"Josh! Stop! Joshua!" Eve yelled as she chased her nephew around the chapel. Alex took the opposite direction of Eve as he tried to corner Josh.

"Hey buddy. Come to uncle Alex" Alex cooed.

Josh grinned widely at Alex. His blonde hair fell in his face and he laughed out loud in his most cutest way. Just when Alex was jumping in to grab him, Josh turned around and started running, finally landing in Eve's arms. Eve picked him up and scowled. "Josh, no. Let's get this bowtie on you" she said. Josh started to squirm in her arms, and Eve handed him to Alex as she was trying to fix his bowtie. Joshua was none other than Kelly and Randy's 3-year-old son. After more than 3 years Randy proposed to Kelly. Today was their wedding day and they were finally going to get married. Randy wanted to wait until Josh was a little grown, so he could see his parents get married.

"I want go!" Josh giggled in Eve's face.

Eve shook her head and gave him a stern expression. "No. We have to get you on stage! C'mon" she said as she took Josh from Alex and started walking up to the stage.

Randy was waiting nervously for Kelly to come down the aisle. He took a quick glance at his son. Joshua looked like him but with Kelly's hair colour. He had blue eyes and some pinchable cheeks. Randy gave the little guy thumbs up. Josh returned the thumbs up and buried his face in Alex's leg. Randy could see Phil who was holding their 2-year-old child and Layla making their way inside the chapel. Layla was pregnant again. Trish, Adam and Ted were already sitting in the front waiting for the ceremony to begin. Finally his eyes fell on Kelly who made her way down the aisle. Randy felt like his breath was being taken away. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. He didn't think he could see anyone more beautiful than her.

Josh perked up, "Mommy!" he yelled. Everyone's attention went to Joshua and they starting laughing. Josh hid behind Alex again, and Kelly giggled and made her way up the steps. Randy took her hand and helped her up.

"Kelly, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. This is my solemn vow."

"Randy, today I take you to be my husband. Together we will create a home, becoming a part of one another. I vow to help create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. I vow to be honest, caring and truthful, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your love and best friend."

"I now pronounce you two husband and wife. You may kiss-" the priest stopped talking, when Randy grabbed Kelly's waist softly and pressed his lips on hers. Everyone clapped and stood up. Kelly pulled away from Randy and rested her forehead against his.

"I love you so much" she whispered, so only the two could hear.

"I love you too, baby" he said before he kissed her again. Joshua ran from behind Alex and hugged both Randy and Kelly's legs.

Randy picked up Josh and Kelly gave him a kiss. "What did you like best?" she asked Josh as she fixed his shirt.

Joshua laid his head on Randy's shoulder and started to suck on his thumb. He pulled it out and said, "When daddy kissed mommy!"

Randy chuckled, "Yeah that was my favourite part too buddy," he said. Kelly lightly pushed him and Randy grabbed her hand as they started walking down the aisle. He was tightly holding on to both Joshua and Kelly.

They finally reached outside and Kelly turned to face Eve and Alex. "Meet us back at the house?" she asked them. Eve and Alex nodded. Kelly hugged them tightly and got into the limo. Randy kept Joshua on his lap as he continued to stare at Kelly, mesmerized. Kelly looked up at him and gave him a confused look. "What is it?" she asked.

"I'm glad I found you again," he said as he played with Joshua's hands. Kelly looked down as the blood rushed to her cheeks. Randy reached over and took her hands in his. "We're forever babe" he whispered. Kelly smiled up at him. This was the best day ever.

"Here's to Kelly and Randy!" Alex said as he raised his glass with champagne in it. Everyone cheered and raised their glasses before taking their first swing. Everyone was back at Randy and Kelly's house, in their backyard. It was night and Kelly wore a dark red evening dress. Her blonde hair was left out in loose curls, and she was holding on to Joshua.

Once Phil and Layla approached her, she let down Josh to play with Emily. Josh chased Emily around the parents as they started giggling. Kelly looked at Layla's bulging stomach. "Oh sweet Jesus" she whispered.

Layla giggled and linked her arm in Phil's. "I should be expecting soon," she said.

Kelly nodded, "I can tell," she laughed.

Eve and Alex joined them shortly afterwards and finally Phil spoke for the first time tonight, "I'm glad you guys are married. Randy needed this more than anything. You guys are absolutely perfect for each other," he told her.

Kelly glanced in Randy's way, he was engaged in a conversation with Adam and Ted. "Yeah" she said smiling. She looked at Phil, and the rest. "Thanks for making it to New York guys. It means the world. I wish we got to visit you often" she said.

Alex nodded and held onto Eve's waist. "Well we're here now, so let's make the most of it!" he said cheerfully. Eve laughed and took a swing from her glass and so did the rest of them.

Kelly walked up to Randy and got on her tiptoes as she kissed his cheek. He looked over at her and smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist. Adam smiled at them and brought his attention to Randy. "Randy, feel free to take as many personal days you want," he informed.

Randy nodded. "Thanks man" he whispered. Adam and Ted walked away leaving the two alone. Kelly caressed Randy's cheek and smiled widely. Randy smiled cheekily down at her.

He brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "I think we can have a celebration tonight."

Kelly giggled and looked up at him and suddenly Joshua started tugging on Randy's pants. Randy picked him up and Kelly looked at Josh before Randy. "Only after you read him his bedtime story," she teased.

"I don't want to sleep" Josh said burying his head in Randy's shoulder.

Randy grabbed Kelly's hand and brought her ear to his lips. "I'm getting cockblocked by my own son" he whispered. Kelly shook her head and laughed out loud.

"I love you," she repeated for the hundredth time today.

"And I love you too" he said.

"I love you more!" Josh said perking up. Randy and Kelly laughed together, and finally they started to get back to their guests. Everything worked out perfectly. Who would've guessed that all of this happened in just 4 years?

I love you guys. Thanks for being amazing. I really hope you enjoyed this story. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. :)