A/N: Okay so once again I come to find another super interesting couple that does not get enough attention so I took it upon myself to create a story for them. This is my first attempt at creating a long M rated story, so bear with me lol. It usually takes me about 3 to four chapters to really get into the groove of a story so yea…this story has also been in my documents for like ever and I finally decided to put it up so….here you guys go!

Chapter 1

"Y-You're what?!" They all shouted at the young raven haired beauty.

"You can't be serious?!" her blond hair friend stood up and shouted, her long hair flying in front of the scent sensitive Inuzuka.

"Gah! Ino your damn shampoo smells horrible!" Ino turned to the Inuzuka and narrowed her eyes.

"At least I have the common courtesy to wash my hair you mutt!"

"MUTT?!" Kiba stood up from his crouching position "I'll show you mutt you-!"

"Will both of you shut the hell up!" Sakura shouted. "This isn't about your freaking hair or what she called you! It's about Hinata so shut up or so help me….!" Ino and Kiba knew not to upset Sakura while she was already pissed off so they simply stuck their tongues at each other and sat back down. Hinata played with the bottom of her school uniformed skirt and looked elsewhere but her group of friends. Sakura walked over to Hinata and sighed. "Hinata, now tell us exactly what are you talking about."

"W-Well, I have recently found out that um…..I am…engaged to be married." She said and took a small peak to see their reaction. Kiba, Ino, Tenten and Naruto looked angry while Rock Lee, Sakura, Shino and Choji looked confused. Shikamaru and Sasuke on the other hand looked more tired than anything but on the inside they were just as confused as everyone else.

"But wait how the hell did this happen?" Naruto asked with his usual loudness. Hinata blushed and bit her lip.

"Well….A few months before I was born my father made a deal with another family that as soon as I was up in the proper age of marriage that I would marry his eldest son." Hinata said softly. She didn't want to tell them like this, she wanted it to be a more private place than the park but luck however was not on her side. As soon as she found out that she was to be married to a man that she has yet to meet, she was shocked to say the least. What surprised her however was how her father looked when he told her, his face was full of such regret and guilt that she never knew he felt. Hinata was suspicious of why her father would make such a decision and feel that much regret over it. According to past history he has never made a decision and felt anything after it, he thought his plans through to the end. But this time he was….so unlike himself.

"This isn't the Middle Ages; damn don't you have a choice or something?" Tenten said with anger in her voice.

Hinata shook her head. "It was already signed with a non-binding contract….I am to meet him t-tonight." Hinata couldn't help the pain that was leaking out of her voice.

"This is soo un fair!" Ino shouted. "Why would your Dad make such a big decision like that?!"

"I-It's really not as bad as it seems….I'm not completely upset…."

"Well you should be!" Kiba shouted. "Hell if my mom ever pulled a stunt that that on me I'd go fucking crazy!" Hinata looked away. 'I wish I could….' Hinata jumped when she heard her phone ring and quickly grabbed it.


"Lady Hinata, where are you?" Hinata sighed, knowing it was only her guardian Ko.

"I-I'm with my friends."

"Well say goodbye to them because you have to get here so that you can get ready to meet your fiancé." Hinata sighed. "Is Neji with you?"

"No he h-had to stay after school for the student council. He should be on his way home now."

Ko sighed. "Okay so I'll tell him to go get you because I don't like the idea of you walking home alone."

"Ko if I'm old enough to get married then I think I might be old enough to walk home by myself." She giggled at her overprotective guardian.

"Lady Hinata….."

Tenten sighed. "Tell him I'll drop you off, I have to go get something from Neji anyway." Hinata smiled at her friend.

"Tenten will drop me off."

There was a long pause before he spoke again. "That's not the loud blond one is it?" Hinata giggled. "Or is that the loud angry pink haired one?"

Hinata smiled. "No the loud blond one is Ino and the loud pink haired one is Sakura." Hinata said forgetting that Ino and Sakura were right next to her.

"LOUD?!" Ino shouted.

"ANGRY!" Sakura shouted with her hands balled into fist. Hinata gasped realizing what she said. "I'll show him angry!"

"U-Um Ko I have to go I'll see you there okay?"

"Okay Lady Hinata but hurry please." He said then hung up. Hinata quickly got up and grabbed Tenten.

