I Hate This Part: Chapter 1

The World I Walk In

Hey everyone!

So I did say I was writing this brand-new fic, Ichiruki-centric. Of course, I'll be alternating in between this fic and 'To Die Alone'. As usual, I don't have very much to say XD

This is an dystopian alternate universe story, but it's quite close to the current Bleachverse, so no flames please. X(

So, let's get on with this chapter!

[A bartender's rant to a client]

What? Black Sun? Who is 'Black Sun', you say? Come on, don't tell me you don't know at least a bit about him! Why bother coming to a bar and asking this when you can just ask some random person on the street, huh? The name of a successful businessman? The name of a criminal? The last one was close, but no. Black Sun is the name of one of Las Noches' best assassins. What? "Today" you say? No one has a clue. He could be dead, with all the funny business going around in Hueco Mundo's half of the land. So untrustworthy those—

O-oh, sorry. That's right, Black Sun. Well, what makes him so good, you see, is what both orders Soul Society and Hueco Mundo call "reiatsu". H-Hold on a second, I'm getting to that. Reiatsu is what you need in order to pass either Seireitei or Las Noches' entrance exam. You have it from birth. When you have a particularly strong soul, these demons come in an attempt to devour it. What? Yes, I've seen one of those buggers. A scary thing, you see.

O-oh yeah, sorry. I keep going off topic don't I? So when the soul is particularly powerful, it materializes a weapon for its owner to wield in order to protect itself. Well you see, Black Sun is one of Las Noches' most prized students, as his soul contains considerable reiatsu. "What weapon" you say? How could you not know? The infamous and deadly meat cleaver, Zangetsu. It's strapped onto his back, wrapped in white bindings. His background information is closely guarded and safely locked away in Hueco Mundo territory. Why is he codenamed Black Sun you ask? Well, apparently his attacks are fire based. And not just any fire. Well… It's sort of pitch-black you see. It can't be extinguished by any ordinary water or anything. But I hear Black Sun has killed twenty-three council members of Soul Society's Central 46. Isn't that amazing? Twen-ty-three.

Oh yes, I agree. It really is too bad that Seireitei and Las Noches had to split Japan into two, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. They had so many disagreements and different opinions on battle and how to govern the country... Yeah, ever since the plague set in and mutated some of the citizens into those awful demons, they had to be the ones to exterminate them. But can you imagine, Las Noches training little kids to fight those? What? Yes…Sadly, yes. Black Sun was one of those children. That's the one reason why I'm glad I'm on Soul Society territory. You don't have to see child-soldiers marching along the dirt road.

Oh no, I can't imagine what Black Sun could be like. A traumatised kid like him should be about…sixteen, seventeen? No, no one knows what he looks like. All witnesses only see his cleaver-like weapon. What? Do I wish Seireitei would catch him so that he can atone for all of his murders? I… Murder is indeed something unpardonable… But if it's the only thing he's been taught since he was a child…I'd rather not play judge like the Seireitei sadly do.

What? White Moon…? No, I've never heard of that. Ha, okay you got me there, now it's your turn to fill me in. Oh, so she's a student at Seireitei is she? What? Are you serious? Hunting down Black Sun? You've got to be joking! There's no way in hell she'll even touch him.

Argh…lemme go! Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Y-Yeah, she'll definitely get him. Just…who are you anyway? A message for Black Sun? But I don't know who he is! What? No, I seriously don't! Geez, calm down. Thanks for finally letting go!

W-What? Huh? You're…You're White Moon?

/Black Sun/

I watch from my perch on the roof as a leaf hurtles across the sky of Hanging Dog, my hometown. It drifts and twirls, carried away by the wind which pushes it back and forth across the air.

Hanging Dog isn't a very nice place. Being the poorest part of Japan, it's where all the people who don't have any money and the criminals stay. I look at one of the huge screens placed in the centre of Hanging Dog, the only sign that human society has evolved at all. All the rest is just smoking factories and cobbled streets. On the screen is displayed something that makes me smirk.

Most Wanted:

Name: Black Sun

Wanted for: Arson, Theft, assaulting Seireitei members, bank robberies and the assassination of twenty three of Central 46's council members.

Underneath, there is a photo of what is supposed to be me. But I'm not a man with black hair and a moustache. This makes me laugh quietly no matter how many times I see it. The Seireitei have no idea what I look like. Tch. They're all a bunch of idiots who hide behind some noble cause. I hate them. They hate me. As simple as that.

