Hey everyone! This takes place after da Last Hope! (If I'm forgetting anyone, tell me in the reviews and I'll add them!)

R.I.P Mousefur: Died the death of a warrior

R.I.P Ferncloud: Died defending the nursery and the kits

R.I.P Firestar: His destiny was finally fulfilled, he was the fourth cat

R.I.P Hollyleaf: This death made me cry, my 1st fav warrior died protecting my 2nd fav!

R.I.P Spottedleaf: So much for 'I'll see you in StarClan my love' it made me almost cry when they had their little talk

R.I.P Beetlewhisker: You chose the right decision, you'd rather die than go with the Darkforest!

R.I.P Redwillow: Why did you have to betray your clan Redwillow? Why did you have to betray yourself?

R.I.P Hawkfrost: Seriously Hawky! If you weren't evil, you would be so great! You'd probably be deputy, and even leader!

R.I.P Tigerstar: As if I'd RIP you! You are a stupid piece of dung!

R.I.P Ivypool: Dudes I'm just kiddin! She is still alive, repeat SHE IS STILL ALIVE

Leader- Bramblestar, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Deputy- Squirrelflight, dark ginger she cat with green eyes

Medicine Cat- Jayfeather, grey tabby tom with blind blue eyes


Graystripe- long haired grey tom

Dustpelt- dark brown tabby tom

Sandstorm- pale ginger she cat with green eyes

Brackenfur- golden brown tabby tom

Cloudtail- long haired white tom with blue eyes

Millie- striped grey tabby she cat with blue eyes

Thornclaw- golden brown tabby tom

Leafpool- light brown tabby she cat with amber eyes, former medicine cat

Spiderleg- long limbed black tom with a brow underbelly and amber eyes

Birchfall- light brown tabby tom

Whitewing- white she cat with green eyes

Berrynose- cream coloured tom

Hazeltail- small grey and white she cat

Mousewhisker- grey and white tom

Poppyfrost- tortoiseshell she cat

Cinderheart- grey tabby she cat

Lionblaze- golden tabby tom with amber eyes

Foxleap- reddish tabby tom

Apprentice Cherrypaw

Icecloud- white she cat

Rosepetal- dark cream she cat

Apprentice Molepaw

Toadstep- black and white tom

Briarlight- dark brown she cat

Blossomfall- tortoiseshell and white she cat

Bumblestripe- very pale grey tom with black stripes

Dovewing- pale grey she cat with blue eyes

Ivypool- silver and white tabby she cat with dark blue eyes


Cherrypaw- ginger she cat

Molepaw- brown and cream tom


Sorreltail- tortoiseshell and white she cat with amber eyes (mother to Lilykit, a dark tabby she kit with white patches, and Seedkit, a very pale ginger she kit)

Brightheart- white she cat with ginger patches (mother to Dewkit, a grey tom, Snowkit, a white tom, and Amberkit, a grey she kit with a white muzzle, paws, and (right) ear)

Daisy- cream long furred cat from the horseplace


Purdy- plump tabby former loner with a grey muzzle

Leader- Blackstar, large white tom with jet black paws

Deputy- Rowanclaw, ginger tom

Medicine Cat- Littlecloud, very small tabby tom


Oakfur- small brown tom

Smokefoot- black tom

Toadfoot- dark brown tom

Apprentice Sparrowpaw (big tabby tom)

Applefur- mottled brown she cat

Apprentice Mistpaw (spiky furred grey she cat)

Crowfrost- black and white tom

Ratscar- brown tom with long scar across his back

Apprentice Stoatpaw (skinny ginger tom)

