi and the level D walk by themselves?" She asked, pretending to be innocent. "Are you really suggesting that I let my daughter, who is named Akemi, walk while I take the comfort of a car? Are you insane? And that level D has a name, next time make sure you use it." Kaname strode away and Sara was left stomping her feet and cursing, very unladylike. Kaname strode away and Sara was left stomping her feet and cursing, very unladylike.

"Sebastian!" Sara yelled and her driver appeared out of nowhere. "Take me to the town fair." She said as he opened her car door and she slid into her seat. "Yes Madame Sara."

Kaname's P.O.V

'This walk to the town is very relaxing.' Zero and Akemi were playing and laughing. He was currently twirling her, almost as if they were dancing and her laughter was lighting up the area. My little girl was so happy, making me happy. Zero is almost like a blessing to us. I started looking over at him. 'He looks amazing' I thought. I could not keep my eyes off him. The way that the white haired anime character on his shirt brought out his hair, how his piercings glistened in the sun, and how his smile and laugh was contagious. Although, what really caught my attention was how amazing he looked in those jeans. 'His butt looks amazing. What I would do to just reach out and grab it.' "…name. Kaname." I snapped out of my thoughts to see that both Zero and Akemi had both stopped, as did I, and were staring at me. Another very awkward thing that I noticed, was that my hand was extended towards Zero, as if I was going to grab his butt. Why this was even more awkward and embarrassing is because, since Zero had turned around, my hand was about to grab something even more private. I pulled my hand away and looked away after I saw Zero look down at my hand and back at me. I saw him start blushing and smirked.

"Daddy. What were you going to do?" Akemi asked innocently. "I…uhhh…was going to wipe something off Zero's pants." I just wanted the road to open up and swallow my alive. "Ohhh ok," she said and continued walking, while I followed after her. As I passed by him he said, "I don't remember having anything on my pants Kaname." When he was saying my name, he came close and whispered it in my ear. The way he said it, send a shiver down my spine and caused me to hold my breath. "It isn't as much fun when it happens to you, huh?" Zero whispered in my ear before pulling back, smiling and running after Akemi. His breath on my ear send that shiver again, but this time straight south. I couldn't help but smile. "Hurry up Daddy!" Akemi yelled. I put my hands in my pocket and started walking after them.

Zero's P.O.V

I don't know what came over me. I just thought it would be funny and it is about time I took revenge on what he did to me earlier today, but now I feel very embarrassed. I could not even look at him when he finally caught up with us.

The rest of the walk was just filled with Akemi singing and speed walking down the path. After about 10 more minutes, we arrived and I was a disappointed when I saw that Sara and her driver we already waiting for us.

"Kaname dearest! I bought the tickets for Ale…I mean Akemi and you. Let us go." Sara said as she handed the ticket to one of the workers, who then let her and he driver pass through the rope. "You guys go in, I'll just go buy my ticket." "No! Daddy you stay with Zero. I want to be with Sara by myself. I want to get to know your girlfriend daddy." Akemi said as she pouted and then she took off running after Sara and forcibly grabbed her hand. "Well that's a first." Kaname said as he watched her go. Akemi started pulling Sara away, as Sara struggled to pull her arm away and her driver followed behind. "Since when did they become best friends," I growled as I paid for my ticket. I could basically feel Kaname's smile from behind me. "Green isn't a good color on you," he mocked, "Shut up." I turned around and pushed him. 'I don't understand why it bothers me so much that she is being friendly with her. I don't want her to get so friendly with Sara.' I sighed. I felt a pat on my head. "Don't worry. She'll always choose you. As would…umm…never mind" Kaname said. I really wanted to know what he had wanted to say but something told me that even if I asked, he wouldn't tell me.

Normal P.O.V

Zero and Kaname were walking along, trying to see what to partake in. They passed by a food truck and Kaname heard Zero take a deep breath and let out a happy sigh, almost of relief. "Funnel cakes." Zero said dreamily. Kaname turned to look at Zero and saw him about to drool as he saw someone walk by with what he called funnel cakes.

"Come on, let's go get you one." "Really?!" Zero gasped. Kaname ordered Zero the one he wanted. It was one with powdered sugar and a drizzle of chocolate. Zero just moaned after taking a bite. "Wow! I forgot how amazing this tastes! Thank you!" Zero gave Kaname a bright smile. "You are very welcome." "Here. Try it!" Zero said as he shoved it into Kaname's face and forced him to bite. Because he wasn't careful, he got chocolate on Kaname's face. "Sorry" Zero said and unconsciously licked him thumb and wiped Kaname's face. He realized what he did and blushed. "Sorry force of habit. Haha! Around to many kids." Zero grabbed a napkin to clean up the saliva mark he left, but Kaname grabbed his hand and said, as he smiled, "just leave it."

