A/N: Thank you again to all my readers and reviewers. And to those of you who Favorited this story as well. I think all authors appreciate knowing someone is reading their work and better yet, enjoying it. I know I certainly do. This is the end for this story but hopefully something new will come to me soon. Merry Christmas!
Emma's Story
After that night Kate and Jethro's marriage which had been good anyway only got better and stronger. Kate adopted Emma just a month later and everyone celebrated with a party after the legalities were finalized. Emma and her daddy had a long talk about the adoption before the papers were signed and she told him she wanted Kate to be her mommy. He asked her if she understood what that meant and her reply brought tears to his eyes.
"Sure, it means she loves me and I love her forever."
"That's right, Emma. Kate does love you and she wants to be your mom forever."
"Daddy, what about a brother?"
Jethro sputtered and choked and finally managed to reply, "What do you mean?"
"My friend Sarah at school got a new mommy and a new brother. Can we get a brother?"
We're workin' on it, was what he was thinking but, "Maybe" was his response to his four year old.
As soon as the weather permitted and Jethro had time, the renovation of the kitchen and bathroom began. It was a nightmare and an adventure all rolled into one. Of course it took longer and cost more than they expected but in the end it was worth it. Kate had her beautiful, updated and very functional kitchen and Jethro had his spa tub. There was also a new closet for Kate and a super, multi-sprayer walk-in shower for Jethro. He would say he got the best end of the deal because he got Kate in the tub and the shower on a regular basis but he was rarely required to be in the kitchen. Of course the renovations were doubly stressful because Kate was pregnant throughout the process. Jethro made a mental note to never again start a big project when she was pregnant. They survived but just barely!
That first Adults Only night had not only strengthened an already good marriage it had cured the pregnancy problem. Emma got her baby brother nine months and two weeks after that fateful night. Jackson Paul, named in honor of his grandfathers, weighed in at eight pounds and two ounces. He had his father's light brown hair and his mother's dark eyes. He was a very happy baby who began sleeping through the night when he was only three months old. Kate stayed home for those first three months then went back to work and Karen took care of JP as he was called.
Emma was in pre-K by now and loved going to school. She also loved being a big sister and was eager to help with the baby except when it came to changing diapers which she termed, 'yucky'. Her daddy agreed but was never-the-less, an expert at that particular chore. Emma's old room was turned into the baby's room. Emma helped her daddy paint the room and she and Kate drew sailboats on one wall. Having a baby in the house fascinated Emma and she spent a lot of time just looking at him. She loved kissing him and feeling his downy soft hair.
"I think he's cute, mommy. But when will he be able to do something?"
"Like what?"
"You know, like sit up or crawl or something. All he does is lay around."
"He'll be sitting up in a few months and by the time he's a year old he'll probably be walking around and getting into your stuff. You'll have to keep your toys picked up and your door closed."
"Can we take him to the park or something?"
"As soon as your daddy gets home from the store we can go to the park. Why don't you go change into some other pants and shoes so you'll be ready."
"Okay, mommy."
Those were the sweetest words Kate ever heard. Well, maybe as sweet as what Jethro whispered in her ear sometimes. In an entirely different way of course! Kate was thrilled with how she and Emma had come to love one another. Once Kate adopted her Emma seemed to become really her daughter. It was as if both of them had been waiting for the official word and once they had it there was no more distance between them. Emma simply accepted Kate as her mom and never looked back.
Of course, Emma and Jethro continued to have a special bond. They still read stories almost every night but now JP was included in the ritual. Kate was at ease with their relationship and no longer felt left out. Emma came to her with her "ouchies" and often sought her out just for quiet time or sat with her when she was feeding the baby. Their relationship was strong and loving in every way.
When JP was three and Emma was going into second grade Nathan arrived in the midst of a terrible thunderstorm. Although he wasn't planned for and was almost delivered by his father in the car, he was a very welcome addition to the family. Emma had been hoping for a little sister but when she saw her second baby brother she agreed he was pretty cute and she'd keep him. Nathan was the spitting image of his father which pleased his mother no end. He was healthy and happy and once again, Kate stayed home until he was three months old. Now though, when she went back to work she only worked three days a week, Tuesday through Thursday. She wanted to spend as much time as they could manage with the children and thankfully, she'd been able to work out a very favorable schedule. Jethro was rarely gone overnight anymore and even his late nights were few and far between.
When Kate watched Jethro with the children she was always taken by his devotion to them. He was the most patient, loving parent she could imagine. He never raised his voice to them and always took the time to listen. They adored their father and waited anxiously for him to come home every night. By the same token, Jethro was amazed at the ease with which Kate managed three young children. She never seemed out of sorts with them and always found time for each one of them alone. Emma loved helping her mom in the kitchen just as much as she loved being outside with her dad. The boys were rambunctious and funny and Kate seemed to have unending patience with them. When they were all out together people always commented on what lovely, well behaved children they were. Kate and Jethro gave each other all the credit.
Right after JP was born they managed to buy a small house at the beach and as much of the summer as possible was spent there enjoying the sun, sand and water. Karen often accompanied them as she was practically a member of the family by now. At least twice a summer one of the grandfathers would visit for a few days at the beach and the children always loved those days especially. Jethro was quite the master of the sand castle and Emma still loved to collect shells. Both boys loved the water and had to be forced to get out and rest. Days at the beach were the best days and Jethro and Kate always hated to return to the city.
After much discussion and soul searching Jethro and Kate decided their family was complete. Another child would mean moving and neither of them wanted to do that. They considered several remodeling options but in the end decided they were happy with three children and would stop there. Adults Only Night continued to be a regular occurrence but most of the time now Karen spent the night at their house and Kate and Jethro went out for a romantic night at a classy hotel or a secluded bed and breakfast. Their marriage flourished right along with their family. What had begun by chance on Air Force One and survived the terrible ordeal of Emma's kidnapping was now the very best thing either Jethro or Kate had ever done.