
Story 3 in the Reforged AU


"I'm not an invalid, you know." He angrily told her.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry! And here I thought you were going to literally build an entire temple complex with your powers tomorrow and should maybe conserve your energy! How thoughtless of me! My humble apologies, Lord Warlock!"

Merlin turned and looked at his wife. "Your sarcasm is noted. As is your point, dammit."

"Fighting again, you two? Honestly, one would think you were still figuring out that you were in love. Shouldn't you be past this sort of bickering by now?" Gwen's words would have stung had they not been delivered in her laughing, loving tone.

Merlin and Morgana gave twin scandalized gasps and spoke as one. "Not bicker? Have you lost your mind?"

"I agree with them, dear. How else would one keep their wits sharp without constantly testing them? Arthur was laughing.

Gwen shot him a sharp look. "Arthur, dear. We never bicker. I never bicker with anyone. Are you implying that my wits are not sharp?"

Merlin and Morgana looked on in amusement as the King of Camelot sputtered out, "What? Who said that? Not me, certainly! My dear Gwen, you are simply. That is to say-"

Gwen took pity on him and laughed. "And now you know how I keep mine sharp."

Arthur laughed and bowed formally to his Queen in recognition of her win.

"Are they always like this?" Purah leaned in close and murmured the question in Gwaine's ear.

"This is mild. They're in fantastic moods. You should see them when they're testy." His words were nearly inaudible.

"Gwaine! I heard that!" Morgana's mock-glare from across their small fire caused Gwaine to gape like a fish, a blush suffusing his face and neck.

It had been three months since the battle for the Isle and Elyan had completed the monumental task of coordinating and overseeing the quarrying and transport of the massive amounts of stone that Merlin required. Arthur had sent word to each of his allies, letting them know that the Temple would be rebuilt and that any magic users in their lands who wished to be a part of the rebuilding would be welcomed. Word had spread like wildfire throughout all of Albion. The turnout had been far more than anyone could have guessed or hoped for.

Thousands upon thousands of magic users from across the land gathered on the beaches edging the lake. The fires were so numerous that as Kilgharrah and Aithusa flew over they looked like constellations in the night sky. It seemed that every Druid in Albion was in attendance. In addition, the Atzinganoi were of course there. The Catha had come. Sorcerers and warlocks from across Albion had made the trip. Grettir had come from the Fisher King's kingdom. Alice was sitting closely with Gaius. If the Yule prayers before the battle had been the largest gathering of followers of the Old Religion in a generation, then this was surely the largest gathering in centuries. Perhaps ever.

Tomorrow they rebuilt the temple. But for tonight the order was to simply rest and relax. To save energy that would be needed upon the morrow.

"She didn't actually hear what he said, you know." Leheya sat with Percival, smiling at her mentor as the High Priestess continued to tease Gwaine.

Percival smiled down at Leheya, enjoying the way that her red curls shined in the firelight. "She just knows him and can tell when he's being flippant. Which is nearly all of the time so it's a pretty safe bet."

"Are you certain you possess no magical talents, Sir Knight? How else could you pluck words from the tip of my tongue?" She grinned up at the tall knight and snuggled closer into his strong arms.

Recognizing the invitation, he lowered his head to hers, uncaring that they were surrounded by their friends. "Then I will return them immediately," he whispered before capturing her lips in a kiss.

Leon, Elyan, and Mordred looked around the fire at their friends and grinned at each other in perfect understanding. While it was lovely that so many had found love it was quite revolting to be surrounded by so much of it when you had nobody to share moments like this with. Mordred pulled a flute from his packs and began to play a lively tune. Leon and Elyan leapt up and grabbed Gwen and Morgana, pulling them away from their husbands and into a fast dance. Soon the celebratory mood swept the camps as music, dance, and cheer filled the air.

For many, the sunrise came entirely too soon. But remembering what they would be a part of that day outweighed any lingering ill effects of too much wine and merriment. In front of the land bridge, Morgana and Alator were holding a service. Today was, after all, one of the Goddess's holy days.

"It is appropriate that we come together on this day, Ostara, to rebuild the Temple to our Goddess. Ostara is the return of life to this land, after the long winter. So too will we return life to her sacred Isle. Once again this will be a beacon of light. Open and welcoming to all who seek communion with the Goddess." Morgana's voice rang out across the beach. Amplified to carry to each ear.