They may control half of Japan and serve their 'justice' but if they can't catch me, it just proves I can do whatever I please. They certainly aren't very happy with me. I am trespassing on soul Society's half of Japan, after I suppose I could be considered as a criminal. Fitting, since I used to live in Hanging Dog.

I don't like the way the air smells here, but my weekly visits here have become an obligation.

The leaf that I'm observing is suddenly sliced in two, before cut into further little pieces as my weapon tears across the air, only to bury itself into furry flesh. The mutated human howls in pain as Zangetsu makes its blood lace in the sky.

I draw back in time as its teeth snap into the space I was in moments before. I examine the monster that used to be an innocent human. It looks more like an animal now. The mutated oversized dog glares at me with lifeless grey eyes. My visits here keep getting more frequent as these monsters multiply by the day.

These monsters are most commonly known as demons. It devours the souls of whatever humans it can find. I flick its blood of my blade and stare at it coldly. "You should have stayed away from Hanging Dog, demon."

"I'll have you as an appetizer," the demon snarls in a guttural voice that sounds disturbingly human.

"At least make an effort and go to a burger joint," I grin slyly. "A patty tastes better than a soul, trust me."

The demon hisses in outrage of being openly mocked, and charges towards me. My mouth changes from a smile to a straight thin line as I shake my head in disapproval. I swing my sword towards its neck, but it ducks in time, before grabbing the handle of my weapon in between its teeth.

Now immobilized, I notice its claws dart towards me in the corner of my eye. My flying knife reaches it faster than its claws reach me. With a howl, it releases Zangetsu and clutches its eye that has been stabbed with one of my knives, and I use its distraction to sever its head from its body.

The mutated dog falls on the roof with a wet thump, its blood pooling quickly underneath its fur. I walk over to its head and pull out my knife, before cleaning it with a cloth. Knives cost lots these days. I really don't want the blood to make it rust.

With a sigh, I de-materialize my sword and its essence returns back to the depths of my soul. With a powerful soul like mine, I feel indebted to defend Hanging Dog, even if it isn't my half of Japan to protect, because if it weren't for me attracting demons here, this sector wouldn't be in this mess.

I stare up at the polluted grey sky and wonder when I will ever be able to see blue again. The only place where I've ever seen stars is in the Wilderness, the place forbidden to humans in a secluded spot in Japan where the plague has completely taking over the area. I will have to return back to Las Noches, Hueco Mundo's main base of operation after tonight. I'm the Seireitei's most wanted criminal after all. I can't let them know I have ties to Hanging Dog. My leader won't be very happy if I've been found out.

With a leap, I jump over the gaps in between the rooftops, making my way to a certain old wooden house. I stand in perfect balance on an electricity post and I watch with careful eyes a nine year old girl fill up a bucket from the city's water pump. She's wearing a red dress and she's put her black hair into plates. I look on as her twin dashes out of the house and swings her arms around her and pulls her into a relieved hug.

"Oh, cheer up Rainy," a voice makes me jump.

I stare back witheringly at the girl who is standing on the roof behind me. She's wearing a simple T-shirt and a pair of white cut-offs. She cocks her head playfully to the side, her long pigtails jerking at the same time her head does.

"Aren't you too old to still be wearing pig-tails?" I ask with annoyance.

Nel and her obsession with 'cute' things. Why did she have to stick around? Nel pouts at me. "Aw, don't be Mr. Cold Shoulder."

I snort, narrowing my eyes as I peer at her more closely.

"Wait…Is that make-up you're wearing?" I demand angrily.

Nel flicks her ponytail over her shoulder, fluttering her eyes at me. "You like it?"

I turn my attention away from her, my brows knitting tightly together. She already knows what my answer is. I didn't like the idea of men eyeing Nel up. Hanging Dog is no place for naïve little orphan girls.

"Is that for them?" she asks instead, nodding her head towards the things I have tied up inside a handkerchief.

"Yeah," I say. "All the money."

"Did you save some for us?"

"You know we don't need it," I reply darkly.

I can imagine her pout again. Nel pouts a lot. Without a word, I leap off the electricity pole I'm perched on and land lightly on solid ground. My sisters hear the slight thud and turn towards me, before their faces light up when they recognize who I am. They race each other towards me, and I crouch down with open arms. They barrel into me, knocking me over with both their arms slung around my neck.

"Welcome back!" they squeal in unison.

