
DON'T KILL ME! I have very, very good reasons for not updating my other stories. I won't give them to you here, because that will make this chapter over 5,000 words long, but if you PM me I will rant on. And on.

So yeah.

Anyway, to the matter of this…I was bored, felt like writing something a tad dark after reading a bit of fictions for RotG, and this idea came to mind. Tad dark. I may bring it up to a T rating, if the readers think it gets too dark, gory, or I want to add in some swear words. Just a warning.

Hehehe…Anyway, enjoy…If you dare…

Danny Fenton, the normal teenage boy any would expect, was walking down the halls casually. Well, if you consider the fact that his hands were flying, his hair was going crazy, and that he wasn't even walking, was casual, then you'd realize everything was normal. Actually, this was normal. Everyday, between fifth and sixth period, Daniel Fenton often found himself running down the halls of the school away from Dash Baxter, the bully.

Danny panted, making a sharp turn. There was a teacher, but he just ignored Danny. It was upsetting, but expected. Even as Dash walked by, all the teacher said was, "Good luck at the game tomorrow!" and closed the door. As long as you played a sport, you were safe from detentions, referrals, bullies, and were allowed to do practically anything you wanted so you could play in the next game.

All in all, it appeared as if the world had it in for Fenton. Befriending a techno-geek and gothic girl didn't help to improve his social status, it only lowered it even more.

Danny made another quick turn, almost tripping over his own feet. Dash was catching up; and fast. This time, Danny just didn't want to deal with it. He didn't want to be blamed for any school property damage, receive a detention for showing up to class late from being shoved in the locker, and didn't want to just be punched in general.

Making his decision, Danny turned, and waited for Dash. It wasn't long before the blonde turned, but he soon skidded to a halt, searching for the boy he planned on punching.

Danny sighed silently, floating a tad off the ground in his invisible form. Sometimes having ghost powers could come in handy.

That's when something weird happened.

Okay, let me rephrase that. The word weird is suggesting something supernatural. That…is different for the town of Amity Park. Like, really different. After a ghostly invasion, being transported to another dimension (how 'weird' is that?), having been assaulted by a freak weather ghost, millions of dollars in damage property done by ghost fights, and the fact that they even elected a ghostly mayor (even though they didn't really know he was ghostly), just made the word weird…normal.

So, in the Amity Park version of weird, was exactly what the next event was.

The ground rumbled once. That's all, once. Just shook once, calmly and slowly, and then it happened. It shook with an ugly thrust, sending lockers crashing to the ground, papers flying, terrified screams, and shutting off all the lights, letting darkness…slowly…seep in. It was as if the shadows were crawling along, even with the shaking.

Black sand rippled through the floors.

Danny watched in horror as Dash was practically swallowed by it, only for the sand to leave him, knocked out, with a little image of a band geek, Mikey, beating him up with an instrument.

If Danny wasn't so terrified, he might've laughed.

Desperately, Danny kept the intangible feeling and invisibility on as he flew, keeping up pace with the sand as it spread. Students in hallways dropped all their papers and fled, screaming. The sand would swallow them, release them, and play something above their heads.

Danny looked up to see where it was heading next, and saw a thing of lockers in the hallway, having fallen down. He let his hopes get up, hoping it would stop the sand.

It didn't.

It flew over it, forming into horse-like creatures that howled as they charged down the hall.

Suddenly, the ground stopped shaking.

But Danny kept flying, transforming into his alter ego as he zoomed after the sand. Various rays of green were blast at some horses, causing them to disintegrate upon impact. But the black sand would just reform into it, and the horses began to freeze in their trek.

Danny sucked in a breath as he realized they were looking for him.

Some horses continued to run, and it was after these that Danny flew after. Fear hit him strongly as he saw what two characters were in the next hallway.

Sam Manson, the pretty goth girl, was helping up Tucker, the techno-geek. There was a light trickle of blood on Tucker's face, probably from where he smashed it against something or another.

One horse stopped, as if it had sensed Danny. As if it knew he was there…and yet not.

But Danny didn't ponder it as he fired ecto-blast after ecto-blast at the horse, finally releasing his intangibility and invisibility.

"Leave them alone!" Danny cried, sending another blast of energy at one of the last three horses. It vanished, but soon reformed. It glanced at Danny, stalking forward. The glare was so tense, as if it recognized Danny.

Finally, it huffed, then turned around and charged at Danny's friends.

They screeched, giving a quick cry. Danny desperately shot at the horses, hitting only for them to creep towards his friends as sand.

Realization hit Danny as he flew towards his friends, planning on flying them to safety before they were…whatever it was that had happened to the other kids.

But something grabbed Danny's foot, pulling him back. The hand was gray and freezing, despite the ice powers Danny held.


