Peter Hale had been more or less reformed believe it or not, apparently dying had given him some chicken soup for the soul and he wasn't running around trying to kill the teeny bopper werewolves anymore. No now Peter had a bigger plate of curly fries to deal with and it was in the shape of one Sheriff Stilinski. Peter was posted up outside the Stilinski house hold with one foot on the passenger side of Derek's car door. He grinned as he remembered how Derek grumbled and made a comment about everyone getting laid with the aid of his car as he handed the keys over to his Uncle. And as the Sheriff stepped out of the car in black jeans and a plaid button up top, Peter was hoping the car would have the same luck for him. Surprisingly getting the sheriff to agree to the date was the easy part, the hard part was escaping the wrath of one Stiles Stilinski when he realized Peters intentions towards his father. He had narrowly dodged the coffee pot that Stiles had set flying towards his head.
"Hello Peter" Simon nodded at him
"Hello Simon" Peter smiled and pulled open the car door to let him in
Simon couldn't help but crack a grin "does this make me the woman in this relationship then?"
"Only if you want to be" Peter grinned, he was excited to hear Simon call this a relationship and he would do his best not to put his foot in his mouth. Peter ran around and jumped into the car, he turned the car on and All Time Low started blasting through the stereo. Peter felt his heart drop to his stomach and his body refused to move 'This is it' Peter thought 'undone by Lost in Stereo' he cursed himself for forgetting to unhook his IPod
The Sheriff just laughed and started to sing along, Peter nearly snapped his neck as he looked over at his date.
Simon just shrugged "Stiles is a pop punk kid"
Peter blinked a few times before he smiled and started to drive away from the Stilinski household, 'Saved by the spaz' Peter chuckled to himself. They spent the car ride talking about their various music decisions and found their tastes to be pretty similar even though Peter had a soft spot for Kansas while Simon swore up and down that Patent Pending were lyrical messiah. They arrived at the restaurant in high spirits and both left the car smiling, Simon's eyebrows moved up slightly as he looked past Peter
Peter made a face and looked behind him to see Derek and Stiles come laughing out of the very restaurant they were about to enter
"Ew indeed" Peter mumbled
Derek looked over to them in confusion for a moment before his expression turned into one of true terror
"Come on Stiles lets hurry up if you want to catch the Slow Kids at Play concert today" Derek tried to rush him along
Stiles laughed and quickened his step "they always make me feel baked"
Peter and Simon decided this would be a good time to try and sneak past their younger relatives and just as the doors closed behind them they heard Stiles scream out "is that my dad!?"
Peter and Simon waited until they were seated and looking through the menus before they erupted into chuckles
"Well that was exciting" Simon chuckled glancing up from his menu
"Do you know he threw a coffee pot at me before I came to pick you up"
Simon choked on a laugh "seriously?"
Peter nodded solemnly but the smile on his face gave him away
Simon was about to say something when his entire jaw dropped Peter looked in Simon's direction to see Erica walking in with one Allison Argent. Peters head dropped and his eyebrows went up
"Good on you girls" Peter nodded and turned back to Simon
"Maybe it's a friendly thing?"
Peter made a noise in his throat "I highly doubt that"
Simon hummed and went back to looking at his menu and Peter did then same they were silent for a little while after the waitress came and took their orders until a beat started playing over the speaker.
It was fast paced dance music and Simon started to tap his finger and move along subconsciously, Peter all but ignored it until the singer came on
"No" Peter leaned back
"Don't judge" Simon said pointing a finger at him "but I am a fan"
"Nickleback, honestly?" Peter shook his head "the things you learn about a guy"
Simon was about to talk when the waitress brought their soups, Simon and Peter enjoyed the rest of their meal completely, just like Derek and Stiles they were able to have the dumbest conversations but also very important ones. Simon was able to make jokes and chuckle and even once giggle the blush he acquired right after he made the noise made the wolf in Peter want to lick his face. Then again that might have just been regular old Peter. Both of the men had been drinking the last of their soup as slow as possible, they were having too much fun and didn't want the date to end.
"So" Simon started "I have the box set of BBC Merlin and cookies"
And that was how Peter Hale found himself driving back to the Sheriffs house singing along to Some Night by Fun., and wither or not they were holding hands was their own business.
