Disclaimer: Bleach is owned Kubo Tite and to those whose right to publication it had been sold. This written fan fiction is purely for entertainment purposes. No part of this written work is for monetary gain. The writing and subsequent posting of this work is just for the homage of the great and inspiring work of art , "Bleach".
It is when I died that I become alive.
My death came in the form of a sword -bearing midget.
The black shihakusho and the silver steel of blade
became the weapon to protect and save.
The midget had been the interloper of my closet.
However as time went on and many battles fought,
I realized that she had always been the closest
Even to my soul's facet darkest.
I was prepared to lay it all for her,
prepared to die and take up my sword to serve.
The interloper that never was she is,
the source of my soul's search for peace.
However, I always know that it is not just age that sets us apart
The difference of lives had always been an issue for us.
I am alive and she is dead the end.
With only fleeting glances and short touches we're then to be content.
I lived out my life to the fullest.
To the ripe age of ninety-nine indeed.
"Just one more year", she says
"We'll then celebrate your one hundredth year of age."
But alas, it was not to be.
And something finally killed this old body.
But I am glad the way I died.
The number one protector had always been I.
But I never forgot the lady I love
My companion all throughout
And before I really left the living plane that day
"Midget, wait for me." , I say.
I woke up in a dark dreary street.
The roads empty and deserted.
But the inside of the shanties is another story.
The eyes peering from windows clinging to hope smallest.
The Forgotten District they say.
That is the name of the place I came.
No one outside comes here except a few.
No shinigami as nothing important here to lose.
I resolve then to do what others did not.
I fought for what the labeled strongest warriors cannot.
They are thankful to me I know.
But there is still a midget waiting for me though.
For many years, that had been my life
Till my soul with disease is struck.
I resolve then to finally set out and search for the lady I left
And see if my love I left is still there.
The friends I made helped my quest.
To the House of Kuchiki I was led.
But the elders refuse my suit and said,
"She is a lieutenant now. There is nothing for you left."
And thus my journey ended in sorrow
The elders rebuffed my pleas to see her.
Even to her brother I can't go too.
Every move watched by the nobles shrew.
The people I kept safe saved me in return.
They search for ways to lay off my rebirth.
With the meagre money and food they give,
I was able to survive for a great many years.
A bout of coughing had just finished when she came.
Dressed simply in a white kimono her face still the same.
Her demeanour though is to be likened to mine.
A weary old soldier looking for peace to find.
I never told her that I managed to arrive to the House of Kuchiki.
I do not want her to think ill of anybody.
But for some reason I feel she knows,
the reasons I gave have a lot of shadows.
We were blessed with two children.
A boy first followed by a girl.
We were poor yet we were happy.
And that is enough for our small family.
The illness is at its last stages already
With the powers then left in me
On my deathbed with my last breathe I say,
"Till my next life, my lady."
A/N: This is a companion piece to the other fanfic titled Death. An Ichigo POV fanfic. :)