This is a story about Sir Crocodile and Donquixote Doflamingo, it is a story that grew a lot longer than I originally intended... Luckily it was fun to write.

I'm not a native English speaker so there might be some stupid mistakes (even though I tried my best to correct everything). + FFN totally screwed up my formatting. I tried to fix it best I could, I hope the text is still readable.

Warnings: Some spoilers & slash! Don't like, don't read!
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Eiichiro Oda!

16.11.2013: I corrected some spelling mistakes and added some corrections to the story, but overall it is about the same as it was before.

Sir Crocodile paced restlessly back and forth in a luxurious hotel room situated on the 11th floor of a skyscraper on an island somewhere along the Grand Line.

The room was rather sparsely decorated, just the way Crocodile preferred it, but the few pieces of furniture on display were spot on and top class. Of course, the one room the tall pale man found himself in at the moment was not the only room of the suit he had booked, however he found it unnecessary to utilize any other room, as these served no purpose at the given moment.

The floor was a newly polished parquet floor and the overall colour scheme of the room consisted mostly of nuances of dark greens and beige, however some whites and pale yellows were detectable as well. The walls were stripped from all sorts of decoratives, giving room to three pompous windows. The windows, big windows that would normally let in an abundance of light, were covered with heavy drapes dyed a creamy beige colour. The drapery effectively stopped the sun from shining into the room, making it remarkably dimmer than it would be normally.

The floor had upon Crocodiles arrival been covered with a beautiful Persian carpet coloured a vibrant green, its corners decorated with a stunning pattern of whites and gold. And, while the carpet still bore the same stunning pattern as before the colours had been matted down by excessive trampling. Now, more than the stunning masterpiece it really was, the carpet more resembled a cheap rug.

Alongside one of the walls in the room a darkish beige sofa was stood, luckily for the sofas occupant it was of a rather large size. The man restlessly walking around in the room fitted well into it, the colourful mess on the sofa however, did not. Crocodile stopped his walking for a minute and looked down at the man on the sofa, an undecipherable expression reflected in his eyes. Idiot flamingo, he thought as he eyed the man's ridiculous silhouette lying sprawled on the soft cushions. The dark haired man had never seen the blond in such a condition, and could not help but wonder how Donquixote Doflamingo had managed to get himself into such a state.

Turning his back to the tall man wrapped in bandages, Crocodile walked up to the window. As he pulled the heavy drapers to the side a breathtaking ocean view revealed itself on the other side of the windowpane. While staring out at the sea the man slowly started to stroke his golden hook with his healthy hand, letting his mind travel back to a few days previous.


Sir Crocodile had a few days earlier spent a rather pleasant time at this offshore resort.
He had recently been busy scheming and plotting on a new way to regain power during the new era. Any flash of ingenuity had yet to make its way into the mind of the man, but he had managed to build up quite a reputation once again. However, every evil mind needs a rest once in a while and thus Crocodile had chosen to take a vacation from plotting and from his underlings, he didn't mind indulging in himself once in a while. Seeing as he could afford it.

Much to Crocodiles displeasure it so happened that his vacation was cut short only just as it had started, this as an unwelcome and much unexpected guest had made himself preset.

"Well if it isn't Crocodile" a chirpy man's voice chanted from behind the tall dark man as he walked along the pathway leading down to the resort's outdoor bar. It took Crocodile less than one second to place the voice and successively he knew his day was ruined.

"Ivankov, what do you want?" he growled through gritted teeth without so much as making an attempt to turn and face the... man. He could hear the fool behind him make a funny humming sound followed by a scolding. Aapparently Ivankov found Crocodiles grumpy demeanour improper.

"You shouldn't snarl at me when I bring you interesting news" stated Ivankov and said statement immediately made the man with the hook quirk an eyebrow. What news of interest could this foolish person bring HIM, Sir Crocodile? He demanded an answer.

"Maybe, if you are a good boy and ask me very nicely" the okama teased as he was able to detect the annoyance in the voice of the crocodile. As expected the frown on the taller man's face deepened and the man growled silently to himself. Nonetheless he gracefully swept around to face his visitor, partly to show his deep displeasure, partly because he was very intrigued by what news Ivankov thought he would find interesting.

