Chapter 6. Rescue, Dan VS Dan.
Blaze sat outside the home of one Vlad Master's.
"This is boring." Blaze said messing around with his arm .
"Watch the house." Dan said.
"I have scanner's scanning the house for any movements," Blaze said "I didn't get unfrozen to watch a house."
"I didn't get unleashed from my prison to watch over a metal man." Dan said.
"Is there away to shut you off?"
"No, Now watch the house."
Blaze rolled his eyes "Stupid ghost freak." Blaze thought "I heard that!" Dan said.
His alarm went off, Blaze rushed towards the house and busted the door down as he turned his arm into a blade. Blaze saw three soldier's with weird guns.
They fired at Blaze, He dodged each one as she sliced the two men making them fall to the ground "Did you just kill them?" Dan asked.
"Yes, The were clones." Blaze heard shooting and he quickly rushed up the stairs to see Vlad on the ground and three soldier's and a ship loading him up.
"Put him down!" Blaze yelled as he slice two the of three soldier's, The third soldier got Vlad onto the ship and they took off "I can't fly!" Blaze said.
"You can't, But i can" Blaze felt his body changed and he took off "Let's go after them shall we!?"
They flew after the ship, But something felt wrong as the ship just disappeared in front of them.
"Where did they go!?" Dan asked trying to look for the ship.
"They teleported themselfs back to where ever they are hidding at." Blaze said hovering in the air
"Now what?" Dan asked.
"Blaze, Amber and a few of the Avenger's have gone missing, They took my best plane." Fury said "Find them."
"Alright sir." Blaze said as he used his arm to get a lock on the missing plane "Found you."
"We're going after them?" Dan asked "What about the ship?"
"If Amber stole a plane and a whole team is missing, They know where Danny is and that's where Vlad's going to be."
They both took off towards the ocean.
Danny sat in his cell.
"Like your cell?" Dark asked.
"Not really," Danny said looking around the small it had two beds and two desks"At least i'm safe for when your army turns on you."
"Oh, Don't be like that."
A man came running up towards Dark "Sir! We are picking up something on radar!"
"I'll be back." Dark followed the man leaving Danny alone in his cell.
The Dark followed the man into the control room.
"What is it?" He asked.
"We don't know, We think it's a missile."
"Scan it."
The man hit a few switches and soon they knew what it was.
"It's Iron Man sir."
"Let him come, I've been meaning to get inside his head."
"Sir, Our team has returned with Vlad."
Dark smiled "I want his DNA ready for cloning."
Tony saw the giant ship as he got closer towards it.
"Amber, You there?"
"Yeah Tony, I'm here."
"I found there ship, I see the booooo-merang, It's stuck just on top of the ship." Tony said spotting the boooo-merang.
"Alright, Just stay there, We'll be down in a minute."
Tony moved closer to the ship "I'll see if i can find away in."
"No, Stay where you are and wait for us."
Tony didn't listen as he landed on the ground next to the ship, He walked over and saw a scanner next to the door, He used Jarvis to hack into the main frame and open the door, He walked inside and the water was drained out.
He felt a sharp pain go through his body as he felt himself black out "Tony, Are you there? Tony!"
Vlad slowly awoke and saw Danny sitting in a chair by his desk.
"I see your awake" Danny said, Vlad went to jump at Danny but was sent flying back to the wall "Oh, I should have warned you about the force field."
Vlad rubbed the back of his neck "That hurt," Vlad got onto his feet "I take it SHIELD brought me here?"
"SHIELD didn't bring you here," Said Dark "I brought you here."
Vlad looked to see a man in a black mask "And you are?"
"I'm Dark, It's nice to meet you Vlad Master's, Or should I say Vlad Plasmius."
Vlad chuckled "Plasmius? I've never been called Plasmius."
Vlad saw a hologram of himself standing in front of him as his whole body changed forms "How did you get that?" Vlad asked glaring at Dark.
"I've been watching you along with Danny, Both of you have something I wanted."
"If this is about the Tesseract I don't have it." Vlad said.
"I don't want that, I've already have what I need and in a few hours I'll have what I need!" He said chuckling.
"And what's that?" Vlad asked.
"A powerful clone, Made from the DNA of the world's most two powerful half ghost's!" Dark said, He looked towards Danny "And Danny, I would like to thank you and Tony Stark for building that suit of yours."
"You won't be able to stabilize it!" Danny said glaring at Dark.
"Oh, we know this," Dark said chuckling "But thanks to my team and my researcher's, We found away to stabilize our clones" A man came running up towards Dark.