I sort of enjoy and hate this moment at the same time. On one hand, I get to see my twin sisters. But then this reminds me that as soon as I see them, I have to leave again. And also because these reunions soften my heart. I can't afford to be soft. Not when I'm Seireitei's most wanted criminal. I have been trained to kill since I was eight. I'm supposed to be Black Sun, the infamous assassin of Hueco Mundo, murderer of 23 Council members. I can't let my sisters know what I do as a job to feed them. Why I don't take my sisters with me—it's too much of a risk. My sisters lived here with my Soul Society mother—until she was killed. Being half-bloods, my sisters reside in Seireitei territory illegally now. If I tried to move them and we all get caught, it's worse for them once Seireitei realizes they're related to their most wanted criminal. As their big brother, I'm responsible for them—and I can't take that risk. And besides…Las Noches trains their students to kill at a young age—and never would I want that to happen to my sisters. I want them to live a normal human life.

I can never stay long enough. I give them the cash and tear myself away from them. I know this hurts them too, but if I stay here, I'd only lead the Seireitei to them and hurt them more. I wave them goodbye and disappear with Nel over the rooftops. I always wonder if I'll ever return and see them again.

/White Moon/

I walk with my shoulders back, head high. I know my Nii-sama's spies are watching me, making sure I am being a worthy representative of the Noble House of Kuchiki. I glide just like Teacher tells me to. But frankly, all I want to do is hunch my shoulders, slouch back into my bad posture and flip them the birdie. Why do I have to deal with all this?

Bodyguards surround me on all sides as I parade past students of the Seireitei. I try to keep calm as their eyes look towards me. Why am I here? I feel so uncomfortable in this dress. I want to go back to my jeans. What's most embarrassing is that everyone knows who I am. I'm Kuchiki Rukia, the only girl Demon Slayer of the Seireitei, who's now reduced to this? One of the made-up nobles parading in front of the Noble House of Kasumioji's heir, trying to catch his eye? Again, why am I here?

I'm supposed to be out and about Densitas, slaying demons. That's where I belong. I have no such interest with petty things like love and affection. If this even is for love and affection to begin with. I stumble slightly over the long hem of my aquamarine dress. I steady myself, flushing slightly in embarrassment. Oh dear Nii-sama, how could you do this to me?

I bite my lip, the only thing that does not highlight my eyes. I rearrange my long black hair back into the perfect bun it is pinned up in. My dark violet-blue eyes dart nervously around, hoping everyone else is too entranced with the rest of the much prettier noble girls. Then I lock eyes with the last person I want to see, Kasumioji Shuya, the one I'm 'trying' to impress. His eyes flit with amusement.

I immediately break his gaze, focusing on not falling flat on my face and not completely shaming the House of Kuchiki. My Nii-sama would be furious with me if he was here. Too bad he's at an important meeting. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. But I have to do the House of Kuchiki proud. I've already been a failure at everything else.

I run through my head all the procedures. First day, parade in front of the heir in hopes of gaining his interest. He will then choose five final women he wishes to frequent, and spend a month with each one of them. Then will come the final choosing time, where Shuya will choose his wife. I shiver. I hope I don't last that long.

I finally make it to the end of the parading route, where I'm hidden from Seireitei eyes. I want to rip off my bun, but I have to restrain myself. I can only be human when I'm with my friends. Speaking of friends—

"Rukia~!" I suffocate in my friend's bone-crushing hug.

I splutter and gasp for air as she holds me out for her inspection. Matsumoto Rangiku. My complete opposite. The very voluptuous teen with god given dips and curves and an ample chest. The one who is a complete party animal and a constant drinker. One of my best friends. Oh, is it mentioned she was a guy magnet? How in the world had I end up with someone so different from me? Maybe opposites do attract.

"I'm so proud!" Rangiku gushed. "I haven't seen you all made-up and royal for a long time."

"Just get me away from here," I mutter.

She rolls her ice-blue eyes and sighs. "One day Rukia, you'll see things my way."

"Nice thought," I say sarcastically.

My bodyguards know Rangiku is a close friend of mine. They stand well away but watch us closely. Rangiku already knows what I want her to do. She grabs my hand and pulls me away from the rest of the arriving noble girls and back into the changing rooms. She stands outside the room while I get changed into comfortable clothes. I stare at myself in the mirror. A stranger stares back. I need to get this make-up off. Now. I rub my fake face off with make-up remover, glad that it's all gone.

I walk out and Rangiku pouts in disappointment. "I was hoping you'd keep the make-up on."

"But that's not me," I say and walk off back to the Seireitei dorms.

She keeps up with my pace. "I saw the heir of the House of Kasumioji looking at you. The whole time."

I grimace. "Probably noticing how stupid I looked in that dress."

