Epilogue: Oh Happy Days

Since Baron and Charisse wanted to marry soon, they put the date for a few weeks after the announcement. Animal weddings were different from humans, even if the two cats were more human than cats. They didn't have to worry about too many outfits and they couldn't drink alcoholic drinks that much because the drinks weren't made for animals. The only outfits to be fussed over were the wedding gown and groom's tuxedo. Yuki placed her seamstresses in charge of the wedding gown and it was a lovely cream colored gown that made Charisse look like an angel.

The wedding day came upon them and Baron stood in his dressing room nervously, unable to shake the nerves in his body. Muta and Toto, who were the best man and usher respectively, tried to keep Baron calm but to no avail. He was shaking more than a drowned Chihuahua and his eyes were as wide as saucers. Poor Baron nearly fainted because how nervous yet excited he was. His heart was pounding and his hands were sweating through the cream colored gloves he wore.

"Baron, calm yourself down," said Muta, patting the overwrought Baron on the back. "There's no need to worry. All you have to do is stand at the alter, repeat after the preacher, slide the ring on her finger, and then kiss her. Seems pretty easy, doesn't it?"

"Have you ever been married?" asked Baron anxiously, turning to face his friend.

"No," replied Muta, "but I've seen them on TV and we went to Yuki and Lune's wedding so I know what we're in for. Just breathe, Baron. In and out."

Baron did as instructed and found himself surprisingly calm. His heart still pounded fast but he was looking forward to call Charisse his wife. Mrs. Charisse von Jikkingen, he thought lovingly. It has a nice ring to it. I love her…

"Is the groom ready?" asked Lune, poking his head in. "Everyone is in their seats waiting for the groom and his men."

Muta and Toto looked over to Baron in reply and the Sir Cat nodded with a smile growing on his face. "Yes, we're ready," he answered confidently.

Lune gave them a smile and disappeared to the main hall of the castle where the ceremony was to be held. Baron gave his black suit one last smooth and he walked out the doors with Muta and Toto flanking him. And I wouldn't have it any other way, he was thinking with a smile on his face as the three made their way into the room.

In the bride's dressing room, Charisse was near to tears because how nervous and ecstatic she was yet she wished her parents and friends were here to witness her wedding. Yuki, who was her maid of honor, soothed the overwrought girl and handed her the bouquet of roses that they picked out a few weeks prior. Charisse didn't need to wear makeup so it didn't take so long for the bride to get ready. All they had to do was put the veil on her head and slide her high heels on. Contrary to living in Japan, Charisse was an American woman and wanted the wedding to be western, like her parents' before her.

"You look beautiful," said Yuki gently after Charisse's veil was put on. "Are you ready to become Baroness von Jikkingen?"

"Oh my God…" groaned Charisse fearfully. "I just remembered that. A baroness, me, really? I'm not fit to be a baroness, Yuki…"

"Yes, you are," said Yuki firmly. "Baron loves you for who you are, not who you're about to become."

"I know," breathed Charisse. "It's just…I'm so nervous."

Yuki smiled lightly. "Don't worry," she said softly, patting Charisse on the back. "You'll be wonderful."

Suddenly, Lune poked his head in and asked, "Is the bride ready? Everyone's waiting…"

Yuki shooed him away by pushing him out. "Yes, the bride is ready, love," she said gently. "Now go."

The king smiled and walked out. Yuki turned and looked at the nervous bride. Charisse smiled at her maid of honor and nodded resolutely. I'm ready to become Charisse von Jikkingen.

"I'm ready," she breathed, taking her bouquet in her hands. "Let's go, Yuki."

The white cat with sapphire eyes nodded and followed Charisse out of the dressing room.

Baron stood at the altar, feeling his hands beginning to sweat again but when he heard the music that announced the bride's entrance, he looked over and saw his Charisse floating towards him in a vision of angelic white. As she got closer and closer to him, he felt his mouth go dry and his knees get weak. She looked like an angel. He knew that at that moment his nerves were gone, replaced with the love he held for her. As soon as she reached him, she took his hand in hers and they stared into each other's eyes. Finally, the minister began to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the holiest state of matrimony…" And he went on and on until he asked for the rings.

Yuki handed the ring to Charisse and Lune handed the ring to Baron and the couple faced each other. The priest finally told Baron to say the vows.

"Repeat after me, Baron," said the priest, reading from his book. "'I have for you a golden ring…'"

"I have for you a golden ring," repeated Baron, gazing at Charisse with the utmost love and joy.

"'The most precious metal symbolizes…'"

"The most precious metal symbolizes…" Baron's voice started to get choked up with emotion.

"'That your love is the most precious element in my life…'"

"That you love is the most precious element in my life…"

"'The ring has no beginning and no ending…'"

"The ring has no beginning and no ending…"

"'Which symbolizes the love between us will never cease…'"

"Which symbolizes the love between us will never cease…"

"'I place it on your finger as a visible sign…'"

"I place it on your finger as a visible sign…"

"'Of the vows which have made us husband and wife…'"

"Of the vows which have made us husband and wife." Baron smiled as tears of joy ran down his cheeks when he slid the precious band on Charisse's finger.

Charisse began crying as well as began repeating after the priest.

"'I have for you a golden ring…'"

"I have for you this golden ring…" Charisse's voice choked up but she was smiling widely.

"'The most precious metal symbolizes…'"

"The most precious metal symbolizes…"

"'That your love is the most precious element in my life…'"

"That your love is the most precious element in my life…"

"'The ring has no beginning and no ending…'"

"The ring has no beginning and no ending…"

"'Which symbolizes the love between us will never cease…'"

"Which symbolizes the love between us will never cease…"

"'I place it on your finger as a visible sign…'"

"I place it on your finger as a visible sign…"

"'Of the vows which have made us husband and wife…'"

"Of the vows which have made us husband and wife," finished Charisse, sliding Baron's ring on his finger.

The priest smiled and continued on, "Will you, Baron Humbert von Jikkingen, take Charisse Aleena Carr as your wedded wife in the holiest state of matrimony? Will you obey her, serve her, and forsake all others so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," answered Baron, affirming his love in those two words.

"Will you, Charisse Aleena Carr, take Baron Humbert von Jikkingen as your wedded husband in the holiest state of matrimony? Will you obey him, serve him, and forsake all others so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," answered Charisse in a tone just as strong as Baron's.

"Humbert," said the priest, turning to Baron, "you may kiss the bride."

Baron pulled Charisse in a tight embrace and gave her a gentle, loving kiss. Gone were all the doubts they had from before. Now, they felt love and joy that surely even the cosmos and souls in heaven could feel and it would never fade or alter.

The reception wasn't too long but at the end of it, the couple got on Toto's back and they went off to their honeymoon place. Where they're going, you ask? Well, Baron got them a special place in Hawaii where they could enjoy each other's love and devotion for a whole week. As the newlyweds sat on the bird, they shared kisses one after the other, passionate than the one before. Baron held his wife to him before he began speaking.

"I'm so happy that we're finally married, Baroness von Jikkingen," he murmured lovingly.

"I'm happy too," she whispered back, clinging to him as her tears began flowing into his shirt. "I wonder if my parents are watching from heaven…"

"They are," affirmed Baron, kissing his wife soundly. "I know they are."

The two shared another kiss and they held each other, relishing the time they had together. Just like stars, the newlyweds glowed and sparkled with joy because they were finally joined body, mind, and soul. Just like the words from the ending of fairy tales, they all lived happily ever after, and even after that.

A/N: Ending to the loving story I made! Stick around for the sequel "Cycles of Love and Life"! Enjoy and R&R!