"This peace did not come without cost. Far too many of our brothers and sisters paid the ultimate price for this day to come. This moment was paid for in their blood. We must vow never to forget their sacrifice. We must remain vigilant. Steadfast. And true." Alator was somber and authoritative. His words resonating deeply with all, but especially with those who had fought in the battle.

They continued speaking for some time. About the parallels and how fitting it was that they rebuilt the temple on Ostara. Of course it wasn't coincidence. Morgana had spoken with Elyan and had asked several druids to lend their talents to the quarrying and transport to hurry things along in order to be ready in time.

Before long it was finally time to begin.

Arthur, Gwen, and every elite Knight but Mordred watched on in awe as the rebuilding took place. It started so slowly. Groups of Druids and other magic users linked their powers together in circles. Those circles were linked together into larger ones. And larger and larger. Until finally, thousands upon thousands were linked together. All their combined power held by Merlin.

While the building of Camelot's citadel with the help of magic had been a fantastic feat in its day. It paled utterly in comparison with what happened next.

Merlin had taken numerous flights with Kilgharrah to prepare for what he planned. He had to get the image perfect in his mind in order to do this. He had spoken with Morgana and Vadoma at length and they both agreed with his plans. It wasn't enough to rebuild the temple. Merlin planned to change the very shape of the Isle itself. The Battle-Priestesses had been evacuated from the ruined island and now it was up to Merlin.

Kilgharrah and Aithusa took to the skies, serving as Merlin's eyes as he held his staff out and began casting. The waters of the lake churned and bubbled as the land rose from its depths. Mindful that the change could cause the banks of the lake to overflow, he sunk the base of the lake deeper to compensate. Slowly the new island took form. Once ragged in shape, it was now three times larger and perfectly round. The beaches gradually transitioned into relatively flat areas. Beyond this, gentle hills rose ever higher, leading to the center of the island which was a pillar of limestone. The vast circular limestone plateau was perfectly flat. The massive plateau was the size of the entire original Isle. The perfect base upon which to build the temple complex.

What felt like mere moments to Merlin had actually taken over an hour. Once the land was perfect he stopped casting. His eyes closed and he swayed with weariness. Morgana pressed a cup of tea to his lips which he gratefully sipped.

"It's your turn, my love. Are you ready?" He asked as he passed the reins of the power to his wife. They had planned this change in order to give Merlin time to rest.

In answer, Morgana kissed him softly and held her staff in front of her. The massive emerald at its tip catching the sunlight and sending vibrant green lights to dance on her face. Closing her eyes, she sent her consciousness to Aithusa, using the Dragon's eyes through their bond. With her deep connection to nature, she performed an ancient magic not seen since the Goddess had created Albion. Across the Isle there was an explosion of green as trees, shrubs, and grasses sprang to life and quickly carpeted the island. What were once flat reaches of black mud were quickly transformed into verdant fields. Wildflowers in every color of the rainbow bloomed in a riotous display.

Entire orchards grew from seedlings in minutes, their branches heavy with fruit. Apples, pears, quince, plums, and cherries.

Forests of pine, oak, laurel, juniper, willow, birch, elder, elm. And especially oak. Their strong branches reaching for the sky.

Neat rows of crops burst from the black earth on to neatly terraced fields. Wheat, grapes, barley, oats, beans, and rye.

A paradise from what was once a ruin. But the hard work was just beginning. Passing the power back to Merlin, Morgana held his hand in hers and sent love and encouragement through their bond. It was time.

Merlin pointed his staff at the mountains of cut white limestone that sat waiting on the beach. The stones trembled and shook as his power swept over them. One by one they rose into the air. Kilgharrah and Aithusa moved into position to allow the Dragonlord to see everything through their eyes. The large cut stones floated across the land bridge and up to the plateau. Faster and faster they moved. From huge vats, ribbons of mortar moved in sinuous lines, chasing the stones towards the Isle.

Gwen thought to herself that it looked like time had sped up, so quickly did the Temple take shape. She had known, of course, how powerful her friends were. But to see the evidence of the sheer awesome might of thousands upon thousands of magic users linked together to build something new was almost more than she could bear. It was beautiful and terrifying. She sent a prayer of thanks to the Goddess that her followers were a loving and peaceful people. Because such power in the hands of evil men would have ruined the world.

