Chapter 1: Asgard

"I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of it?" Cephera complained.

"You've reached your first century in age and what have you done with your life? Nothing. You remain here and while your sister is being trained to rule this kingdom you're off running about the kingdom putting on elaborate shows of singing and dance. Everyday is a whimsical party to you." King Yorin, her adoptive father said. His words were not unkind.

"But I have no interest in learning magic." She replied. "I'll never use it." He laughed.

"Could have helped a great deal back when you first came here." He said narrowing his eyes. She knew what he meant. He almost died in that battle. She had used the only magic she knew how and healed him enough for him to survive. "Could help you in the future. You have a long life ahead of you. Not everything is going to be whimsical parties and sweets. You need to get off this realm and find yourself."

Cephera sighed. On the inside she was huffing like a child. "I don't want to go. I don't want to leave Seraphina."

Her father stood towering over her. He had a stern look on his face. "Your sister has coddled you for far too long. You need to learn to live on your own. The arrangements have been made. You leave tomorrow." His words where final and not to be challenged.

And that was how she ended up on her way to Asgard. It had been a year now since Odin, king of Asgard, had extended the reach of his realms to include some of the hidden outer realms.

Mechanova had been one of the first to join him. Their rainbow bridge, known as the Byfrost, was now connected to her fathers realm. She was escorted to the outskirts of the highly technological city to take the journey.

Seraphina had come to say her good lucks but no goodbyes. The sisters never dared say goodbye, only so long. They embraced one last time before the gates were opened and Cephera was pulled through the magical portal to Asgard, the realm eternal.

Upon arrival she was greeted by a dark skinned guardian. Her special mechanical cat sat on her shoulder keeping his green eyes focused on him. "Welcome to Asgard." he said. His voice was low and deep but he had a kind face. His eyes were a marvel to behold.

"Thank you." she said. She wasn't sure if she was the first arrival or not but she was given directions from the bridge to the palace. Go straight. Simple enough. She could see the large palace in the distance as she stepped out of the dome. The bits of city she could see from the bridge were beautiful. The city was a spectical of gold and silver.

The farther she walked into the city the more she was reminded of a primitive earth. Aside from the large impressive structures, the outskirts of the city was where the lower classes lived. Getting closer to the castle she was entering the markets. Stalls and shops alike surrounded the square. And finally just outside the castle, where the nobles lived in grand housing. The housing advanced but yet still holding the ancient feel. The palace was next. At the gates she handed over her transcript.

She had pleaded that if she had to do this her title should mean nothing while she was there. After all in the end she was not born a princess she was simply adopted into it. She held no real stake in the kingdom her sister would inherit.

They looked over her papers and allowed her in. The school itself was done in the lower floors of the palace far in the east. The courtyards there made for good practice areas. She was escorted to the grand throne/receiving room. She was not the only arrival.

At least thirty others were already there chatting and becoming familiar with each other. As far as she knew Asgard had the best teachers and classes for the arts in magic. One of their princes himself was known as the best sorcerer to ever live.

She joined the group of girls that had been looking at her. Cephera always tried putting her best foot forward when it came to socializing. She felt that you only lived once and making friends was never a bad thing. She enjoyed making people smile no matter who they were.

They greeted her warmly and began to tell her all the things she wasn't sure about. Like where she would sleep. It seemed she had her own room. Everyone did. The castle was big enough but she was still surprised. She had thought she would have had to share at least with one other.

All the rooms were small but lined up along several hallways overlooking the yards. There was also a stone stairwell that led up to a second level where there were more rooms. When a row call was done and everyone was there they all were shuffled along to their awaiting rooms.

They would have a full day to get their affairs in order before classes began the next day in the early hours and they would not end till supper. Any supplies required for alchemy, which apparently came hand in hand with learning magic, could be purchased in the market. They were given lists of the supplies. It seemed the basic was all she would learn for this week.

She wondered how this would work at all. Cephera's way of learning magic extended further then books. She wasn't even sure if she could learn from books. The magic itself, while natural for most, was something she gained through touch. She was able to copy the ability to use spells not the knowledge on how to properly apply them. In reality she shouldn't be able to use it at all. But she could and she would do her best to please her father.

Her room was plain. A small bed against the far wall. A balcony that extended all around the terrace to all the rooms. A vanity and mirror for her accessories, which she had none of anyway, and a small closet for her clothes. She unpacked the few things she took with her and sat down. The bed was soft and so were the sheets. She was told a servant would take care of cleaning their linens and laundry.

Down the hall was two communal bathrooms. One for boys and one for girls. She couldn't help but smile. It was a lot like some of earths colleges really. She hadn't been to earth since her and her sister left it over 80 years ago. Sometimes she missed it.

Bored she stepped out onto the balcony and looked down. She could see the yard they would train in. She looked up and saw another extended balcony above her. She hadn't realized the rooms made a semi circle around the area. She could see other people across the way but they were so far away from the large courtyard below that she couldn't even make out what they were doing.

Five years. That's how long training would be for juniors. All of them having longevity, five years was merely a hiccup in time. She would move on to senior for another five and then expert for ten. Only a selected few would progress to master. Most people just couldn't handle the amount of power that was needed to contain and use that kind of magic.

Cephera doubted she would make it past junior. Her body barely could handle the magic she could do as it was. She had nosebleeds at first and then if she cast the magic too long she would pass out. She was sure she would be one of those students everyone talked about and made fun of behind her back. In fact she expected it.

But that didn't bother her. She knew what she was and had accepted years ago that she would never have a normal life. How did one define normal anyway?

"Hello." a soft voice said next to her. Cephera jumped. She hadn't heard anyone approach her. It was one of the girls, Kat, who had talked to her in the throne room.

"Hi. I hope I wasn't ignoring you long. I was lost in thought." Kat smiled kindly. She had a pretty face. Her blond curls bounced when she would shake or nod her head. They reached just below her chin. She had two small dimples in her smile.

"No, I just got here. It's pretty isn't it!" she said looking around. Cephera nodded. "A new home away from home. I'm so excited!"

"Mmhm." Cephera suppressed the urge to frown. She still didn't really want to be there.

"Cephera? Right?"

"Yeah. And you're Kat." she smiled and nodded again.

"Looks like we're neighbours!" she gave a little jump of enthusiasm and Cephera smiled wide. She liked this girl. She had a lot of energy, kind of like herself. "So I'll see you tomorrow!" she waved and walked back to her room. Cephera watched people passing her as they explored a little. When she turned she realized the doorways back into the rooms were numbered. Smart idea.