Snowbird- pure white she cat

Tawnypelt- tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes

Kinkfur- tabby she cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles

Ivytail- black, white, and tortoiseshell she cat

Olivenose- tortoiseshell she cat

Owlclaw- light brown tabby tom

Shrewfoot- grey she cat with black paws

Scorchfur- dark grey tom

Tigerheart- dark brown tabby tom

Dawnpelt- cream furred she cat

Ferretclaw- cream and grey tom

Starlingwing- ginger tom


Pinenose- black she cat


Cedarheart- dark grey tom

Tallpoppy- long legged light brown tabby she cat

Snaketail- dark brown tom with tabby striped tail

Whitewater- white she cat with long fur, blind in one eye

Leader- Onestar, brown tabby tom

Deputy- Ashfoot, grey she cat

Apprentice Larkpaw (black she cat)

Medicine Cat- Kestrelflight, mottled grey tom


Crowfeather- dark grey tom

Apprentice Crouchpaw (black tom)

Owlwhisker- light brown tabby tom

Gorsetail- very pale grey and white she cat with blue eyes

Weaselfur- ginger tom with white paws

Harespring- brown and white tom

Leaftail- dark tabby tom, amber eyes

Emberfoot- grey tom with two dark paws

Heathertail- light brown tabby she cat

Sedgewhisker- light brown tabby she cat

Swallowtail- dark grey she cat

Sunstrike- tortoiseshell she cat with large white mark on her forehead

Whiskernose- light brown tom

Furzepelt- grey and white she cat

Boulderfur- large pale grey tom


Whitetail- small white she cat


Webfoot- dark grey tabby tom

Tornear- tabby tom

Leader- Mistystar, grey she cat with blue eyes

Deputy- Reedwhisker, black tom

Medicine Cat- Mothwing, dappled golden she cat

Apprentice Willowshine (grey tabby she cat)


Graymist- pale grey tabby she cat

Mintfur- light grey tabby tom

Minnowtail- dark grey she cat

Pebblefoot- mottled grey tom

Mallownose- light brown tabby tom

Robinwing- tortoiseshell and white tom

Petalfur- grey and white she cat

Grasspelt- light brown tom

Apprentice Heronpaw (smoky grey almost black tom)

Troutstream- pale grey tabby she cat

Rushtail- light brown tabby tom

Mossyfoot- brown and white she cat

Hollowflight- dark brown tabby tom


Duskfur- brown tabby she cat

Mosspelt- tortoiseshell she cat with blue eyes

Icewing- heavily pregnant white she cat


Dapplenose- mottled grey she cat

Pouncetail- ginger and white tom

Cats Outside The Clans

Smoky- muscular grey and white tom that lives at the horseplace

Floss- small grey and white she cat that lives at the horseplace

Other Animals

Midnight- a stargazing badger who lives by the sea

Pip- black and white dog that lives near the horseplace

Lionblaze rushed over to Cinderheart "We won!" he purred, and he rubbed his muzzle against her cheek "Is there anything I can get you, or do for you?" he smiled at her, his eyes soft

Cinderheart scowled in amusement "You can get those wounds checked! Jayfeather would flay my skin if I didn't tell you, but he could probably cut me with his tongue," she teased gently, flicking him playfully with her tail

"I'll be fine! You know I can't get hurt!" he protested, and Cinderheart purred in reply "That doesn't stop me from worrying, does it?"

Lionblaze gave his mate a mixed glance, of love and amusement as he trotted towards his brother's den

"Jayfeather?" he poked his head into the den, Toadstep was laying on some moss, blood oozing out of the young warrior

Jayfeather looked hurriedly at him "Toadstep might die!" he hissed, his ears flattened, his eyes distressed

Lionblaze felt a pang of pain, Toadstep thought of him as a hero, which made him feel like one… Surely the bold, brave young cat's life couldn't be cut so short?

