Disclaimer: I own nothing, and only borrowed the characters for a little while.

"You want me to do what?"

"Go to church," repeated Tommy.

"For God's sake," replied Harry. "In all the years you've known me have you ever seen me pray, let alone seem even remotely religious?"

"You just took the Lord's name in vain."

Harry looked at her partner incredulously. "Who are you and what have you done with Tommy Jefferson?"

He tugged at his shirt collar. "C'mon Harry," he coaxed. "Do it for me."

"For you," she repeated dubiously. "Why do I think it's more than that."

"Well…" said Tommy slowly.

"Spit it out," warned Harry.

"My mother won't let me bring a non-Christian girl home."

Harry couldn't stop the giggle that escaped and then morphed into full blown laughter. She tried to stop at the sight of Tommy's affronted face, but just couldn't.

"How many women does your mother think you've slept with?" she eventually managed to ask breathlessly.

"Three," replied Tommy promptly.

"Three ex-wives," mused Harry. "Guess that makes us sinners then."

Tommy paled. "Don't bring that up."


Tommy looked left and right before leaning in to whisper. "Adultery."

"Oh for Go-" She caught herself in time. "Are you kidding me?"

Tommy turned to begging. "Please?"

"Don't whine," said Harry sharply. "It's not attractive."

He changed instantly to puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

The following weekend found Harry sitting in church, distinctly uncomfortable on the hard wooden pew as she fiddled with her jacket.

"Remind me again why I'm here?" she muttered to the man beside her in a low voice.

"Because you love?" Tommy whispered back.

"Right, because you're scared of your mother."

The cocky man snorted, ignoring the indignant look from the woman seated before them. "Tommy Jefferson is scared of nothing."

As Harry made to rise and leave, he frantically tugged at her sleeve to make her sit. Smiling at his irate mother between gritted teeth, he leaned in on his woman.

"Alright," he admitted. "Maybe just a little."

"And you are how old?" shot back Harry with a raised eyebrow.

Tommy ignored the jibe as he wriggled his eyebrows. "Old enough."

"Oh grow up."

Three hours later, Ollie laughed as he put down the phone. Cassie looked up from where she was breastfeeding their son with an enquiring eyebrow raised.

"You'll never believe the latest case that Harry's taken on."

Cassie grinned at her husband. "It would have to be pretty extreme to top the list."

"She's going to sue God."

Cassie startled. "Has she lost her mind?" she replied, automatically soothing their son.

"Well it's not God personally but one of the priests," clarified an amused Ollie.

"On what grounds?"


"Defamation," repeated Cassie slowly. "Dare I ask?"

"The priest called her a loose woman for not marrying Tommy, and yet coming to the church."

Cassie snorted.

Oliver was all seriousness. "I kid you not."

Booting up the computer in preparation of research, Adam Branch just shook his head.

Only Harry.

Lord, thy challenger is named Harry Korn.