"Well?" scoffed the scar faced man, his features twisted into a mask of utter displeasure. Ivankov rolled his eyes.

"I told you to ask me nicely, Crocodile, surely you must have misinterpreted the meaning of the last word in that sentence" he mused, before reaching the conclusion that this was most likely as nicely as the former Shichibukai's pride would let him ask, thus Ivankov laughed and told him anyway.

"Your dear flamingo is hurt, he's close by though, so you should be able to pick him up" the purple haired man said with a grin. Upon hearing this Crocodile resisted the urge to widen his eyes in surprise and made sure his deep voice was stripped of all emotion before he answered.

"So, why should I be bothered?" he said as nonchalantly as he could, adding that the bastard flamingo knew how to take care of himself. Ivankov had simply laughed at his statement and given a detailed explanation of where to find the man in the frilly pink coat. Afterwards Crocodile had ensured Ivankov of that he had no intention of finding the man, a statement that was only rewarded with more laughter. When the gale of laughter finally had died down Ivankov had pretended to agree with Crocodiles previous statement, which he obviously did not, and had bid him adieu.

At first the absurd ordeal had not bothered Crocodile in the slightest. He knew Doflamingo and he was rather sure of that there were no pirates strong enough to hurt him fatally, not around these areas at least. Still, as the day grew hotter, and after consuming a fair amount of alcohol, certain scenes and images started playing inside the man's head. In reaction to this Crocodile simply snorted in frustration and slowly started rubbing his forehead with his right hand. However, he found it hard to relax, a fact that Crocodile found extremely annoying. His vacation had been ruined.

Feeling he needed a change of scenery Crocodile headed out for a stroll and as the location Ivankov claimed he had seen Doflamingo in was not too far away Crocodile figured he might just as well walk there. Not that he expected to actually find the frivolous man in this place, definitely not injured. Still Crocodile figured there was no harm in going there, and if he against all odds actually found the flamingo injured Crocodile figured this would provide him with enough leverage to tease the flamingo for the rest of his life.

The surprise when the scarred man arrived at the scene had been indescribable, everything was just as he had been told by that purple headed fool of a man. It was actually Donquixote Doflamingo who lay sprawled in a weird position on the ground, looking like a bloody mess.

The pink feathered coat was covered with blood and dirt, the clothes worn by the blond were torn and through the holes his skin could be spotted. The usually perfectly tanned skin was now covered with caked, dried blood and it was full of scratches, bruises and deep wounds. The golden blond hair had been coloured greyish by dust as well as dried mud and not even Doflamingo's trademark sunglasses had escaped destruction, one of the lilac lenses had cracked thus rendering the sunglasses useless.


A muffled moaning sound from the direction of the sofa reached Crocodile's ears and he abruptly let the curtains fall back into their original position. Upon finding Doflamingo, Crocodile had failed shaking some life into the bastard and this had resulted in him bringing the bird back to his room and having him patched up there, leaving the injured man to rest on the sofa.

With an annoyed glare Crocodile directed his eyes back at the man on the sofa but against his expectations there was no further movement, nor sound, from the man in the colourful clothes. Pathetic the dark haired thought and huffed in anger, trying to conceal the faint glimmer of worry that shone through his dark eyes. Sighing Crocodile stepped a bit closer to the beige sofa. No matter how much he hated the fact, he seemed incapable of letting go of the thought of what had actually had happened to the flamingo. Somehow Crocodile had imagined that the man would have been...invincible, then again he had thought the same of himself once and it had turned out different.

As Crocodile stood there watching over the blond, he silently pondered upon why the hell he had chosen to rescue the fool. Actually he knew the reason, he had always had a weak spot for the man, but this was a fact that Crocodile liked to...forget. A grim smile spread over Crocodile's pallid features as he corrected his question. Now he was wondering what the hell it was about the ridiculous man he found attractive or even remotely appealing, because in reality Doflamingo was appalling, an idiot both when it came to personality as well as clothes. To be frank Crocodile considered being attracted to the flamingo worse than drawing a blank in the lottery of life.