Danny, his vivid green eyes become a chilling ice blue, let his foot and hand become surrounded in solid ice. Ice rays shot from his hands, freezing the sand just before it touched his friends.

"Danny!" Sam cried, holding Tucker up by his armpits as she moved away from the frozen black sand.

"Run, Sam!" Danny ordered, suddenly being pulled back sharply. It was so quick that he couldn't even see the force pulling him. A low growl sounded from whoever, no, whatever was holding his ankle.

Apparently, the ice didn't do anything.

"Daaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnyyyyy!" Sam's voice rang, sounding terrified and absolutly desperate to save her friend. Or herself.

The figure pulling Danny back never gave him a chance to reply, as soon he felt the crawling prickling of something up his leg, and instantly knew it was the sand.

"No!" he yelled, struggling fircely in attempt to make it stop. He had to get away; he had to save his friends. He had to save Dash. He had to save everyone. Everyone was counting on him.

If he failed…

"Let me go!" Danny cried, unleashing a full blast of energy from his foot, and was happy to know it sent his captor flying in the direction away from him. The sand fell to the ground, and Danny made sure to hover in place above it.

Nothing moved.

The only sound in the school was Danny's scared breathing.

Slowly, he floated towards his captor. A black cloak completely cover his face and body, the only thing visible were the bony fingers, which were a sickly gray color.

Danny looked closer, trying to see the face. He was curious. He lifted his gloved hand, planning on moving the cloak so he could see who–what had attacked his school, his friends, the bullies…And the people he had to protect.

However, as soon as he touched the cloak, black sand suddenly launched at him from his, coating his hand. Whips of black sand hooked his feet, forcing him to land on the ground, face first. Danny tried phasing out, but found he couldn't.

The sand quickly crawled up his suit, but paused when it reached his neck. Danny's green eyes were filled with fear, but also sharp courage to stop whatever force it was.

"Jack Frost."

The voice was icy, terrifying, and sent chills down Danny's spine. Somehow, Danny knew it was the figure speaking, and it was to him. But his name wasn't Jack Frost.

"Fancy seeing you here, you little twit!"

The figure suddenly rose. Evil yellow eyes looked into Danny's green, filling with shock and realization. The cloak around the figure rested around, and sand (aside from the one all around Danny) began to return to the…thing. It may have stood like a human, but every thing about it was inhuman.

"Wh-who's Jack Frost?" Danny asked, letting himself be confused about the person. He felt as if he should know who it was, yet he didn't.

The figure didn't answer, only bending down to look deeper into Danny's eyes. An unstoppable well of fear filled up in them, and the thin lips on the person went into a smirk.

"Afraid?" it taunted, turning away.

Somehow, Danny just knew the question was rhetorical.

"No," Danny responded anyway.

The figure just laughed, raising a hand. The sand seemed to obey, lifting Danny off the floor in his form. He struggled, but the sand only gripped tighter, and Danny suddenly hoped it wouldn't suffocate him. Then again, it wasn't like he needed to breathe in ghost form…right?

"Who are you?" Danny demanded, his eyes glowing with venom at his captor.

"You are not in the position to ask questions," it sneered, white fangs showing darkly. Danny instantly saw a resemblance to it and Plasmius, and he wondered if it was just as powerful, too.

Danny grinned a bit, letting green energy condense in his hands as he fire sharply at the sand all around his body. To add to it, he called upon the blue rings that changed his form, letting them wash over him. He didn't change, but the sand was forced away.

He hovered, a green hand aimed at the cloaked figure. "I asked, who are you?"

The figure shot around, forcing Danny's hand out of the way. As he did so, a sharp pain filled the teen, from the nails on the figure. black sand quickly wrapped itself around the legs, hands, and even mouth of him.

A smirk crossed the creature's face. "Ever hear of the Boogie Man?"

Danny blinked, indicating that he clearly had not.

"No matter, you will be coming with me."

"Nh Iera asm ngjoet!" Danny tried to cry, struggling. Whatever the creature wanted with him couldn't be good.

"Struggling is pointless," it spat. "Besides, you won't be able to do that is you're asleep."

Danny's eyes filled with sudden fear as the sand began to crawl from his binds all over, eventually covering his head. And, unwillingly, darkness took him.

Firstly, who else thinks Danny's ghost form looks like Jack, only the eyes as a difference (and clothes, but still)? I know I do; both of them are super hot.

In case you didn't notice, the figure is Pitch.

Feedback would be appreciated on this. I may give it up if I lose interest or just don't feel like writing. :P

Feel free to PM me and listen to me rant if you're curious and read my other stories and want to know why I haven't updated in more then a month.

Anyway, until next time!