After finishing his treat, they walked over to a game booth and through darts into a balloon target. With five darts each, the popped ten balloons and combined their points to get Akemi a big panda bear stuffed animal. Zero was hugging the stuffed animal as they walked, causing Kaname to start laughing. "Next game, it seems I have to get the other child a bear too." Zero just stuck his tongue out and sped walked away as Kaname followed behind.

With the others, things weren't going as good. "Look here you little brat! I know you are trying to keep me away from your father but let me tell you something. Your attempts are futile. I will soon become your step-mother." Sara argued. "I just wanted to spend time with you. To get to know the woman that my dad talks about. I thought you wanted him to see you get along with me too," Akemi lied. "Oh! Ok. You hear that Sebastian?! He talks about me." Sara squealed.

Akemi's P.O.V

'I really do not like this lady. I hope my daddy and Zero are having fun' I sighed. I got excited when I saw a bunch of kids throwing rings and trying to get them around a fish bowl. "Let's do this!" I ran to it as Sara and her driver stomped behind me. I kept trying and trying, but kept failing and Sara would not help. She stood beside me and picked at nails. The ring just would not land around the fish bowl. I really wanted to win a pet fish, especially the clown fish. "Are you done yet?" The tear started building up in my eyes and I bowed my head. I just wanted my daddy. I ran away and Sara ran after me, yelling at me to come back.

Normal P.O.V

Zero and Kaname had just finished shooting some hoops and like Kaname promised, he won Zero a stuffed animal, an owl. Zero just blushed as he silently held it close. All of a sudden, they hear crying and look up and see Akemi running up to them. Kaname ran to meet her half way and bend down as she jumped in his arms.

"Baby. Why are you crying" Kaname asked, he was really worried. What could have happened? "Sweetie?" Zero said as she did not respond. Sara ran up, out of breath. She held onto her knees as she tried to catch her breath. "She…gasp…just wanted…gasp…a stupid fish." She finally stood up and said "we kept trying and trying but couldn't win it. Right Sebastian?" The driver then replied yes. Akemi cried harder and yelled "NO you didn't! You didn't help! You let me do it all by myself!" "Young lady. There is no need for you to yell." Kaname reprimanded in a stern voice. Akemi's lip quivered as the tears slowly fell from her face. "Look Akemi! Daddy and I won you a big panda bear." Zero said trying to get her to stop crying. Akemi smiled and giggled. "How about we go get some cotton candy and then go try to win you that fish." Zero said dreamily as he stared at the guy selling cotton candy. Akemi squealed, Sara frowned, and Kaname smiled. "It seems I found your weakness Zero. Someone seems to have a sweet tooth." Kaname mocked. "Who? Me? Never!" Zero laughed as he walked away.

They bought the cotton candy and ate it on the way to the fish booth as Sara dragged on behind. She looked over and saw the tunnel of love and smiled. "Kaname honey. Let's go in the tunnel of love together." She said and didn't leave any room for discussion. Akemi tried to stop them but it was too late. She had failed Seiren and she wanted to cry, especially when she saw Zero looking in their direction and frowning. Also, carrying a hurt look in his eyes. He sighed then turned to Akemi. "Looks like it's just the two of us, since Sebastian disappeared. Why don't we win you that fish?"

The whole time in the tunnel of love, Kaname kept his distance, as much as he can, from Sara. She kept trying to get a kiss from him or cuddle but he didn't want it. He just wanted to be back with Akemi and Zero. He jumped out the moment it stopped and walked away, while Sara waited for him to help her get out.

He walked back and saw Akemi looking proud holding her clown fish and eating ice cream, as was Zero. "No more sweets for both of you tonight. Now come on. Ferris wheel time." Zero and Akemi pouted as they slowly followed behind. Akemi stopped and saw a family playing balloon pop. They were using water balloons to shoot water into a hole and popping a balloon.

"Can you play this? I want to see you play." Kaname and Zero walked towards the booth and were about to play. "The one who loses has to give the winner and me a piggy back ride on the way home!" Akemi yelled. "It's on" Zero said and Kaname nodded. They began and the winner ended up being Zero.

"Yay! Zero! Daddy will give us a biggie back ride!" They high fived and Kaname shot them both with the water gun. "Someone is a sore loser." Zero said and winked at Akemi and she giggled.

They walked towards the ferris wheel and passed Sara, whom then turned to join. When they were about to go on, Akemi pushed Zero and Kaname into one and had the operator close the door. She then waited, sat in the next one and called Sara over, but Sara just slammed the door and walked away, leaving her alone.