Dark eyes silently wandered from the man on the sofa to the pink feathered coat hanging on the wall close by. Snorting at the coat he thought it was the most stupid piece of clothing he had ever spotted, even rivalling Mr. 2 Bon Kurei's ridiculous outfit. Crocodile could not think of one god reason to why Doflamingo was so attached to it, not that he was interested in the matter either. Crocodile turned his head a fraction towards the flamingo and all of a sudden a grin broke loose on his face, as he found himself unable to deny that even though the blond's taste in clothes was awful there was one thing the colourful man could handle well. Doflamingo was not all too bad in bed. But other than that… he was no better than when they first had met.


It had been a good day in general, the day when Gol D Roger had met his end, and the young Crocodile had watched the execution with immense interest. The young raven haired looked out over the crowd on the opening, at the people that were to become his future rivals, his future familiars. Pathetic, that's all he could think about them. They looked weak, no match for him, because he was the one who would become the next pirate king!

As the young man turned to leave he thought he had seen something rather peculiar from the corner of his eye and stopped for a fraction of a second to take a more proper look. What, or more correctly who, had caught his attention was no one less than Donquixote Doflamingo. Never in his life had Crocodile seen someone as… moronic as him. Goggles and sunglasses, a stupid pink feathery thing… just what was this man supposed to be, thought Crocodile, surely not a pirate? The dark haired man shuddered at the mere thought.

The blond young man must have noticed him staring as he turned his face towards Crocodile. The latter felt as if he had been impaled by eyes he couldn't even see, eyes covered by tinted shades. And then, completely out of the blue, the blond broke into one of the most wicked smiles Crocodile had yet to witness. Was that man even human?

The grin on the tanned man's face grew even wider, if that was even possible, and he lifted a hand to wave at Crocodile. Dark eyes widened even further before Crocodile's face altered into a grimace of disgust, what an arrogant brat. Crocodile thought that his actions would wipe the smile off the flamingoish man's face, however, contrary to his beliefs the blond burst out into a hysterical laugh.

The dark haired man gritted his teeth in order to stop himself from acting like a fool; a man should never lose his cool. But, no matter how hard he clenched his jaw shut he could not stop a slight blush from spreading over his cheeks. Being laughed at was an utter humiliation and humiliation was not a thing Crocodile was prepared to accept, he was unable to accept it. Thus, teeth still grittedand his hands balled into tight fists, he turned his back to the blond man and stalked away, the sound of laughter still echoing in his ears.

Right there and then he felt like he would never be able to forget this man.


Dark hair fluttered around slightly as Crocodile shook his head to return his thoughts to the present, lingering in the past was stupid. However had he known he had been right about not being able to forget the flamingo he might have eliminated him back when he was a rookie. Now it was too late for that, hell, he couldn't even leave the man to bleed to death, no, he had to help him. There was no denying the fact that the man with the scarred face was taken by the bastard flamingo, he was well aware of that fact, but Crocodile would never admit this to the poor excuse of a human who was currently disturbing his precious vacation.

Even though Crocodile gradually had to come to accept his own… feelings towards the other man he did not know how to define them or why they had formed in the first place. Trying to find the answer he carefully examined the man on the sofa, letting his narrowed eyes glide over the blond's body again and again. He could not find one spot that he thought of as overly appealing.

The dark haired blamed the man on the couch for these feeling though, because if Doflamingo just would have left him alone this would most likely never have happened. It wasn't as if the man was not good looking, he had a decent body, but he was nothing special. Crocodile was pretty sure he had seen a number of persons he found better looking than the flamingo, not to mention people with a more refined taste in fashion, and now Crocodile was not even taking the man's frivolous personality into account. So why did it have to be this obnoxious man that he fell for? Crocodile had always figured that if, and only if, he would ever settle for someone, it would be someone toned down and calm, not the polar-opposite of his ideals. Growling in frustration Crocodile started pacing around the room again.

After an age of walking around the restless man started to feel rather fatigue and quite annoyed. Couldn't the bastard just wake up already?

Exasperated the man finally gave up his walking and moved to stand next to the sofa again. He grabbed Doflamingo's feet and pushed them towards the backboard of the coach, thus making room for himself to sit down. Making an attempt to lean his back against the armrest he sighed and stroked the cool metal of his golden hook. Resting his eyes upon the face of the sleeping man Crocodile realised Doflamingo looked a lot more normal when asleep, probably due to the absence of his otherwise ever-present grin. Or maybe, Crocodile pondered, it was the lack of the sunglasses that made him appear more normal.

