Okay, hi….So, this story is back. This is a sequel to my story 'I'm Fine.' I am so incredible thankful for everyone who reviewed, added to their favorite/alert lists or who got in contact by PM and Twitter. I'm still surprised at the reaction to my story and I hope you enjoy this story just as much.
This story is not going to be as long as 'I'm Fine' and I already have it pretty much finish but I am too impatient to leave the first few chapters on my computer doing nothing lol. I also would love the feedback to know whether people are interested in still reading it.
It's set during season 7 during the Santos campaign. You probably don't have to read my first story to read this but please do and review it; it'll make me happy.
I'm Not Fine
Josh Lyman looked up from the folder in his hands when he heard laughing. He saw the group of campaign staff all stood around a laptop, looking at something that wasn't related to the election…Donna was among them. He sighed and looked back to his work. He had meant it during her interview to be his deputy when he said he missed her everyday but he couldn't help but feel this was worse. She was so close to him…working with him every day but it was different now.
"You know even God took Sunday off."
Josh turned around and saw Leo stood behind him. "God wasn't trying to run a Presidential campaign."
"True." The old man nodded. "But seriously, everything is going well…You should take a couple hours…Go out for a drink…Relax."
"Josh, this is the first time you've been in Washington for months…I bet you haven't been back to your apartment since you left the white house."
"I've been avoiding it." He admitted with a grimace. "I forgot to clean my fridge out before I left…"
Leo rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little. "Josh…"
"I just want to finish reading these polls…"
Leo took the paperwork out of his hands. "You're done for the day."
"You know you're not my boss anymore, right?"
"Oh please, like I'm ever going to stop telling you what to do."
"I guess that's a little wishing thinking on my part."
"Why don't you head out of here…Meet some friends…Go for a few drinks?" Leo suggested. He had been growing more concerned about Josh with each day.
"Friends?" He repeated. "You mean C.J who is avoiding my phone calls…Or Toby who just about to be thrown into jail…Sam's in California and Donna is…"
"And Donna is over there." Leo finished the sentence when Josh trailed off.
He ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe I'll just get an early night."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I was told you had a doctor's appointment yesterday…."
"Just a routine checkup." Josh assured him. "Nothing to worry about."
It was coming up to four years since he had got the all clear from leukemia and although he had to go back for regular test, he was able to get on with his life. He returned to being Deputy Chief of Staff and was more determined than before. He had been disappointed when Sam had decided not to come back after losing his election but he could understand. It had been a brutal couple of years and Josh knew that Sam took a lot of hits. He wasn't in politics for the fast paces, cut throat world…He had just wanted to make a difference. After the shooting, Josh fighting cancer, his father's affair and the President's MS, Josh wasn't surprise that his best friend needed a break from it all. He had considered it himself after everything that happened with Senator Chris Carrick.
Things had changed over the past four years… They had lost Sam to California…Donna had almost been killed in Gaza….Leo had a heart attack…C.J got a promotion and Toby had allegedly leaked top secret information.
"Josh…" Leo shook his arm. "Josh?"
"What?" He snapped back to the present. "Sorry, what was that?"
"You spaced out for a minute there…" Leo frowned. "What's going on?"
"Nothing…" He sighed. "Just thinking…"
"I might get that early night…" Josh started to back out of the room. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Josh?" Leo called again but the younger man didn't stop.
"Leo, is everything okay?"
He turned and saw Donna looking concerned. "Yeah, sure…."
"Do you need anything?"
"No." He gave her a small smile. "Hey, Donna?"
"Has Josh said anything to you?"
"About what?"
"About anything…"
"We don't really talk too much…" She said sadly before continuing quickly. "I mean, we're both pretty busy at the moment so we don't get time."
"Why? Has something happened?" She questioned. "Has he said something to you?"
"No, no…I'm sure everything is fine." Leo tried to reassure her. "He just doesn't seem like himself…"
"You know how he gets during a campaign….He is just focused."
"You're probably right." Leo agreed and patted her arm. "I let you get back to your night off…"
"I'll be here if you need me." Donna told him.
Leo waved a hand dismissively. "I'm a grown man; I can take care of myself."
"I don't think Margaret would agree with that." Donna said with an amused smile.
"She's got to you to, hasn't she?"
"I couldn't possible say…" She said in a singsong voice as she walked away and glanced over her shoulder to continue. "The assistant code."
"I hate that code…" Leo muttered as he turned and left the room.
Josh was waiting for the elevator when he heard his name being called again and this time it was Otto that was approaching him.
"I got you that article from the Post you wanted to see. " He shuffled some papers in his hands before handing Josh the right one. "And you got a phone message from a Wallace Mitchell."
Josh frowned at the mention of his doctor. "What did he want?"
"Just asked for you call him back…He said it was urgent and he'll be at his office until late." Otto shrugged, giving him a slip of paper where he had wrote the message. "Do you want me to get him on the phone?"
"No." Josh replied, grateful that Dr. Mitchell had been discreet. "No, it's fine…"
"Okay, so what now?" Otto went to follow him onto the elevator when it arrived but Josh stopped him.
"Have the night off." Josh told him, keeping on hand on the elevator to stop the door closing.
"The night off?" Otto repeated. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Everyone is in the bar…Go join them." Josh replied. "You all deserve to have a bit of fun…Everyone has been working too hard lately."
He couldn't help but think back to eight years ago when he was working on 'Bartlet for America,' Leo had run a strict campaign but it didn't stop them all having a good time. He couldn't count the amount of time he, Sam, Donna, Toby and C.J escaped to go find a bar with a pool table and some decent music.
"Are you coming?" Otto questioned.
"No…" He shook his head. "No, I'm going to get an early night."
"But it's only 7:15…" Otto frowned.
"It's been a long week…" Josh ran a hand through is hair. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Okay…" Otto learned to the side as the elevator's door closed to stay in Josh's sight. "Good night…"
Josh stared at the phone message as he rode up to the floor where his room was. He was surprised to hear from his doctor so soon after the tests and had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. His ran over his appointment and Dr. Mitchell hadn't seemed concerned about anything other than the fact he had cancelled his appointment three times already. With travelling with the campaign, Josh hadn't been in DC to attend and he didn't feel ill, so didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe he didn't have anything to worry about and his doctor just wanted to give him the all clear before he left town again.
As he stepped off the elevator, he pulled out his cell phone and entered Dr. Mitchell's office number but he could not force himself to press the call button.
What if the cancer was back?
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