"W-Well we better get going!" Tenten nodded and ran before Ino and Sakura could follow them.


"So….are you excited about meeting him?" Tenten asked while driving Hinata back to her house.

"I think that's the feeling in my stomach." Hinata said softly.

"Hinata, maybe if you just tell your father-."

"Tenten, I wish it was that easy but even if I tell my father that I do not wish to marry this man….It's a non-binding contract with literally no loopholes, I'm bound to this….." Hinata said softly. Tenten was so angry at her father. How could a man practically sell his daughter to someone that neither he nor she has ever met. She wanted to just walk up to the man and punch him in his face but she was in no mood dealing with the consequences. "Tenten….I have a question to ask….."

"What is it Hinata?"

Hinata blushed and looked away. "U-Um….since I'm getting married….I-I think that I might need an um…..Maid of Honor and um….I-I was wondering if….." Tenten quickly stopped her car and stared at Hinata with widened eyes.

"H-Hinata are you…"

"Tenten….will you be my Maid of Honor?" Hinata gasped as Tenten embraced her with a bone crushing hug.

"Yes of course Hinata!" Tenten grinned. Hinata giggled at her friends antics. Tenten flew back to her seat and started the car. "Oh god I have to think about what my hair is going to be, oh we have to pick the dresses!" Hinata never saw Tenten acting so….girly. She just that it must come with the Maid of Honor title. "…..we have to think about a bachelorette party" Hinata blushed and cleared her throat.

"Tenten!" Hinata blushed.

"Oh I was only kidding…..kind of….." Tenten muttered the last part, not wanting to ruin any surprise.


"Kankuro hold still well ya!" Kankuro groaned as his sister continued to mess with his tie. He glared at his brother smirk of amusement. He still could not believe that he was doing this. Why the hell did his father even agree marrying off him to some girl that he never even fucking met? He'd rather be anywhere else then in this limo on his way to meet the girl. "There we go!"

"I still don't see why we have to do this?"

"Dad would have wanted us too, even though he is no longer alive." Gaara said silently.

"So what, that bastard didn't even fucking wanted us in the first place why the hell should we honor something his ass made in the past." Temari narrowed her eyes and punched him in his shoulder.

"Just because he himself never truly honored his word doesn't mean that we can't."

Kankuro rubbed his arm and muttered. "I still don't understand why I have to do it. I mean she's like Gaara's age or something why doesn't she marry him?"

"Because it said eldest son not youngest and from what I remember….I'm younger than you." Gaara pointed out with a smirk on his face.

"By like a year!" Kankuro shouted.

"Still younger." Kankuro growled and pouted.

"I hate you guys….." Temari rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. It wasn't like they wanted him to be married anyway. He obviously didn't want to do it and seeing him this ticked off really bothered them but they unfortunately could do nothing but watch him walk down the aisle.

"Listen, you're the eldest male so of course you have more responsibilities. You're the one that father gave the company to in his will so suck it up and take it like a man." Temari said with a stern voice to her brother. She was actually happy that she wasn't the one that inherit that company, too much work and not a lot of freedom. What she really wanted to do was to become a professional singer and thankfully her father gave her that choice by giving the company to Kankuro, though she really wished that Kankuro did not have to suffer in her place.

"Whatever….." Kankuro muttered, not wanting to continue the conversation. He really didn't understand why they had to do this. Their father was a twisted man, only caring for himself. He barely even saw him but when he did all his father would do is simply ignore his presence or argue with his mother about them. He could still remember those cruel words that he said to her….that he said to them….Why they would go out of their way to honor this man's word was beyond him. He looked up at the moon and sighed. 'This is going to be a long night.'


Hinata waved farewell to Tenten and walked inside of her large mansion. She barely had enough time to announce her arrival before she was immediately grabbed by the maids and pushed up the tall stairs. She looked to see her sister waving to her before being pulled away as well. Hinata was pushed into her room and forced to seat down in front of her mirror. Hinata saw the evil glints in her maids' eyes and gulped. 'Oh no….'

Meanwhile Kankuro and his siblings have finally made it to the Hyuga estate and shocked was not the right word to express their emotion as they looked at the Hyuga mansion. It was a least four stories high with a football field sized yard. Straight in the middle of the parkway was a large fountain that poured clear water into itself with green grass surrounded it. The mansion itself was pure white with a large staircase that leads to two double doors.