"This is such indie hipster trash" Simon laughed Peter laughed and they both just continued to sing alone with the lyrics to each other
"It's supposed to snow later" Simon said as side conversation once the song was done
Peter groaned "I'm gonna have to shovel. Just saying.
Shoveling snow should be outlawed."
" Then Mexican children would be out of work~" and yes, you could hear the squiggle in Simons voice.
" Well I'm not Mexican and I'm fucking tired of shoveling show." Peter grumbled
"But it builds character!"
" Then you come and shovel my drive."
"Darling, I'm a lost cause. There is no hope for me"
"Lazy" Peter grinned
"Whoa" Simon put his hands up "I have a condition"
" No. It's a special case of HopOffMyDicktosis" Simon smirked
" I heard the medication for that was uMadBrolyn"
" If you would have done your research correctly you wouldn't have known its StepOffBrahdrill~"
" Naw you messed that up with DoYouEvenLiftussion"
Simon and Peter were silent before they burst into laughter
"...What the fuck is this? What is the purpose of this?"
"Entertainment?" Peter tried as he pulled up to the Sheriffs house and they got out "What kind of cookies do you have?"
"Ones with Hershey kisses in them"
"I'm sold get the cookies"
And that's how they ended up cuddling on the couch talking about the homoerotic tension between Merlin and Arthur. Peter had borrowed a pair of pajama pants from his date and Simon had also changed into something more comfortable.
"I wish they would just fuck and get it over with" Peter chuckled
"Is that how you feel all life's problems can be solved?"
Peter grinned "you wanna find out?"
And in that moment as Simon leaned over and connected his lips with Peters Merlin was forgotten. The kiss was far from a gentle first kiss; both men were far too old and far too experienced for that. It was the kiss of two full grown men who hadn't been kissed in a very long time. In no time Simon was stratling Peters lap and rutting softly along with the kiss.
"This isn't too much right?" The last thing Peter wanted was to make Sheriff do something he didn't want to.
"It's not enough" he groaned bucking his hips against Peters at a rougher pace
"I'm not as young as I used to be" Peter commented letting his head roll back, all that did was give Simon access to nibble at his neck "I'll come if you keep this up"
Simon dragged his tongue against Peters Adams apple and at the same time his hands were pulling Peter out of his jeans "you think you're getting off that easy?" He purred pulling his own dick out of his jeans "if you think you're only cumming once tonight your insane"
Simon started to rub their dicks together creating the most delicious tension
Peter was a mess of groans and bucking hips, the fact that Simon had taken charge of the situation was the biggest turn on for him, his body shook as his brain finally realized that his dick was making contact with Simons and his hand was like lightning to reach down and touch everything. He growled as he heard Simon gasp underneath his touch and move faster against him. They both kept rutting against each other until they had a smooth rhythm going, they were too far past words to even think about dirty talk or sexual banter, they were too lost in each other. Too quickly it was over, Simon was gasping for air with his orgasm, head thrown back in pleasure as he painted his chest with his cum, Peter can howling into his orgasm right after lifting his hips off the couch but it wasn't enough for him. He moved Simon around so he could pull his pants down; he still couldn't form words so he settled for groaning and pawing at the hem of Simons pants. After a second Simon huffed out a laugh and got up to pull down his pants and boxers, slowly and with self-confidence he positioned Peter at his entrance. He didn't bother with lube since Peters dick was covered in sperm and would slip into him easily and as he lowered himself gently down he found he was right. Still recovering from their first orgasm neither of them had enough stamina to keep up a proper session but that didn't stop them trying. Simon bounced and rocked his hips accordingly to the sounds coming out of Peters body, and when he got to tired and too close he just sat on Peters dick and grinded on it. Peter thrust up into Simon and came much quicker than he had wanted but it was worth it to see the O that Simon formed with his lips at the feeling of Peter cumming inside him. Simon was not far off in his release and pulled Peters head forward, their lips crashing into a kiss as Simon's body shook with splendid release. They both sat there for maybe twenty minutes before they just laid down on the couch and went to sleep in each other's arms.
So not only was this super late but it's super short, the smut is a bit rubbish, and this isn't even the paring i had planned to do but hey, Dems the 8reaks!
I hope you guys like this though, let me know if there are any mistakes and ship.
Also i gave Stile's dad the name Simon because i like to think their a family of S's and i know Stile's real name is Genim but i like to think he got Stiles because he wanted a S name like his father.