
Ray's eyes slowly opened, the crust that settled there crackling away into nothingness minus a few pieces.

He was propped like a rag doll in a solid oak chair facing a desk stacked to his chin in papers.

The man who sat opposite him had a caramel complexion, scraggly black hair that clung to his head and a stare that rivaled his before he became who he is today.

Ray had no clue how he'd gotten to this room. One minute he's in a confusing mess of a game and now he's in the presence of what could possibly be his doppelganger.

The man spoke thusly, "You're not ready for the challenges ahead. Not even close. And that is my fault."

Ray corrected himself in the chair and scratched his head. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

"That question is irrelevant. What matters is that I correct this travesty."

"What travesty?"

"Your life as a Codemaster." Ray was taken aback, but let the man continue. "Im responsible for certain milestones in your life. I basically decide who you fight, who you ally yourself with, etcetera. Sadly, I've practically babied you almost the entire way through. You barely had to work for anything. Your career is practically what Id call Easy Mode."

"What's that supposed to mean? I've suffered plenty for my power!"

"I helped put on the façade that you earned all that you've been given, but you didn't. And I'm here to correct that." The man stood up and walked to the wall.

"So you're saying my journey is over?"

"Your journey has just begun. Entering this room was your first step. And when you're done, I expect a video diary to be sent to Code HQ."

"Why? What will that accomplish?"

"Consider it... your way of saying you remember me."

Ray didn't understand completely what the man was saying, but he'd come too far to stop now. "Wait! If I remember you?"

"Some events will change, but mostly it will stay the same. You wont remember anything thats happened before or during the time you entered this room. Not until you reach this point once again. I wish you the best of luck... me."

"Hey, wait!" Ray reached for the man, but woke up in his room.

The date was August 24, 2012, and Ray had no clue the last year and a half ever happened.

Dear readers of Wreck-it Ray,

I needed to make a fresh start on my story.

This version is raw and unpolished. Thanks to everyone that reviewed and favorited. The revamp should be up in an hour or so.

If you still want to read this story, then I suggest you start reading it's remake: Wreck-it Ray Final Mix

It's been spaced out and new story elements have been added.

I hope to see all my old readers and some new ones there.

Thank you...