Based on previous experience the pale man was rather sure of the fact that, if the blond was to wake up now he would probably be furious at the realisation that he was lacking his favourite accessory. Crocodile figured the man would start raging about the matter already before he would have a chance to explain to the bastard flamingo that his precious glasses were broken. However, as through a miracle Crocodile had managed to locate an identical, and still intact, pair of shades in the pocket of the frilly jacket. Most likely spares. But, simply to annoy the obnoxiously gleeful man, Crocodile had chosen to not replace his shades but kept them safely tucked into the pocket of the fluffy pink jacket.

Leaning his head on his hook Crocodile wondered why the idiot insisted on wearing those glasses at all. This was a question that had crossed his mind numerous times but he had never asked the man himself. Doflamingo would probably not share the information even if asked, and the two did not discuss personal matters, there was no need. Their relationship did not extend itself beyond the physical. Maybe the flamingo wanted to cover up his eyes, the scarred man laughed to himself. Not that Crocodile found them ugly, but whenever the flamingo was not wearing his shades he would squint his eyes quite a lot, making them seem rather small and peculiar. Another alternative was that Doflamingo was one of those fools who believed the eyes reflected the soul. Either way Crocodile didn't care. Still, Doflamingo's eyes sure were special, the dark haired man mused, and supposed he should consider himself lucky for having got the chance to see them. Then again, anyone the frivolous man had fooled around with was probably just as privileged.

The well dressed man leered at the other from the corner of his eye. Doflamingo's chest heaved slowly up and down indicating the man was still fast asleep. His bandages would probably need a change soon, as red blotches had begun to appear on the white swaddles. Crocodile would prefer to wait a bit longer though, to see if the man would wake up, as this would make the process simpler. Doflamingo was surprisingly resistant even when asleep. Tiredly the man closed his golden eyes and muttered an insult to the flamingo, fully aware that it would fall upon deaf ears.


"Hey Crocodile, what are you up to?" a sudden voice cut through the silence of the night. Crocodile, immediately able to connect the voice to its owner, put on a bitter face and turned to face the flamingo. This was the umpteenth time the man had invaded Crocodile's ship, his personal space, and Crocodile was growing rather tired of it.

"What do you want, flamingo bastard?" he growled at the blond who was currently sitting crouched upon the railing, smiling stupidly at Crocodile. The blond tilted his head to the side and jumped down on deck.

"I came to see you, Croco" the tanned man stated casually, strutting happily around deck. Crocodile thanked the gods, not that he particularly believed in them, that it was night and his crewmates were all fast asleep.

Shaking his head Crocodile stated that the flamingo's company was not desired so he could just as well take his leave. However, trying to reason with Doflamingo was as pointless as telling the wind to stop blowing, the flamingo was an egotistical bastard who needed to have everything his way.

As Crocodile was well aware of this annoying quality of his guest he decided that it was better to just wait for him to disappear, so he walked over to the railing and let his hands lean upon it, his gaze travelling to the far beyond horizon. The flamingo would tire eventually, or so he figured. The frivolous man on the other hand seemed to disagree with Crocodile's way of passing time, as the pale, dark haired man also soon found out, as he suddenly found himself surrounded by a sea of pink feathers. Doflamingo had placed himself right behind Crocodile, placing his hands firmly on each side of the young captain's body, successively pinning him into place.

"Don't be such a drag, Croco, I came here to have some fun" Doflamingo whispered into Crocodile's ear, and the latter could almost imagine a huge grin plastered on the flamingos face. Grunting in displeasure Crocodile tried to move away, as he didn't feel particularly at ease in the current position, but the larger man would not let him leave.

"Doflamingo, you bastard!" Crocodile grumbled as he turned around to face the man in pink, too late he realized he shouldn't have. Before he could react Doflamingo had moved one arm around the dark haired man's back and the other hand had firmly been placed behind his head, forcing their faces towards one another's. Seconds later lips clashed.