"Sir, It would seem Tony Stark wasn't alone, We are picking up seven people coming towards us"
"Allow them to enter, We'll test out our new suits." Dark said.
"As you wish sir!" He took off running as Dark turned back towards Vlad and Danny.
"I must be off, You two enjoy your stay." Dark said walking away leaving the two to chat.
"Mind filling me in on what's going on?" Vlad asked looking over at Danny.
Tony slowly opened his eyes to see a man wearing a black mask standing in front of him.
"Hello, Mister Stark." Dark said with a smile
Tony went to talk but found he couldn't, Tony looked down to see his mouth was covered "As much as I would love to talk with you, We learned you have a program in your suit that allows it to come to you," Dark said as a man on his side walked over to Tony doing a scan "I want all his brain probed."
"As you wish sir." The man said walking over to the computer.
"Sir," A man said walking into the cell "They have entered the ship."
"Good, Let's give them a welcoming party." Dark said following the man out.
Amber pulled out her gun as she looked around the ship.
"Alright, We'll split into three teams." Amber said looking at the group.
"There will be no need in splitting up my dear," Said a voice as the lights around them clicked on "I take it you came here for Tony Stark and Danny Fenton." Said the voice.
"Of course we did! You'll hand him over!" Sam yelled.
The door in front of them opened and Dark came walking out.
"Oh, It pains me to tell you that you won't be saving them from beyond the grave." He said snapping his finger's and three robotic suits came out of the floor "These may not be Tony's Starks Iron Man but they still do the job." Dark notice Bruce Banner "I see they brought you down here, I've been wanting to see if the stories were true." They fired a shot at Bruce sending him flying towards the wall.
Bruce eyes began to change and his body began to change as well.
"That's it! Let the beast out!" Dark said laughing.
The Captain rushed towards Dark as the other's quickly fought to giant robot's.
Dark dodge each punch from the Captain "Is that all you have Captain? I would have thought the man who almost brought down HYDRA would be better then this? Guess being frozen in that ice made you a bit slow." Dark said pouncing the Captain and making him go flying towards the wall with a loud thud .
The Captain eyes slowly fell as he blacked out.
"Loki! Check the captain!" Amber yelled as she dodged the robots foot.
Loki rushed to the Captain as Thor threw his hammer through the two robots destroying them.
"Never did like your kind." Dark said as he snapped his fingers.
Amber, Sam, Jazz, Thor, Hulk all rushed towards Dark but what they saw made Sam and Jazz freeze in place.
There standing in front of them was Dan. They couldn't believe what they were staring at.
"I see you two," Dark said looking at Jazz and Sam "Have you two seen something like this before?"
"H-How did you make him?" Jazz asked.
"Oh, Spoiler's." Dark said as Dan's eyes opened up, His red eyes glowing as it stared at them "My soldier, Destroy them all!"
Dan nodded and rushed towards them.
Hulk let out a roar and rushed towards Dan.
Before everyone's eyes the Hulk fell onto his back as his form changed back to Bruce Banner.
Jazz pulled out a ghost weapon "Let's see if you can handle the Fenton Ghost Peeler!" Soon her body was covered in a metal suit and she fired at the clone.
Dark went to walk away when he went flying to the wall and there stood Blaze "Where do you think your going?" Blaze said as a sword slide out of his hand.
Dark rubbed his jaw "Metal hand, Didn't see that coming." Dark snapped his finger's and soldier's came running out "Deal with them!"
Blaze fired his cannon killing the soldier's in one blast "Sorry pal, Your mine." Blaze said as his sword started glowing bright green.
Dark chuckled "You have no idea who you are messing with boy." Dark said as his hands started to glow bright red.
"Bring it then." Blaze said rushing towards him.
The clone Dan brought Thor to his knees as Jazz sat on the ground passed out.
Next thing Thor saw was a green blast knock the clone away "Hey, Fake!"
Thor looked over to see another Dan standing there.
The clone Dan stood to his feet and looked at the real Dan "How about I show you what the real Dan can do?" Dan said his eyes glowing bright red.
The clone Dan chuckled "Let's see what you can do!" The clone Dan rushed towards Dan with his eyes glowing bright red.
To Be Continued.
So, Life has really been kicking my butt and has been keeping me busy, I'm sorry I've been taking so long writing all of these chapter's for each of my stories on this site but when Life calls you have to answer, I'll try my hardest to post more chapter's up when I can. To those who are still following sorry I have't updated in so long. Anyways, Enjoy this chapter.