"I know you are doing all you can!" he replied, his eyes giving away his pain

Jayfeather turned to face him, his eyes angry and his fur bristling "All I can, might not be enough! Did you just hear me? Toadstep might die!" he hissed angrily

Lionblaze flattened his ears "Sorry!" and he left the den with a lash of his tail

He marched across the clearing, spotting a tempting mouse on the pile, but he chose to ignore it… there are cats in pain that need that food, not me

His fur was bristled slightly as he passed the freshkill pile and then a soft kind voice came from behind him

"Hi Lionblaze," it was Icecloud

He let out a tired yawn as he turned around "Hi Icecloud," he greeted

"You don't seem injured," she meowed uneasily, studying his pelt "Yeah, I guess the whole clan knows about my powers now… if not, I can fight battles without getting hurt,"

Icecloud's eyes shone "Whoa, you're even more amazing than I thought," then she ducked her head hurriedly and he could almost see red on her ear tips

He smiled "Hey, wanna go hunting? The freshkill pile is low," he admitted, it would take his mind off Toadstep

Icecloud looked at him with gratitude in her blue eyes "Of course Lionblaze,"

Lionblaze followed her out of camp… almost jumping at every noise

"It's alright, this is home… try to remember it without the trampled leaves and mess everywhere," she joked kindly, which partly made him feel better

He imagined the bright forest, sunshine reflecting off the dewdrops on the leaves, he gave a sigh of sadness

"Come on, I think I smell a rabbit ahead, you go around the clearing, in case I don't get it… Actually, I'll scare it, and hopefully it'll run right into your paws!"

Icecloud had scars all over her flank and a deep bite in her shoulder, but her blue eyes were determined

He watched her sneak around the clearing and when he noticed her in the right position he leapt towards the rabbit with a loud yowl

Fortunately, the rabbit raced towards Icecloud and she pounced on it easily, and soon it was over

"We make a great team!" Icecloud smiled, dropping the rabbit

Lionblaze nodded "We should take this back to camp," he meowed, his ears flattened with embarrassment

Icecloud gave him a friendly smile "Okay!"

Lionblaze entered camp with a mouse, while Icecloud held the rabbit reluctantly… they had an argument over who should carry the rabbit into camp, and he managed to persuade her it was her catch, not his

He looked at Icecloud "We should do that again sometime," she meowed, her ear tips the same red as before

"Yeah, we should," he meowed to her and then he spotted Cinderheart sharing a moue with Foxleap, they seemed in deep conversation

"Hey Cinderheart!" he called, and she looked up "Hey Lionblaze!" then her gaze hardened "You didn't get your wounds checked out…"

Lionblaze purred in amusement, but then he dropped his head "Toadstep is fatally wounded, his life is in the paws of StarClan,"

Cinderheart's gaze softened "Oh Lionblaze," she pushed her muzzle into his cheek


"Where have you been?" she asked gently

"Hunting with Icecloud," he told her, and a feeling flashed in her eyes, something like jealousy

"Oh, what did you catch?"

Lionblaze was puzzled "Just a rabbit and a mouse,"

She flicked her tail "You guys obviously don't make that good of a team,"

Lionblaze hissed softly "We do, we planned everything to catch that rabbit!"

Cinderheart's fur bristled and she opened her mouth to snap something, but obviously thought better of it, and took off towards the warrior den

He rolled his eyes "Hm, you and Icecloud huh?" Foxleap teased

Lionblaze looked confused… "Haven't you heard?" the reddish tabby asked, his eyes wide

"No, what…"

"My sister, she likes you!" he pointed out like Lionblaze was a dumb kit

Lionblaze flattened his ears with embarrassment "No she doesn't, she is a good friend," he looked and spotted Icecloud heading towards the nursery with the rabbit they had caught

She shot him a friendly smile and continued her way to the nursery


"She doesn't like me!"

Foxleap smiled "Seriously, you are dumb," and with that, he got up and headed towards the warrior den

A little Ice x Lion goin on their… if it were up to me, I'd make it Foxleap and Cinderheart! And Lionblaze and Icecloud… but I know the Erin's wouldn't even think of doing that

I think Fox x Cinder is cute…

Who's POV should be next? *CoughDoveCoughWing*