Crocodile's eyes fell close against his will as he leaned into the kiss and he could almost feel the other grin because of this. Seemingly encouraged Doflamingo eagerly tried to deepen the kiss but by now Crocodile had gotten back into his right mind and was rather violently trying to push his tanned harasser off him. After a moments struggle Crocodile indeed managed to break of the kiss, but the flamingo refused to move any further away from him than a few inches.

"What's the matter" Doflamingo snickered, pulling Crocodile back into the kiss so that whatever answer he had been about to give was muffled by the larger man's lips.

The matter, thought a frustrated Crocodile, is forcefully hanging on to me. The older man clenched his mouth shut and refused to give the flamingo any further access to his mouth, forcing the blond to cut off the kiss.

"You sure are a tease Croco, no fun at all, and here I thought you were interesting" the blond sneered, pushing himself away from the railing. Crocodile thought for a moment that he finally had gotten rid of the intruder for good, as Doflamingo seemingly was exiting the boat, but just as the pale man was going to smile in triumph Doflamingo turned to face him once more, and if his idiotic smile was anything to go by Doflamingo was far from discouraged.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?" he said beamingly making Crocodile's eyes darken.

"I'm not making any deals with you" the dark haired man answered verily, wondering just when the flamingo would learn to give up.

"So you're not the least bit interested then, Crocodile?" the blond teased and sat himself down on the deck. Golden eyes followed the movements of the blond, and behind those eye's Crocodile's brain was working frantically. It wasn't so much the fact that Crocodile hated the idea of what the blond was getting at. Tthe blond was not too bad looking if one ignored his stupid attire, but it was the idea of letting the blond have it his way that spoke against the older man's pride.

"What's in it for me?" the pale man asked dryly, finally giving in to the others pleading, and Doflamingo was fast to ensure him that if he could have it his way this once he would stop bothering Crocodile in the future, if he ever found their meetings becoming a nuisance . Now, Crocodile wasn't stupid, he knew that the chances of the flamingo actually keeping his word were very slight, but the possibility existed.

Anyhow, Crocodile was a young man who had spent a considerable amount of time out at sea without any significant company, and while there was no denying the fact that the blond had an obnoxiously flamboyant and frivolous personality, spending one night with Doflamingo could impossibly hurt him, it was just plain physical attraction after all. So for better or for worse, Crocodile agreed to play according to the flamingo's rules this time.


A sudden movement of the man on the couch abruptly pulled Crocodile back to the now, and he glanced furtively at Doflamingo's face to see if he had regained consciousness, however no change in his condition could be spotted.

Crocodile lingered in his memory yet for a while longer, damning his young self for falling for Doflamingo's temptations. Since that first time he had had a hard time to shake the flamingo of him, and to remove his own thought from the flamingo. Hindsight was such a bittersweet concept. The only thing Crocodile had learnt from that experience was that the only time Doflamingo removed his glasses was during sex, a concept he had become familiar with more often than he had ever expected. However, time had also shown Crocodile what a fickle mind the blond possessed, how easily he got bored and how sadistic he could be, the only thing consistent with the man was that ever-persistent smile of his.


"Yo Crocie, long time no see" Doflamingo hollered upon entering Crocodile's office in Alabasta. Crocodile sighed and closed his eyes, how the hell did the man keep getting let into his private office, he must have dismissed him three times already, and that was this month only.

"What do you want, flamingo bastard, I have already told you I have no time to fool around with you" replied Crocodile, refusing to abandon his work for the sake of one man's pleasure. Sniggering Doflamingo seated himself on top of the other Shichibukai's desk.

"Now, now, Croco, if you don't watch your tongue I might just find someone else to play with" the flamingo managed to spit out between his fits of laughter.

The scarred man did not flinch in the slightest upon hearing this, as it was not something he hadn't heard before, nor something he couldn't imagine happening. He was fully aware of that such a day would come, when the blond would grow tired of him. This was also one of the reasons to why Crocodile wished to reduce the number of meetings with the blond. He did not want to grow any more attached to him.

"I don't doubt that, one hardly comes across men as mercurial as you, Doflamingo" he stated dryly, to which the blond man laughed even harder.

"Crocodile, do not displease me" the man in the feathery coat stated once calmed down and upon this Crocodile could feel the control of his body slip away to the other. He loathed it when Doflamingo did this.

