So! The sad, sad news of Merlin's final series was released this morning! I knew it was coming yet it still hurts to think it's over. But it will live on. We love you Merlin.
Here's a fic I started writing a few months ago and has taken up any of my spare time. It isn't complete yet but I have quite a bit saved onto my laptop, so hopefully there shouldn't be too long a wait between chapters- famous last words.
It isn't beta tested so any mistakes are my own. Hope you enjoy and please review. :)
Merlin and Morgana locked arms, each holding onto the others wrists, not letting go. The air fizzled around Merlin and he could feel the power running through both of them. Arthur knew of his magic, yet he didn't completely trust it, and soon, the rest of Camelot would know of his abilities too. He could feel their gazes on him, all of them, Gwen's, Gwaine's, Percival's, every knight, all his friends, and even Gaius'. The latter had know about him since the day he arrived in Camelot but he had only ever witnessed a number of smaller spells, nothing to any degree of power. He's known Merlin do spells beyond any he'd seen before, but never witnessed them himself. Now that would change, he was seeing the limit of Merlin's powers right before his eyes.
The power was increasing, both his and Morgana's energies were fighting against themselves, creating a storm, it encased both of them. Electricity sparked around them like lightning, bouncing off both of their skins, into the air around them. At some point, it would become too much and the pair would come to a blow, and because of this, Merlin knew he had to direct as much of this energy towards Morgana as he could, so that when it did get too much, it would be her who took the hit. The problem with doing this too early was that he may be fueling her power, which would make her stronger, even without her knowing about it.
Morgana was screaming, but the buzz of their joint power was fading it out; was he screaming? He hadn't noticed but he was, the pain coursing through his body felt like every bone breaking one by one, he was in agony, and the screams that escaped him must have matched those of Morgana's, filled with deep pain and growing weaker by the minute. Morgana must have felt it at the same time he did, for they both looked up into each others eyes, knowing that any minute now, the energy would explode. Her eyes were filled with pain, she was scared, he could see it, and it was this same look that he'd witnessed before which kept him from killing her; deep down, he still thought of her as his close friend. The fear soon turned to joy when she realised she had the upper hand, Merlin had let his guard down with his feelings for her and allowed her energy to battle easily over his. He once again turned all of his attention on her, making sure the energy ripped the space around them and raged on Morgana, not himself. He did not know how much power was surrounding them but he knew, if it were as powerful as both of them combined, it could easily kill one of them at full blow. There was a sudden crack, like a lightning strike straight over head followed by the loudest rumble of thunder, a bang, and he could feel himself flying through the air, screaming, full-yet again- of pain. He looked as quickly as he could to find Morgana doing the same, flying in the opposite direction to him, pale and limp. He hit the ground hard, rolling at least 5 times before coming to a stop with his back to the field crowded with Camelot's finest.
He was dazed, he knew he had to get up in case Morgana was already up on her feet. Slowly, he allowed himself to roll over, to face where Morgana had landed. He was right, the magic had spread out level, giving them both a hard hit, but not enough to knock either one of them out. Morgana was slowly getting up, a smile etched on her face, of pure hatred and loathing. Energy grew in her hands, and Merlin knew that at any second this would be directed his way; if it should get him in the right spot it could kill him. He had to react fast; sending fire straight towards Morgana, he knew it would distract her enough for him to get to his feet. The fire burned straight towards her, leaving grass scorched in a straight line from where he lay. It didn't work as well as he'd hoped, for he was only on his knees before the energy was sent flying towards his chest. He acted quickly and formed a shield, which caught the energy ball and allowed it to fizz to nothing. A second after letting the shield drop he sent 2 replica energy balls towards Morgana, hoping she would only be able to deflect one. It worked better than he'd hoped, for she was beginning to plan her next move and took her gaze off the sorcerer for 2 seconds when Merlin's attack hit her- both square in the stomach and chest. Merlin heard her scream, this time in complete agony, before seeing her thrown another 20 feet and land, completely still.
Merlin didn't know if she was dead, but it would definitely knock her out, he was safe- for now. That's when the pain hit him, it was all over his body and must have been ebbed out with the adrenaline coursing though him this whole time. The electricity both sorcerer's had created had burned his skin, the landing had bruised him and he was physically drained. He tried to muffle the screams of agony but couldn't, they were only made worse when he thought of the life he may have just took, evil or not, of his friend. Still on his knees, he bent double, falling to the floor and letting his head hit the cool grass. His arms reached around his stomach, holding it because of the pain roaring like a fire. He was screaming and crying, trying to breath but fighting a losing battle. He could hear footsteps, they were coming to execute him there and then, but he didn't care. None of it mattered anymore. Then he heard his name being called 'Merlin, Merlin, Merlin' coming out of the darkness. It was Gauis', and Gwaine's and...he couldn't believe it, he must have been hallucinating...Arthur's. He tried to look up through his sobs, clawing desperately at his stomach to try and get the breath he so deeply needed in, but he couldn't.
The arms wrapped around his stomach, he could feel the heat of whoever had come to him on his left side, their legs bent, pulling him up towards them, cradling him in their arms. He couldn't breath, the pain was getting worse and he wished he'd just black out, but even this relief didn't come.
'Merlin', fingers brushed his head, moving the wet hair from his eyes- he'd also only just noticed he was drenched through from head to toe with sweat- 'Merlin, can you hear me?', it was Gauis.
Against the glow of torches, he fought to open his eyes, looking up at his mentor, who he now knew was the one cradling him, seeing tears in the old man's eyes. Gauis softly touched Merlin's face, checking his temperature and wiping blood from his head and nose. Arthur came into Merlin's view, he seemed scared, but not quite as mad as he'd expected.
'Morgana?' The words barely escaped his lips, and he tried to pull himself up to see if she was still there, but he was pushed down by Arthur, who was now pouring water into his mouth. Merlin drank hastily, but realising he was still struggling to breath, choked on the liquid, resulting in it coming straight back up. The walls around his eyes were starting to become blurred and black, he was finally passing out, right up until he felt a slap across his face. Gwaine! Of course it was Gwaine, he'd been suspicious of Merlin's magic for a while and he wanted answers. 'Stay awake.' Gauis gave him a look that said 'i wanted him to stay awake but that wasn't necessary'. Merlin almost laughed at this but it hurt too much, he began to black out again. Before he could, strong hands pushed under his arms and pulled him up, moving one of his arms over their shoulder and the other over a second knight; Percival and Leon. They both held him up and softly told him to stay awake, shaking him whenever he began to pass out. The two knights walked with Merlin, but it slowly became clear he could hardly do so, within seconds his left foot was dragging, and he could sense that a few seconds more, his right one would follow. He could just make out Arthur telling them to get him into the medical tent before he passed out; feeling both knights hands and Arthur, holding onto his chest to keep him from doing himself anymore damage.