Santana (POV)
The forest had an amazing smell at night, it's almost like I can smell something from miles away. I sigh loudly and glance over at my family, my mother (Maria Lopez), my father (Marco Lopez), and two older brothers (Victor and Dante), in the tree top glancing around…. This place is not easy to hunt in … We still need to figure out when the best times to hunt are. Traveling to new places is difficult for us, learning when to hunt…I sniff the air I can smell an animal, it's not too far away… I glance over at my brothers and they nod.
Jumping down from the trees and landing next to me they both smirk. Dante smirks and punches me in the shoulder.
"You always had the best nose out of all of us San!" he grins and I shake my head. I step back and smack them both on the back…they turn around and shake their heads I grin.
"Watch and learn boys…this one is mine!" I run through the forest with Victor and Dante on my heels. I'm one of the fastest in our group, I smirk when I see a deer standing a few feet away, I sprint towards it the animal sees me and I dart after it, leaping over tree branches, and leaping over a small creek… I catch up with the deer and wrap my arms around its neck, snapping it killing it instantly. I smirk and fist pump into the air just as I see Dante, Victor, Mom and Dad run up behind me.
They all grin and clap; Victor walks up and pats me on the back, "Amazing Sis! I'm impressed!" I shake my head and roll my eyes at him shaking my head.
"No, Vic. I'm always that badass…" I smirk and he rolls his eyes.
Dad walks over to the deer and claps his hands together; he turns around with a smile on his face.
"Well! What are we waiting for? Let's dig in!" Everyone nods and we head over to where the deer was slain. I step over the corpse and everyone steps bag.
"San, your kill pick where you want." My mother says with a small smile, I nod and head for the neck. I lean my head back and bite into the deer's neck. I suck the blood out slowly… and if you haven't guessed it already I, Santana Lopez am a Vampire. I smirk to myself as the thought goes through my head. I know right, none of this is real…Vampires aren't real…Wellll you are wrong! I've been on this planet for a while now… along with the rest of my family, I look like a 17 year old girl and I will always look this way. I sigh loudly and step back from the deer cleaning my face off, the rest of my family slowly backing away from the corpse.
There is more of our kind out there but… They don't act the way we do… They kill humans at will. We feed on the blood of animals… but not the other, they feed off humans… I glance down at the ground, when you attack a human you don't suck them bite them drain some blood and of course run like hell. The only way that one can infect a human is if the blood of a vampire is transferred into a human… it doesn't work like through spit or anything… only blood. It's a weird concept I haven't ever been able to grasp. I glance back over at my family and smile. The one thing I hate about always looking 17 is…school. I still have to go to damn school, I skip most of the time, but I can go anytime. The sun never really bothered me, it's said in the books and movies that it affects vampires but not anyone in my family were always out in the sun nothing ever happens. My brothers have to go to school as well, but it really doesn't matter, I've been a junior like a hundred times!
I hear my brothers clear their throats I glance over at them…"You ready for school Monday San?" I roll my eyes and shake my head. It's only Thursday so we have about 4 days left. I groan loudly …"Hell no I'm not!" I chuckle, Victor and Dante smirk and glance at each other. I shake my head and walk a little further away from them… but the one thing that I hate the most about school… is the smell…it's hard for our kind to be around humans…we've learned to control ourselves around humans but it's still pretty hard. I stretch and flip around looking at my family.
My mother stands up wiping her face off "So are you all ready to go?" Everyone nods and we take off heading back to our house, it's not far from here...We live deep in the woods in a pretty big badass house. Were practically rich because my father and my mother are both lawyers… I know right... it's pretty weird. Defense Attorney Vampires! Their usually gone a lot so we hunt at night so we can all work together.
We head out of the woods and up to our house; the place is a huge two story house… that practically looks like a mansion… I head into the front door that leads to our living room, and then I walk forward and head up the stairs. My room is the last door at the end of the hallway. My parent's room is down stairs and my brothers are upstairs down the hall from mine. I love my room… its huge the carpet is dark gray color and the walls are white. I have a balcony in my room, it's pretty awesome, it's nice to head out there and relax at night, and it's so peaceful.
I hop on my bed and flip my TV on; I have a pretty awesome TV that hangs on the wall. I lean over and grab my laptop, it's later than hell, but here I am on Facebook, yes a vampire can have Facebook can't they? I smirk and flip through my news feed, I see Tina is online.
Tina Cohen-Chang and her family are also vampires as well, their one of the reasons we moved here. I smile and lean back on my bed. At least Tina and I will have school together; she's been going here for a while so she can show me around. I stretch and lean back yawning. I glance at the clock it is only midnight but I feel like it's already 6 in the morning. I leave the TV on and slowly shut my eyes; I really need to get some sleep.
A/N: Meeting Vampire Santana! XD Hope you like it and yes it sounds like Twilight but I'm changing it and making it into my own thing so Stay Tuned!:D REVIEW!