Dancing through the air, thousands of stones flew to their appointed spots. Mortar quickly filling the tiny gaps between them. Bonding them together. Through the eyes of the dragons, Merlin created fisheries and stables and mills and storerooms. A large bailey and barbicans and gatehouses. Dormitories and kitchens and dining halls and bathing rooms. Private chambers and family suites and community recreation areas. Great halls and sanctuaries and massive towers rose ever higher. Battlements and balconies with curved balustrades edged the structures. Courtyards and secluded gardens tucked among the ever taller structures. Finally, at the center, the main Temple itself. Sweeping arches and towers made with sweeping curves and lines borrowed from nature. Reliefs of flowers and vines and leaves appeared in the white stones walls. Alcoves and altars and enormous fireplaces were built into the structure itself. Covered walkways and staircases connected each of the buildings to the others. Slate tiles covered the roofs and made conical towers. Shaped like a Dragon's scales, the Temple seemed alive.

And at the heart of the Isle, twin staircases swept up around an empty circular area larger than the great hall of Camelot. The staircases started on opposite sides of the circular area and swirled along the edge of the circle, up into the sky. At the top was a circular balcony that encircled the entire area. Great arches on tall columns lined the staircases, holding them together and making the structure strong.

Finally, two tall walls were built, enclosing the entire Temple complex in concentric rings. The portcullis on the inner wall was a masterpiece of artistic wrought iron, with the image of an oak tree worked into its intricate design. A giant gate, as tall as a tower flew into place in the shorter outer wall. Beams hewn from strong, ancient oak. Hinges that Queen Guinevere had designed held the incredible gates in place with both purpose, and in her signature style, beauty. As a final touch, a wide flat road was paved, linking the gates to the now much shorter land bridge.

As the last stone flew into place, the Dragons gave massive roars of approval. The Temple glowed in the sunlight like a pearl.

Merlin released the link and the thousands fell to their knees in both exhaustion and awe at what they had created. Tears of joy slid silently down many faces, including the Queen of Camelot's.

Though so tired he didn't know if he could walk, Merlin leaned on his staff and rose onto his feet. Holding a hand to his wife, he helped her to her feet. They swayed together, leaning on one another and their staves to keep from sliding back to the ground. Arthur and Gwen exchanged a glance and without speaking, decided that the plans needed to change. They quickly mounted their horses and rode through the crowd to where their best friends, their family stood. Arthur rode up to Merlin and still without speaking, extended a hand to his friend.

Merlin looked up in surprise as the hand appeared in front of him. Following the arm up he saw the gentle smile on Arthur's face. "Come on, old friend. Let's do this together," The King said softly. His smile growing as the Warlock took his hand and climbed up behind him on his horse.

Gwen helped Morgana up behind her and leaned back into Morgana's fierce hug. The women were crying silent tears of joy.

Together, the four friends rode across the land bridge. Up the winding road. And through the massive gates. Inside the Temple, they dismounted and began the long climb to the heart of the open circle in the center of the complex.

Arthur and Gwen looked up in awe at the sheer size and majesty of the Temple.

Merlin and Morgana knelt at the center. Morgana held a hand on the ground and the limestone transformed into rich black earth.

Merlin reached into his robes and pulled out the Golden Acorn. Kissing it, he gently placed it in the ground. As he covered it with the fertile soil, a shimmering presence caught his attention.

There stood the Goddess herself. Beaming with pride, She urged the two to their feet. Turning over Her shoulder, She extended a hand to the King and Queen of Camelot, inviting them into Her circle. "Come, children," She said in a gentle voice. "It is right that you should play a part in this. For without you, this day could never have come."

The Goddess reached into the heart of the four, into the very structure of their beings, and pulled forth a song. The song sprang from their lips unbidden. She joined Her voice to theirs and the golden acorn took root. Their song strengthened and the tree rose into the air. Higher than the tallest tower. So tall that it passed beyond even the upper balcony, its strong branches reaching into the sky.

With a sweep of Her hand, the Goddess sprung grasses and flowers from the earth, carpeting the rest of the courtyard. Reaching up, she withdrew a simple oak staff from the branches of the tree and handed it to Morgana. Knowing that her High Priestess would understand that this was to be the new Staff of Life. "It is done, children. Again you have My thanks. Ask of Me and I will refuse you nothing. You have more than earned your reward."

