Jack Frost

Chapter 16: Sandy vs. Jack vs. Pitch

"Sandy!" Bunny cried in delight when he spotted his old friend. "You whippersnapper! You had us all fooled!"

"If it isn't important then shut up," Jack spoke up. "It's hard enough concentrating without you guys interrupting me!"

"But Sandy's back!" Tooth cried.

Suddenly all the ice figures dissipated into little flakes of snow as Jack spun around to face them. Jack then literally flew over to the much smaller man and wrapped him in a big hug. "You're back! I though Pitch had killed you and oh I'm so sorry, Sandy! I really am!"

The words 'it's all right' appeared over Sandy's head as he returned Jack's hug with just as much vigor.

"Sandy!" North also sounded pleased to see the maker of dreams.

"Impossible!" Pitch roared, sounding very, very angry.

Sandy scowled at the Boogeyman and shook his finger at him, also very angry.

"This could get interesting," Jack grinned then, suddenly serious, turned to Sandy. "Want to finish this?"
Sandy nodded vigorously and the two rose up into the air, heading straight towards Pitch.

Bunny stepped forward, a boomerang at the ready but was stopped by a large arm that had the word 'Nice' tattooed ON IT. "This fight is between zhe three of zhem. Ve should not interfere. Ve vill vait until they have asked for our help." His Russian accent became more pronounced as it often did when North was feeling emotional or just very tired.

"We'll be waiting a long time then," Bunny grumbled but returned the boomerang to its rightful spot.

Jack and Sandy were quiet as they flew to face their common enemy. Jack because he was pondering over everything that had happened that night and Sandy because…well Sandy had never talked. At least not since becoming a Guardian that is anyways.

"Prepare to face your doom, Guardians," Pitch sneered as he let loose all of the fearlings.

"Ready?" Jack whispered to his silent companion. Sandy nodded in confirmation and the two friends smiled at each other then attacked.

Sandy used his whips to take down many of the fearlings while Jack fired ice blasts one after the other. All too soon (at least in Pitch's mind that is) all of the fearlings were gone, leaving just the three very powerful beings to face one another.

"Well," Pitch said, breaking the silence. "I must admit that I wasn't expecting you, Sanderson, and that's why I failed. But I shall be prepared next time!" And before the others could even blink he was gone, the only evidence of his ever having there were the patches of black sand mixed with ice…

The Guardians blinked in astonishment then surged forward to greet their victorious friends. "You did great!" Tooth squealed as she hugged Jack, the Baby Tooth Fairies all swarming around him, happily chirping.

"Not so bad for someone not much bigger than an ankle biter," Bunny admitted. "But I still haven't forgiven you for the Blizzard of '68."

"Good job, Jack," North said, clapping the boy on the shoulder, causing him to stumble and nearly lose his footing. Even Sandy gave him two thumbs up.

"That was awesome!" Jamie yelled. "Totally cool! Can we do it again?"

"No!" All the Guardians (and Jack) said in unison, causing Jamie to snigger which soon turned into full blown laughter. The others looked confused for a minute then joined in; Jack's silvery laughter mixed in with North's much deeper baritones.

After a few minutes Jack finally calmed down enough to say, "We need to get you home, Jamie. It's getting pretty early and your parents will be up soon. We don't want them to freak out again like they did the time that you and your friends camped out in your yard waiting for Bigfoot to show up."

"You know about that?" Jamie's voice was full of wonder.

Jack snorted playfully. "Who do you think made it snow so hard that you guys had to go back inside?"

"The snow day when I forgot to study for my English test?" Jamie wanted to know.

"Guilty as charged," Jack took a low bow, sweeping off an imaginary Hat as he did so.

"Jack," Tooth spoke up before the two could leave.

"What is it?" Jack's eyes sparkled but the thin line where his mouth should be said that this had better be important.

"Offer still stands," North said. "You can still be Guardian."

"You might not be that bad," Bunny said reluctantly. "Although I wouldn't advise taking my eyes off of you for another sixty years. At least."

Jack hesitated and looked down at Jamie who nodded eagerly then at Sandy who was also nodding. "Okay, okay," he sighed, holding up his hand sin mock surrender. "I'll join the Guardians. But no shoes!"

"Agreed," North said the pulled out the thick book from somewhere on his personage. "Let's get started."
Jack looked around at the Guardians, at the Baby Tooth Fairies and at Jamie who stood there, his eyes full of hero worship as he stared at the winter spirit. Jack blinked away sudden tears of happiness and turned his attention back to North. He had family now. He was finally home…

A/N: Last chapter! Yay! Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Oh and in case if you were wondering why Pitch left so suddenly it's because he's a coward (duh!) and the Guardians were too excited about having Sandy back to pay him any attention. Thanks so much for reviewing and I hope you guys liked it! And as of now the poll is now closed. If you still want to vote but don't have an account just tell me which story you want done first in your review and I'll count it too. Okay? Thanks again! Must have 20 reviews before posting new story though. Thanks and have a good night to you all!