"Cover him." Arthur realized what Dagonet was doing. He was crazy but he was going to break the ice. If anyone of his knights was strong enough to do it Dagonet was. What Arthur didn't expect was for Thea to run towards Dagonet.
Thea cried out as she ran forward, she wasn't going to let Dagonet go out there on his own. She kept loosing arrows as she ran and Dagonet kept driving his axe into the ice.
"Thea, No!" Arthur heard Lancelot yell to the woman now charging across the ice on her own. Dagonet had no idea that she was running towards him, he just continued his assault on the ice below him.
"Archers move! Move!" They heard the command shouted out among the Saxons, who had finally figured out what the knight with the axe was trying to accomplish. They could see the strength in his swings and they could feel it in the tremors under their feet. These few Sarmatian knights had pushed them together so close that one crack under them and their weight would do the rest. They had to do something, they couldn't let so few defeat so many. "MOVE FORWARD!"
Dagonet let out a grunt as an arrow made its way into his chest. Then another two brought him to his knees. He just swung harder.
Thea didn't hear or feel anything as she ran. All she saw was Dagonet. The ice under her feet didn't matter, the Saxons across the lake didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to Dagonet.
"The ice is breaking! Kill him!"
That's when it happened. With one more swing he broke through to the water and large, jagged breaks in the ice quickly made their way towards the Saxon army.
Thea's steps faltered. The next thing she knew was that she was on the ground. Her hands were screaming in pain at their failed attempt to stop her from hitting the ice so hard. He had broken through. It wasn't just Thea who stumbled. All the knights and Saxons shifted mid step.
Thea's ears were ringing from the force of her body hitting the ice. She was so close to Dagonet now. Only a few more yards. She clumsily got to her feet and made towards him. The Saxons began to fall into the icy, cold water below with no hopes of ever seeing dry land again.
Dagonet froze. The weight off all those swings and now the pain from the arrows becoming too much for his body. He mind wandered to Thea; to the smell of her hair, the sound of her voice and the warmth of her smile. He would never see her again… maybe the gods would allow them to find each other in the next life. As long as she was safe… as long as she was safe. "Thea…" He whispered softly before finding himself in darkness.
"DAGONET!" she screamed as he slumped into the water.
"Dag!" Bors screamed, grabbing a shield and running towards his best friend.
Thea reached him just as he fell in, grabbing the back of his tunic she pulled as hard as she could and tried to keep his head above the water. His weight and the water made him to heavy for her to pull up on her own.
"HELP ME!" She cried out. Not a moment later two hands engulfed her own, she turned to see Arthur looking at her. With his body close behind hers and his hands gripping her own they both pulled Dagonet out of the water. Thea's fingers were numb by the time they had pulled him out. Bors arrived with his shield and began to block the onslaught of arrows.
From behind them they heard Gawain yelling for them to pull back as the ice started to fracture more. "We have to get him back!" Arthur said. The Saxons had stopped their assault. Too many of them had fallen into the water and with the size of the gap between them and the knights…. Well there was no use in trying to fight more.
This gave Arthur, Thea and Bors the opportunity to get Dagonet out of harms way.
Thea didnt realize she was crying until they got Dagonet's body back to the line of knights.
"Stay with me. Dagonet! Stay with me!" Bors cried to his friend but moved aside as Thea dropped to her knees next to him. Thea hands went to either side of Dagonet's face. His eyes were unfocused "Dagonet, please. Look at me. I love you, stay with me! Please. DAGONET!" She screamed, a scream that shook every knight to his core. Arthur most of all. It was his Rome that did this, His Rome that made them go one more mission.
Thea didnt move from Dagonet as Tristan checked him over.
"He's still breathing! We have to get him to the fort."