Annabeth's POV

It was 1:34 PM when I quietly walked into the mall, Piper at my side. She had been beyond excited when I told her that the notebook had worked.

I had had a lunch date with her and Jason earlier that day.

"See! I told you it would work!" Piper said, having a bite of her salad.

"Okay, but it didn't go exactly as planned" I told her, shoving a burger down my throat.

Unlike me, Piper was a very strict vegetarian. I truly don't understand how she does it.

"So? Looks like Annie's got a man!"

"Don't call me Annie"

"Wait," Jason butted in. "Annabeth, aren't you at all worried that this guy is a creepy stalker?"

"Ugh, Jason must you ruin everything!"

"Well, I just don't want to have her end up getting raped!"

"Relax Jason," I explained. "I'm sure he's totally normal!"

"Oh really? Then what's his name?"


"Shut up, Jason!"

After lunch, Piper and I decided that it would be a good idea to go check my "stocking". Jason wanted to come, but had to go to football practice.

"So, do you actually know his name?" She asked me, as I started making my way over to the stockings.

"I have no clue, but I asked him in my last entry, so I should find out right about..." I pulled the notebook out of the Annabel stocking "now"

Piper nearly ripped it from my hands, flipped it open, and began reading it's contents.

"Aw, Annie! This is so sweet!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, first, don't call me Annie, and second, it's not that sweet. It's me and some guy I've never met before giving each other dares throughout a red moleskin notebook. Now let me see that!"

She passed it over to me, and I turned it open to see his messy handwriting. It told me his worst Christmas ever, and I sighed.

God... That must have sucked.

But, my pity for him instantly dropped when he didn't tell me his name.

"Bastard" I whispered.

"So," Piper said, as we walked out of the mall. "If I understand this whole thing correctly, you should be getting a dare from him. What does it say?"

I read the bottom of the page.

"I hope you like movies"


After 20 minutes of trying to get a cab, 3 minutes of debating how to get to the movie rental place, and 17 minutes walking on foot, Piper and I finally stepped into the nearest Blockbuster.

"Okay," I said, making my way through the store "The first clue says

The movie you must find was first a famous book

You've probably read it, maybe on your nook?

It's about vampires, werewolf's, and a stupid love story

However, it was praised with perfection and glory."

"Oh my gosh, it's Twilight!" Piper exclaimed.

"Of course you would know that" I whispered, to where she couldn't hear me.

Before I knew it, I was trotting behind my best friend down the romance isle.

"Here!" She said, popping open the movie. On top of the disk, was a plain yellow sticky note.

Congratulations, Annabeth! Although I'll admit, this one was pretty easy. However; if you would enjoy watching this movie, I'm afraid my feelings for you have been slightly altered.

Let's make the next one something we both, hopefully, enjoy.

This movie was the final of eight

A book series we all appreciate

Many people die, or so I've heard

If you want to find it, say the magic word.

"Umm..." Piper said, thinking hard.

I tried to put facts together. It was a long book series first, and there's eight movies. People die... Magic word.

This was obvious.

Strolling down the isles, I found Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.

"Oh!" Piper said when she realized what it was.

Once again, nicely done. Although, if you haven't read Harry Potter, I'm afraid our relationship ends here.

I laughed at that. I had read Harry Potter before, and found it an incredibly awesome story.

I have one last movie for you, so just bear with me.

This first one in the series was a huge hit

But the second movie scared people a bit.

Data from "the Goonies", in this film plays Short Round

As our favorite archeologist goes under ground.

"Oh God, I don't know" Piper sighed.

This one should also be obvious, but it just wasn't clicking in my mind.

Before I could think anymore, I heard the song "Mine" by Taylor Swift start playing.

"Oh, sorry" Piper said, answering her phone. "Hi Jason!"

She started to go into a conversation with him, and I continued to try and think of the movie.

Come on, Annabeth! This should be easy!

Then, I got an idea.

"Pipes," I whispered. "Ask Jason!"

Her eyes lit up, and she excitedly said. "Jason, I need your help to find a movie. It's the second in a movie series, and people didn't like it as much as the first one because it was scary. Also, there's a character named Short Round. That's like, all we know. Uh huh... Uh huh... Yeah, it says something about the Goonies... Okay. Thanks. Love you!" She hung up the phone.

"And?" I asked her.

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" she replied, smiling.

That makes sense! I thought to myself as I ran to the action section.

I had never actually seen Indiana Jones, but I hear it's pretty good. Maybe I should watch it sometime...

There, I found the 2nd movie of the Indiana Jones series. I popped the case open to find a note.

This is where I leave you for tonight. Please leave the notebook with your worst Christmas memory, and the next dare written down, behind this movie.

Thanks for playing, Annie

I smiled, and opened up the notebook. I reached into my purse to pull out a pencil.

Wait. My purse?

I began writing vigorously.

Okay, my worst Christmas memory, sadly, is this Christmas. My dad had a business conference in Fiji, and took my mom with him. However; the conference turns out to be three weeks, not three days like they had expected, so I'm stuck home alone for Christmas. I mean, I'm staying with my best friend, Piper, but it's not really the same, you know?

And for your name? Well, it took me the whole time we spent looking for your movies to figure it out. Something you carry around everyday? For most girls, that's a purse.

Your name is Percy.

I quickly wrote down my dare, and left the notebook behind "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark". Yes, I know that isn't the movie I was suppose to leave it behind. But, I wanted to watch "The Temple of Doom".

And just for fun, I rented "the Goonies" as well.

I smiled as the cold winter air hit my face when we stepped outside.

"Hey," Piper started. "How come he's allowed to call you Annie?"