"Wow, your Fiancé certainly is living comfortably." Gaara said in disbelief. Kankuro nodded than frowned.

"But I still don't wan-." Kankuro stopped as two figures walked out of the large doors. One was kind of short with long brown hair tied into a bun with small strings falling on her childish face. She wore a long sleeve white dress that ended right dead center of her knee and open toe heels. The other was a male with long brown hair. His cold white eyes sent chills down Kankuro's body. 'Fucking scary!' He wore a black suit and tie.

"Greetings honorable guest, please come in." The man bowed and motioned for them to follow him. Kankuro looked at his siblings than followed the two into their castle of a house. Kankuro soon realized that the inside of the house was ten times as big as the outside with its high ceilings and well-polished wooden floors. A large chandelier hung from above them and maids and butlers lined up from the side of the three siblings and bowed. In the center were two men. One was a tall man with short brown hair and a very serious look on his face. He like the other guy wore a black suit and tie. The other man was taller than the one describe before with long brown hair as well. His suit unlike the other two was white and silver and his presence just screamed command.

"I am honored to have the siblings of my longtime friend to finally enter my home. I am Hiashi Hyuga, the father of your Fiancé and the ones that have lead you inside our home was my nephew Neji Hyuga and my youngest daughter Hanabi Hyuga. The one standing next to me is my cousin Ko Hyuga." Kankuro bowed with respect, impressing his bowing siblings.

"It is an honor to meet you Lord Hyuga. These are my siblings, Gaara Sabaku and Temari Sabaku, and I am Kankuro Sabaku, the one to wed your daughter." Hiashi nodded and called for his daughter to come down and greet their guest.

Hinata took a deep breath and slowly walked from the hall and to the stairs to see her Fiancé. Hinata blushed as everyone stared at her as she walked down the stairs. Hinata looked at the three people at the bottom of the stairs and automatically knew that they were the guest. The tall blond one looked very beautiful with her dark blond hair down and curled at the bottom. She had on a beautiful long sleeved dark purple dress that ended at her knees and sparkling tall heels. The shortest male was pale with red hair and, from what Hinata could see even though his hair was slightly hiding it, was a blood red tattoo that said love. He had on a dark red suit with a black tie. Hinata wonder if that was eye liner he was wearing if he ever slept in his life but she was not one to judge. The tall male was from what Hinata assumed was the eldest male which meant he was her Fiancé. He had short brown hair and a very handsome face with tan skin. He wore a black suit with a bark purple tie. Hinata blushed as he stared at her and bowed as soon as she made it to the bottom.

Kankuro was hypnotized as this beautiful woman walked down the stairs. She was short, just about up to his shoulders, with long indigo hair which was a refreshing break from all the brown that was curled and put over her shoulder. She wore a beautiful sleeveless white dress with silver trimmings that ended right at the top of her calves. She had tall open toe white heels and a silver bracelet on her right arm. What Kankuro loved most was those lavender eyes that basically look into his soul. He also didn't ignore the fact that she had the body of a freaking model and her bust was practically mocking his sister's, causing a smirk to appear on his face.

Hello, I am Hinata Hyuga; it is a pleasure to meet you." Kankuro smirked and as she got up gently grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you; I am Kankuro Sabaku….your fiancé." Hinata felt a weird vibe when he said that he was her fiancé but rubbed it off.

"Now, before dinner commences, why don't we take this to the living room." Kankuro nodded and gently grabbed Hinata's hand and followed her father to the living room.

Temari and Gaara looked at each other and knew that they both had the same thought running through their heads. 'What the hell was that?'


Hinata was baffled to say the least. This man Kankuro has only met her for about five minutes and he was already holding her hand. Hinata did not know what to do but the things that she was taught to do. She contributed to the conversation, she offered if any of her guests would like any refreshments. But she was still trying not to faint at how close Kankuro was to her or that his gaze would fall on her like an animal would look at a prey.

Kankuro on the other hand was enjoying this to the very end. At first he was not looking forward to this thing at all but now that he actually got to see the woman that he was supposed to marry, the thoughts of dread that he had before faded from his mind. He just couldn't stop looking at her with those eyes that screamed beauty.