The four looked at each other in shock. A gift from the Goddess? After everything they had already been given?

Morgana found her voice first. "Lady, I do have one question. But." She glanced at Arthur and Gwen and continued her request using her telepathy. Hoping it would work. "Lady, will Merlin and I ever be able to have a family of our own?"

The Goddess smiled down at Morgana. Understanding the question and why Her High Priestess did not speak aloud. When She responded She included Merlin in their conversation. "That is not a favor, but a question that I will answer gladly. Yes, you will be able to have a family of your own. But I will tell you now. Your children, while powerful, would live mortal lives. I have gifted you with life unending, but your children would be completely human. Whether you have a family or not is your choice, with your powers you can determine whether Merlin's seed takes root. But you will always be as fertile as you are today."

Merlin and Morgana clasped hands and shared beaming smiles at the welcome news.

Aloud, the Goddess spoke as if answering Morgana's request but gave the High Priestess a small wink. "There is no need to be shy about such a request, dear child but even I cannot guarantee the safety of every magic user. To do so would require removing free will and choice from all people. And that I will not do. What I can do, however, is give you this." A large crystal appeared in Morgana's hand. "When a magic-user in Arthur's kingdom is being unjustly persecuted due to their gifts, this crystal will glow red and show you where to find them and render what aid you can. This will not show you those who are fairly persecuted due to their own actions. It will not show you the future, but only current actions. Nor will it show you those who live beyond Camelot's influence. Use this well as this is a powerful artifact."

Morgana grinned at the Goddess. She should have supposed that the Great Lady would know her other hope. "Thank you, Great Lady," she curtsied deeply.

The Goddess ignored Merlin completely and turned to Gwen. "Queen of Camelot. Heart of Camelot. What is your desire?"

Gwen blushed deeply and shook her head. "I have everything I could ever even hope to dream of. Truly. There is nothing that I would feel right asking for."

The Goddess smiled. This generous and loving creature was a perfect mate for the Golden King. "If there is truly nothing your heart desires then that is your wish. I will, however, tell you something that you do not yet know." The Goddess walked closer to Gwen and placed one ebony hand over the red velvet gown covering the Queen's flat stomach. "Even now, the future of Camelot grows within you. Nurtured in your body. Congratulation, Queen Guinevere. And as a gift to you, I have ensured that your pregnancy and the birth will be trouble-free."

Gwen broke down at that. He fondest wish was to be able to provide Arthur with an heir. He held her tightly, beaming with pride.

Arthur looked up at the Goddess. Tears falling from unashamed eyes. "I have everything a man could ever ask for."

The Goddess chuckled at that. She had always known what her gift would be for this man. She flew up into the air and grew. Impossibly tall. Taller than the great oak, she raised her voice until it thundered out to the waiting thousands on the shoreline. "Arthur Pendragon. I name you Once and Future King of Albion. Let all in attendance hear My words. Arthur Pendragon of Camelot is the rightful ruler of all the lands of Albion by My divine will."

Shrinking back down to her original height, the Goddess grinned at the stunned King. Speaking in her conversational tone she said, "That should ease your quest somewhat. Wouldn't you say?"

Turning from the King that was grinning like a fool, she turned at last to Her beloved Merlin. "What would you ask, child?"

Merlin had thought about this. He had been so blessed in his life. He had the love of Morgana. He had the friendship of Arthur. His family in Camelot. His Mother. He wanted for nothing. But he did not think of himself with his request. "Great Lady, Kilgharrah and Aithusa are all alone. I am the last Dragonlord and you know that I will never be able to pass my gifts to any sons I should have. Could you please see your way clear to gifting Albion with more dragons and more Dragonlords?"

Merlin blanched when the Goddess began laughing. She laughed so long that he felt unbearably embarrassed. Getting control over her mirth, the Goddess took Merlin's face in her hands, caressing his bearded cheeks and kissing him softly. "Dear Merlin. Whatever gave you the idea that you three were alone? No more Dragons? No more Dragonlords? Child, you have never been alone. You are not the last in Albion, you were only ever the last in the Five Kingdoms."

The End


Well there we have it! Story three complete! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope you've enjoyed reading about these adventures as much as I've enjoyed writing them. Stay tuned for the fourth story!