"Stop it" Crocodile gruffed as he could feel his body taking control and walking to where it stood faced with the tanned man. His hand moved to rest upon the knee of the man who was still sniggering slightly to himself.

"I will, as long as you please me" the man responded, smiling wickedly to himself while plucking at the feathers in his pink coat. Crocodile's frown deepened, this was exactly the sort of behaviour to be expected from a spoiled brat who was used to get things his way. However, in this case Crocodile had a backup plan.

"Fine, I will. But know this Doflamingo, this will be the last time. I will hold you to the promise you made to me all those years ago" he grunted and could immediately feel control of his body being restored to him.

Crocodile tried to search the man's faces for any sort of reaction, any lingering feelings, but all he could see was the same smile the man always wore, as well as himself reflected in the sun glasses the man insisted upon wearing. The smile and the shades, the wall that always made it impossible to tell what the flamingo was really feeling. Not that Crocodile was not sure of that matter, knowing the man was all it took to know he wouldn't be bothered by such a loss, he only had to find a new toy and his inner order would be restored.

Impatiently waiting for an answer Crocodile drummed his fingers on the golden hook, eyes steadily focused on Doflamingo. For a moment Crocodile thought the flamingo had got stuck on grinning mode, as he seemed so frozen in place, finally though, the blond licked his lips and nodded in agreement.

"You better do a good job then, Sir Crocodile" the showy man stated gleefully and covered Crocodile's lips with his own.


The man seated on the coach hastily tore himself away from the memory. Crocodile had been free from Doflamingo for such a long time, and finding him again only resulted in a bunch of pointless memories, memories Crocodile did not particularly want to relive. He was utterly frustrated with himself for not being able to block them out in a more successful manner, frustrated because he sometimes caught himself smiling to one of those memories.

Trying to calm down Crocodile slowly rubbed his forehead with his one intact hand, slowly making his way down towards his scar. Damned sun glasses, even now the dark haired man was annoyed with them. They were always in the way, like at Marineford, when Doflamingo had suggested they join up again and he had refused. The trademark smile had been in place but Crocodile wished he could have seen the bastard's eyes. He wouldn't have bothered under normal circumstances, but taking the man's later actions into consideration, the decapitation and the mentions of jealousy, that had really thrown Crocodile off guard. But alas, again those goddamned glasses had hindered him from looking deeper into the matter. An idiot flamingo with a moronic smile, sometimes Crocodile did not understand why he even bothered?

Crocodile could feel the silky material of the cushion under him move as the feet behind him stirred, trying to take more place. A soft moaning could be heard from the blond and the pale man cast his eyes in Doflamingo's direction. The blond continuously lay very still but his brow was furrowed and his eyes crinkled, as if about to open.

Finally, thought Crocodile as he rose from the sofa, only his eyes steadily fixed on the tanned man's face. Slowly tired eyes cracked open into small slits and the blond tussled mess of hair tardily turned from one side to another, as if the tanned man tried to localise. Finally the eyes landed upon Crocodile, fixating, recognising.

"Where are my glasses, you bastard" the blond croaked, his eyes widening in surprise at the sound of his voice.

"In the pocket of the thing you like to call a coat" snarled Crocodile while gesturing with a pale hand towards he fluffy, pink, feather bunch on the wall. The blonde angled his head backwards in order to see in what direction Crocodile was pointing and having located the jacket the blond made an attempt to rise in order to retrieve it.

The pale man observed the other in an intrigued manner, thinking to himself that there was no way the blond would make it all the way to the coat. Doflamingo did not remember what pain was, Crocodile was sure of it, and his expectations were met. The blond had only taken a few trembling steps away from the beige unpatterned sofa before he doubled over in pain, grabbing around his rib cage in an attempt to catch his ragged breath. The blond's smile faltered for a moment, not for long, but still.

Finding the sight rather humorous the scarred man let a spiteful smile spread over his features, and the displeasure the blond let show upon seeing this only made Crocodile's smile nastier.

"Shut up Crocodile" grumbled the blond causing the man standing close by to burst out in a cold, malicious, laugh.

"But I am not even saying anything" Crocodile sneered, his golden eyes still firmly fixed on the ridiculous blond. Crocodile had to admit he enjoyed watching the man struggle, as it was something he seldom witnessed, and would most likely not see again, so he was in no hurry to help.