Kaname and Zero sat in front of each other, smiling, but it was a bit awkward for the both of them. "So…the night looks beautiful." Zero said, looking out. "Yeah. You are beautiful" Kaname said. "Whhhhat?" Zero stuttered, even though he didn't want to. All of a sudden, they heard crying and looked out the window behind them and saw Akemi banging on the class.

"Kemi! What's wrong?!" Zero yelled. After finding out Akemi was alone, they spend the whole ride making funny faces and cheering her up. Kaname could not come closer because they need to keep the "cart" balanced, so he joined but from far away. After the got out, they decided it was best to call it a night. Kaname and Zero were furious at Sara for leaving him. Kaname lead them out of the fair but both Zero and Akemi stopped. Kaname turned and was about to question but Zero and Akemi just smiled. "We do not walk. Remember" Zero said. Kaname just shook his head and let Zero get on his back, after Akemi was on his.

The whole walk home was Kaname pretending he couldn't walk with them on his back and calling them heavy, causing Zero and Akemi to laugh. It was a bit difficult because of the two stuffed animals and Nemo. They could already see the house when Akemi fell asleep.

"Kaname. I'm sorry about how I spoke to Sara today. I was out of line." Zero said, although he didn't want to apologize. "She deserve it. I'm glad you spoke your mind." Zero nodded his head and nuzzled his face into Kaname's neck, giving them both goose bumps. They got home and put Akemi to sleep with her panda and putting Nemo and his water into a fish bowl they found. Then, Kaname started walking Zero to his room. "Thank you for planning everything today. I had a great day. I must repay you for making us happy," Kaname said. "No need. I like seeing you guys happy. Thank you for my owl" Zero smiled holding him up. "Don't you think your lady friend will be upset with you?" "Ohh. She'll calm down eventually." They both laughed as they got to Zero's room.

Zero stood in front of the door, with his back to it, and help onto the handle, opening it a bit. Kaname stood in front of him. "Well…umm. Goodnight." Zero whispered. "Goodnight."

Neither of them noticed Daisuke walking down the hall. As he passed by, he pushed Kaname. This cause him to crash with Zero, the door to fly open, and both to land on the floor in Zero's room. The owl dropped and forgotten. Kaname on top and Zero on the bottom. Kaname could not take it anymore and closed the distance between them. He scooped Zero into his arms and Zero grabbed a handful of his hair. It was as if their lips were dancing on one another.

It was shocking how perfect the fit together. The kiss started to get heated as they fought for dominance, which Zero lost. Kaname licked at Zero's bottom lip, asking for entrance but Zero was being stubborn. Zero gasped when Kaname bit down on his lip. After he opened his mouth, Kaname plunged his tongue in and explored the undiscovered cavern. Who knows when he'll get this one in a life time chance again?

They pulled back when they need air, there was a string of saliva between their lips and drool was slowly dripping down the side of Zero's face, but it didn't last for long. Zero grabbed Kaname's head and brought him closer, forcing him into another make out session. Kaname pulled back and started licking down Zero's face, following the spit trail. It lead him to Zero's neck, which became his next prey. He started sucking, nibbling, and licking Zero's neck. Zero could hold back his moans, which were sounding right into Kaname's ears, giving him chills and starting to wake up his beloved friend.

All reason was thrown to the wind and they started to let pleasure and feelings take over. Zero was tired of being the only one getting excited and so he started biting Kaname's ear. The room and hallways were soon filled with moans. Once again they stopped for a breath. They were panting hard and staring at each other, both could see the lust in each other's eyes. They snapped back to reality when they heard footsteps down the hall. They both scrambled to get off each other, muttering apologizes and goodnights, but avoiding each other's gaze.

Zero closed his door and slid to the floor, pressing his back on it. He touched his lips and clutched his head. As this occurred, Kaname sped walked to his room and when he arrived, he closed and put his head on the door, holding on to his chest, over where his heart would be. "Fuck" was the word they both whispered in unison, even though they were rooms apart.

A/N: This is chapter 5! Hope you like it! I gave you guys two hints for what will be explained later on in the story. Can anyone figure out what those two hints are? The two little hints are the phone call and the other with Akemi and Seiren. I am so tired of typing and I still need to do the next chapter for my other story. If you like this story, you should also read my SesshInu (SesshomaruXInuyasha: Inuyasha) story that I am also writing and my Kingdom hearts. I just wanted to apologize for not updating. I'm shocked people are still reading this. I've been so busy with work, school, and trying to have a social life :'(. Also, I had major writer's block. Thank you to all of you that stood by and waited for me to update. I will be trying to continue on with this story. I don't want to give it up. RnR and let me know any ideas you have for this story or what you wish to happen :)