Silvereyed Berserker

A Claymore and Berserk crossover.

By Ironclad

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Their respective owners own both Mangas.

AN: before entering this story I highly recommend reading both Mangas because they are extremely well done. Also this is a berserk story meaning its rated M for a reason people. Those who dislike violence and want the world made out of puppies and bunnies should leave. Now then on to the story.

This chapter's song: "Earth: Berserk Original sound track."


Chapter 1: The Struggler

"But since I was born human, I want to live for the sake of Humans, that is the only truth to me."

Jean to Rufil after the latter tortured her.

Jean sighed before falling backward off of Clare's Blades she had paid her debt to Clare and her comrades. She smiled and fell to the snowy ground spread eagle, the ragged hole in her chest bleeding onto the ground, turning the white ground red. She hoped before she died that Clare understood that this was not her Fault. The wound she had taken from the lion king was fatal before Clare had impaled her not being able to control her awakened body. As the last of her strength left her, the black void in front of her eyes opened up into a vast sea of white as far as the eye could see, and she fell into it happily having paid her debt.


Guts, know as the black swordsman, the struggler, former commander of the Hawks Raiders, and many other names walked down the road heavily. It was almost impossible he thought, to walk lightly, he was a very large man after all. Being over 6,5 feet tall and weighing over 260 pounds. He walked with a determined stride not slowing for any reason. The massive sword on his back under a cloak, swaying with his every step. His one good eye looked over the road warily, while his friend the elf Puck flitted nervously around his head. He was tired, not having a good nights rest since he had been branded. He reached up to the back of his neck and felt the outline. Good, he thought it was dry, the blood that usually dripped from it when a hell-spawned apostle was near, was gone. He looked up his eye squinting as he saw the sun. It was about noon but he was still about 9 hours from the nearest town. He would have taken a horse but his weight and sword would break the back of any but the strongest horses.

As he walked the trees along the edge of the road gave weigh to a large plane, grass rustling quietly in the light breeze of the wind. He spied a large oak tree in the distance, its massive venerable form gnarred by the scars of frost. He made his way down the road intent to reach the next town before nightfall. Suddenly his brand began to hurt and he reached behind his head to feel blood slowly dripping down it. He looked around his other hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Suddenly, a bright light flashed blinding him and he fell forward heavily into unconscious.


"Get up Guts." Puck said anxiously.

Guts woke suddenly, his body shooting up. He lay just were he fell along the side of the road. He groaned and pushed him self off the ground with his mechanical left hand. He stood and looked around. Nothing seemed to have changed and his brand did not hurt him anymore. He felt it and the blood seemed to have dried.

"What happened?"

"I don't know I passed out as well." puck replied

He looked down the road and around when a glare caught his eye. It seemed to be coming from where the oak was. He walked toward the glare and came toward the tree. He approached it to see that it was a sword. It was long, perhaps 6 feet in length but nowhere nearly as long as his Dragonslayer. The blade shined silver and came to an elegant crossguard with a symbol engraved in red upon it; the hilt was a red color and seemed to be sturdy. Guts reached down and picked it up studying the blade and length. He swung it experimentally, and then replaced it on the grass. He had learned from experience that something's are better left alone. That's when he saw the arm. It was laid out so that he could not see the person it was attached to, because the tree blocked his view. He walked around the tree to see a woman with white cloths and armor plates on the knees and shoulders lying under the tree. The cloths were ripped and torn and covered in blood and some sort of purple gore.

"She's pretty Guts" puck said, only to have the swordsman give him a look that could freeze water.

"Uh hello." he reached down with his right hand and felt her wrist. He felt a slow pulse. The sun was starting to go down and he swore. Soon the beings that were attacked by the brand would come for him again. He couldn't just leave the girl there. He sighed again and walked over to the tree and grabbed a dead branch, ripping it off the tree and breaking it over his knee. He grabbed some sticks from the ground and proceeded to make a small fire. The wood was piled now and he fished around in his pouch for his flint. He took it out and struck it along one of his many knifes. The small spark it made flew into the mass of kindling and ignited them. Slowly the fire caught and soon he had a crackling campfire. The swordsman put his back against the tree and brought out his whetstone. He drew his huge blade and placed it in front of him. He ran the stone along the 7-foot length of the blade. Shooting up sparks that intermingled with the ones coming from the fire. He pulled out a loaf of bread from his bag and took a bite before ripping a small piece off and handing it to puck that struggled under the weight of the bread. His tiny wings beating trying to keep aloft with all of his effort.

"Guts if you want to sleep ill keep watch for them." puck said

Guts nodded and leaned back and closed his eyes, his hand still resting on the sword. Guts had fought for years and like any good soldier did not waste anytime going to sleep, without armor and with. But like any good soldier he was ready for anything.

He had nodded off for about an hour before he heard the cry of puck. He jumped to his feet to see the familiar sight of 9-apostle spawn coming for him through the eerie light of the campfire. The brand burned splattering the back of his neck with his blood. He threw one of his many bombs detonating one of them in an explosion of blood. The remaining screamed in rage and rushed forward only to for the first of there number to be cleaved in half by the massive Dragonslayer sword. Another its fat face puckered in a grimace lunged for him clawed hands slashing only to come face to face with the massive blade. It fell backward as its lower half separated.

"Behind you Guts." came Pucks shrill cry and he swung the sword around in a 1 handed ark decapitating another Spawn. One smashed into him from the side and he flew backward impacting into the tree, which shook under the impact. He grunted and looked up into the face of the spawn its mouth wide in anticipation of the kill. It flew forward for the killing bite but the swordsman's mechanical left arm came up the hidden cannon in the middle aimed at it, the draw sting clamped tightly in his mouth.

"Go to Hell" he pulled the drawstring and the cannon boomed, the 5-pound shot destroying the body of the spawn from head to toe. He leaped to his feet in time to block the attack of another spawn, and retaliate with a thrust that knocked the bloated creature off the ground. Kept swinging the massive sword in large arcs, using the magnet in his mechanical hand to help him swing it with control.

"Guts another 3 from the right." Puck yelled. Guts turned reading for another blow. The first spawn swung its clawed appendage toward him. He braced for impact with his sword angled to block it. Suddenly in a fountain of blood the arm fell from its body to land in front of guts, which looked at it shocked. The spawn looked at its bleeding stump and then behind it where its 3 comrades lay there heads suddenly missing from there body's, too the girl who stood next to him now, her face hidden in shadow, but glowing golden eyes, stared into the gloom. She held the sword that he had looked at earlier one handed, a task that if she were to swing it would require incredible strength, with her other hand holding her side. The creature gargled something unintelligible before its head slowly slid of its body.

"Wow your amazing" puck said and Guts had to agree, the woman had killed 3-apostle spawn in a manner of seconds. he was then surprised to see her fall onto her knees. He rushed toward her kneeling down to look at her.

"Where am I?" she asked before falling back into unconsciousness, her hand falling from the sword.

AN: In All honesty I actually am surprised that no one has doe a crossover like this yet. Anyway I hope I wrote well for Guts. If I need help please tell me in a PM or review. I am interested in a Beta reader for the Berserk Part of this because I'm pretty iffy with the lore. Now go write me some reviews. (please)