"So, I think that if we work our product to this market that would benefit both your and my company greatly." Hiashi finished.

"Yes I agree completely." Kankuro said with a fake smile, when in truth he was not paying much attention.

"Well I am glad that we are on the same page, now let us begin dinner." They all nodded and followed the man walking into the large dining hall. Kankuro almost drooled at the large setting of food. There had to be at least every single food that existed on the table. Kankuro felt his sister's gaze on him and looked to see Hinata about to pull out her seat. Kankuro quickly walked over and pulled it out for her. Hinata blushed and thanked him, sending blood rushing to both his face and his groin. He quickly sat down next to her and smiled.

"So Lady Hinata, do you go to school?" Kankuro asked.

"Yes I attend Konoha high school as a junior." Kankuro smirked. "Do you go to school?"

"I used to but I found it really boring so I decided to become home schooled. Though I was thinking about going back….." Hinata did not notice the message in his sentence and smiled. "So….how old are you exactly?"

"O-Oh I'm 16." Kankuro couldn't help the shock in his face.

"Wow, you don't look like your 16 at all." Hinata blushed.

"T-Thank you." She tried to control her heart from beating too fast.

"Well just to let you know, I'm 18." Hinata smiled on the outside but on the inside she was freaking out. She was marrying an 18yr old man?!"

"Oh that's wonderful." She smiled.

"Yeah…" Kankuro moved closer to Hinata and gently placed his hand on her lap. "I guess it is…." Hinata blushed as everyone seemed to not notice the conversation of the two but focused on their own personal conversation. "So, are you excited for the wedding?"

U-Um yes I am." Hinata blushed. That was basically how dinner was for the past hour. They would all talk about business and how it was going to be handled while Kankuro would throw Hinata small glances and his hand would fall on her lap or his skin would rub up against hers ever so slightly. Kankuro was quite enjoying his future wife. 'Maybe marriage isn't going to be such a bad thing after all….' Soon the time came when they must leave and Kankuro was sort of bummed.

"Thank you for inviting us to your home, dinner was delicious." Temari bowed.

"Please the pleasure is all mine, do not hesitate to stop by any time." Hiashi smiled. Hinata bowed to her fiancé with a small blush on her fair skin cheeks.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Lady Hinata." Kankuro smirked.

"I-It was a pleasure meeting you too." Hinata said softly.

Kankuro walked over to her. "You know we have to meet again before the wedding…" Kankuro said in a slightly husky tone.

"Y-Yes that would be lovely." Hinata squeaked. She and everyone around her, though they hid it well, were shocked as Kankuro placed a gentle kiss on Hinata's cheek.

"Till then…" he whispered. He turned to Hiashi and bowed. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Yes….no problem." Hiashi said slowly with slight anger in his tone, though no one seemed to notice. Kankuro smirked and walked with his siblings to the limo, waving goodbye to his future family in laws.

"Well he liked Hinata." Hanabi broke the silence. Neji nodded with narrow eyes.

"Yes he did." Neji said softly. "I don't like him."

Hanabi nearly busted out laughing at Neji's straight forward response. Hiashi on the other hand shook his head and sighed. "Well whether we like him or not, he is almost family and we should treat him as such." Ko nodded.

"Besides, who are we to judge, I seriously couldn't stand how fake we were acting." He chuckled. Hinata was too preoccupied with the fact that he kissed her to truly contribute to their conversation. He was so….straight forward. Hinata was seriously starting to fear her wedding day…..and wedding night.


"Well Kankuro, you certainly scared the girl off." Temari chuckled. Gaara nodded with a smirk. Kankuro shrugged his shoulders. "She was pretty though."

"Pretty isn't the word to describe her…." Kankuro muttered. He looked down at his phone and smiled at her number that she so graciously gave him. Suddenly a thought came to him. "What's tomorrow?"

"Saturday I think, why?" Gaara looked at his brother with a confused face. Kankuro smirked and turned back to his phone.

"I think I just got a date."

A/N: Aren't they cute?! Lol I love them so much! Well that's the first ever chapter of Love Underneath The Dirt. I am so happy about this story and I can't wait to continue it. The next one should be up tomorrow because I happened to have already did three chapters of this thing so all I have to do is proof read and post, thanks again and don't forget to leave some feedback lol :D