There are a total of four noble houses in Seireitei. They quarrel so often that Head Captain Yamamoto decided to hold a marriage between Houses to qualm their rivalry. We were supposed to be united against Hueco Mundo after all. Those violent idiots don't stand a chance against us.

"Don't be silly," Rangiku says confidently. "You'll definitely be in the last five."

I shrug. "I guess."

I take out my keys from my jeans pocket once we arrive to my room. As the representative of the House of Kuchiki, I could stay in one of those huge mansions that Nii-sama has. But I prefer being here and feeling like a normal person for once. Katy leaves me in the girls' dorms. I am now one of the only girls in the entire Demon Slayer building. She has to return to the Healing compound, saying she had to revise for an exam or something.

Bored, I flick through the files of the plague incident on my laptop. Stupid Hueco Mundo scum. If they had not tried to fight the demons rather than stop the virus from spreading, we would have saved more people. There is only one word to describe Hueco Mundo's ways: violence. They teach even their youngest members to kill, those who would normally be at an illegal age to work or do anything concerning the government. Such differences have led to hatred between the two different orders, as well as competing to see which half of Japan was the strongest.

My cell rings. I flip it open. "Hello?"

"Miss Kuchiki, you are requested at Byakuya-sama's main house in in five minutes," the other end is hung up as soon as my Nii-sama's receptionist finishes her phrase.

Rats. There goes my freedom.

I speed-walk across the corridors dressed in the standard Seireitei Slayer uniform. Black combat trousers, army boots, padded cloves and a black hooded cloak. In five minutes, I'm in my Nii-sama's office. I watch him quietly as he finishes writing his report, his face forever frozen in that stern, emotionless expression of his. That is the only thing I hate about the Seireitei. They have turned my Nii-sama into a perfect soldier.

"Rukia. You're late."

That's the first thing he says to me. It hurts me like a slap in the face, but I keep my face as emotionless as his. I dip my head. "Forgive me, Nii-sama."

He studies me for a while before he returns to writing his report. "Why are you wearing such low-class clothes?"

"I find that they are to my liking, Nii-sama," I answer back politely.

I wish I could speak to my Nii-sama like he is my brother. But here, in his office, he is a stranger to me. His eyes never leave the paper. "How did it go?"

He doesn't need to explain for me to know what he's talking about. Right. The parade. Not so good.

"It went well," I say.

"I heard you tripped," only then he looks at me, his eyes looking me over, analysing my every flaw.

"The dress was too long," I answer apologetically. Pathetically.

His eyes burn into mine for a moment. I hold his freezing stare until I can't anymore and look away. He returns his eyes to the letter once again, this time rereading what he's written.

"I am leaving on a mission next week to hunt down Soul Society's most wanted. I expect you to be in the last five by the time I come back," my brother says.

Soul Society's most wanted. Black Sun. My brain brings up all my knowledge of him. The Seireitei doesn't know what he looks like, only that he is a teenage boy who belongs to the Las Noches order and has committed all the crimes imaginable including murder. He wears a white mask with a permanent smirk traced over it.

He has escaped captivity for nearly six years. I stare at my Nii-sama. Surely Black Sun will stand no chance against a skilled individual such as my Nii-sama. Yes. Hatred has developed high enough in between both orders, enough that they send assassins to kill off the leaders of each other's Council. My fists tighten. Las Noches is such a horrible order. I wish they didn't exist.

"You are excused," he says after two minutes.

I dip my head and grasp the door handle, but his voice halts me.

"Oh and Rukia?" I turn my head to look at him. "Don't disappoint me."

I don't respond, simply open the double doors and slam them behind me. I stalk down the hallway, bile rising in my throat as I feel I am on the verge of tears.

Nii-sama, I have tried all my life not to disappoint you. All my life I have been trying to please you, but you do not like what you see.

Byakuya stands at the border of the Wilderness, the wind blowing through his shoulder length raven black hair. His eyes narrow as he hears the distant moaning of demons as they move along the rotting clumps of ancient houses of ancient civilization.

Now there is a Barrier encircling the infected area to prevent the virus from spreading. The first time the plague first broke out was over a thousand years ago. Now, it is nothing more than a distant memory that no one remembers. And yet…this place remains to tell the tale.

Byakuya steps through the Barrier hesitantly, before making hurried steps and pushing himself deeper into the Wilderness. He makes sure to surround himself in his reiatsu to protect himself from the virus. But there is only so much reiatsu can do. It cannot protect you from demons.

A voice cackles quietly in the shadows. "Perfect."

And done!

A bit of a slow start, but had to explain/establish stuff! I hope it wasn't too OOC :s

Anyway thanks for reading and please review!