Hey Reader,

This is my first fanfic, not sure I like it very much though. Real problem was thinking up a good title without giving away the entire plot, if anyone knows of any good names feel free to share them with me.

Anyway hopefully you will enjoy the story, if not I'm sorry for wasting your time.

He heard it, that shriek, he would recognized it anywhere.

Only one word came to his lips, and he whispered it out ever so softly, "Lu...Luffy".

He took off as fast as he could in a mad dash down Mt. Colubo running as if Death would catch him down if he stopped.

In a matter of moments he reached Foosha Village. He looked around trying to hear for any noises that may indicate Luffy's location. He heard nothing. He stood in the middle of the road outside Party's Bar, in a dreary silence that made Ace's Heart clench.

Then suddenly he heard it again coming from inside the bar. Ace burst through the doors. Looking around, the eyes of everyone at the tables on him. Just as his eyes make it to the bar, Luffy screams out, "Oh no Shank's is going to die".

Ace let's out a huge breath seeing that Luffy is safe. He walks over to the bar pretending he didn't just run for his dear life, at the thought that his angel, his savior, his brother Luffy was in trouble.

After collecting himself, he realizes in shock, Wait what did on earth could Luffy mean when he said Shank's is going to die. He sees Shank's is sitting right next to Luffy. Ace didn't like Shanks, not because the man did anything to him personally, it was just that whenever he was around he was all Luffy noticed. Ace didn't really care what happened to that "idiot", but if he was sitting there telling Luffy he was going to die soon, he got worried. He knew Luffy considered Shank's to be like a father, so if he really was dying Luffy would be really upset. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from attacking Shanks should he be responsible for removing that bright smile from his little brother's face.

He started to walk over hoping to sit with Luffy and be there to comfort him. As he walked over he heard Shanks saying something about Whitebeard, A Battle, Sake...

Wait Sake... Then it hit him, like a slap to the face. Shank's wasn't dying, he wasn't telling Luffy some horrible details about an illness, he was telling Luffy another one of the stories from his time at sea. The little idiot of his, he was still so innocent and believed that there was a chance Shanks could die at any point in the stories he was telling him.

Ace was fuming he walked over prepared to bash that little idiot over the head. Again. As Ace stomped over Shank's story finally came to an end. Luffy finally out of his trance notices Ace stomping over to him. Luffy jumps on top of the bar stool, huge, signature, grin on his face. He jumps off the stool diving at Ace, arms stretched out an amount only Luffy could stretch, screaming his name. Luffy is acting like he hadn't seen Ace in 10 years, giving him with the biggest hug and finally falling to the floor still smiling he let's out a chirp, "Nii-chan have you come to hear some of Shank's stories with me?"

Ace sighs knowing he can't stay mad at the boy after all the love and attention he had just given him. He walks over to the stool where Luffy was sitting and sits down. He picks his little brother off the ground and places him in his lap.

Shanks looks over at Ace smiling and the cute sight having noticed how Ace's prior anger dissolved after Luffy's affection. He smiled at Ace after the cute scene concluded and warmly greeted him.

Ace mumbled a quite, "Hey" and rested his head against his brother's back, as if listening for each heart beat to confirm his brother was alive all of the time.

Luffy felt Ace's head pressed against his back and began to blush, feeling enjoyment at the affection he worked so hard to gain from his older brother. He stretched out his neck and spun his head around taking a look at Ace resting against him. Innocent little Luffy assumed he was just using him as a pillow and said, "Ace-nii you can't fall asleep now, Shanks was just about to start another story. Right Shanks?"

Shanks and the rest of the pirates in the bar began to laugh. After 5 minutes of laughter Shanks finally answered, "Of course. I would never want to upset my anchor".

As if hearing the puppy dog like pout that Luffy gave at the nickname, Ace's head shot up from Luffy's back and he began to glare harshly at Shanks.

Playing along in this little performance that seemed to be entertaining his crew, Shanks gave a very visible and over exaggerated gulp, pretending to fear Ace's 'Glare of Doom'... Better known as the major brother complex he has developed. Quickly, as to avoid any issues, Shanks began to tell another story.

Ace's glare disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and he went back to resting his head against Luffy's back. Keeping an embrace around the boy, almost like a shield preventing anyone from accessing the body he felt so inclined to protect.

As time passed the day grew closer to a close, both Luffy and Ace had spent all day listening to stories, and passed out heads against the counter top of the bar, Ace never releasing his over protective embrace.

Shanks carried both boys up mountain and back to their self proclaimed counties. Laying both down under the flag with Ace's name on it knowing Luffy spent most of his nights there anyway.

As he lay them down Luffy instantly snuggled up against Ace, pressing himself as close to him as possible. At that moment Shanks could have sworn he saw Ace's eye open slightly looking to check on Luffy. Even if he hadn't, Ace pulled Luffy even closer, to make sure he kept warm, and the ever-so-rare smile broke out on Ace's lips, happily embracing the "ray of sunshine" that belonged to him and him alone.

Later that night, after making sure the boys were safely and comfortably asleep, Shanks walked down the mountain. Sitting down on a rock just outside the village, he looked up at the stars. Quietly, as so no one would hear him, he whispered, "Hey Captain. It's been a long time since I have talked to you. I have been living a life full of adventure just like I know you would have wanted. I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me. I'm trying to take care of your son as best I can. I know he has to be yours he has Rouge's freckles, and your hair... Although I don't think a mustache will suit him like it did you Dahahaha. I will have to go soon and I know you will be watching over him, but could I ask you one last favor, please watch over his little brother, Luffy, as well. He wants to be the one to fill your position of Pirate King, and with that personality so similar to yours I can't help but believe he will do it. Your son, Ace, cares for him so much, and I can't help but worry they will both get in all sorts of trouble just like you had. Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, thanks for everything."

Just then five shooting stars shot across the sky as if lighting up the dark night with a smile that only a D. could flash. Shanks smiles at the sky.

Ben who had followed his captain to stop him from getting into any trouble. Walked up and lay a comforting hand on Shanks shoulder. They walked back to the ship together Ben's arm around Shank's shoulder. Ben went to his room, but Shanks decided to sleep on the deck that night. Under the stars, under the watchful eye of his former captain.