Growling and grumbling the blond slowly walked towards the wall where his jacket was hanging and the anger in his eyes was visible. The older man, still amusedly regarding the scene in front of him, had to think long and hard to try to think of another time he had had this much fun. However, the blond, who seemed to regain his strength at an inhuman rate, managed to get hold of his beloved glasses rather quickly and immediately covered up those wonderfully clear sources of emotion. Crocodile, rather disappointed in how rapidly his fun was brought to an end, abruptly turned his back to the blond who was currently making his way back to the sofa, grouching, but with his trademark smile back in place. Crocodile moved over to the window, pulling aside the heavy drapes, he had seen this Doflamingo before, so it was not really anything to ogle at.


The luxurious looking room was bathing in a soft orange evening sunlight, making the gold in the carpet glimmer playfully as the last rays of sun hit it. Although Crocodile made quite an effort to shut the blond out of his mind the room felt more crowded now when the blond was up and chattering away. The dark haired man had made sure the bandages had been changed and had even called up some food to the blond, an offer he had regretted making upon hearing what a strange, and expensive, taste the blond had in food. He should have known this though, if he had bothered to remember.

Crocodile, who was still standing by the window, glanced over at the blond who had apparently regained all of his lost vigour, and probably an extra serving of it as well, if Crocodile was to be the judge of the situation. He on the other hand felt positively exhausted. Closing his eyes Crocodile leaned his back towards the wall and in an effort to forestall an impending headache he started rubbing his temples with small circular movements.

He needed to get rid of the flamingo before he got any stupid ideas, which was something Doflamingo was very prone to do. Simply throwing the blond out of one of the windows sounded extremely tempting, but seeing as this would ruin the point of having Doflamingo fixed up Crocodile assumed actually asking the blond to leave was the best option. His request however was only met by a gale of hysterical laughter.

"Why?" the flamingo demanded to know "it was you who brought me here and I just started to enjoy myself" a malevolent smile replacing Doflamingo's previously idiotic one.

The scarred man scowled deeply and snarled to Doflamingo that he was not visiting but gatecrashing. The flamingo only laughed manically, and Crocodile reckoned that it almost seemed like the flamingos mouth was twice the size of his face. Utterly repulsive.

For a while longer Crocodile mutely regarded the blond, and the blond was leering intently back at him, then sighing and shaking his head the pale man pushed himself away from the wall.

"Look, either you leave, as I know you're fully capable of it, or then I will" he mumbled and headed for the door with long graceful strides. He did not get far though, before two thin, but yet strong and slightly muscular arms were wrapped around his waist and Crocodile could feel the warmth of the flamingo as he nestled his blond head into the nape of Crocodile's neck.

This was one of the stupid ideas the dark haired had feared Doflamingo would come up with.

"Doflamingo" said Crocodile warningly, but heeding no warnings Doflamingo started placing soft kisses along the nape and base of Crocodile's neck, thus recreating a scenario that the pale man had not known for years, and how ever much he would like to deny it Crocodile had missed this sensation. Still, he had put in too much work to give in to the flamingos temptations again; he was not Doflamingo's toy, after all.

"You've missed it Crocie, admit it" the blond man cooed into Crocodile's pale ear, the hot stream of air making shivers travel up along the sand master's back. Crocodile bit down on his lower lip, hard, he had to fight not to let on any trace of emotion.

"You wish!"

Although the words had left Crocodile's mouth with less effort than he had expected to be necessary, he could detect a flare of desperation in his own voice only hoping it had passed by unnoticed by the blond. Crocodile was on edge. His patience was wearing thin and so was his self-control. The blond was still clinging on tightly to Crocodile and to make matters worse this increased the older man's urge to give in by the second. Mustering up the last resources of strength in his tired body Crocodile burst out into a mocking laugh which momentarily astounded even the blond, making Doflamingo lose focus, even if ever so slightly. Crocodile was not going to let this opportunity go to waste, the moment he felt the strong hands loosen their grip, even the slightest, he turned into sand and seeped through Doflamingo's warm embrace, away and out of his own hotel room.

A happy reunion?
Not if you would ask Crocodile :P