Okay hello there everyone reading this ^-^

This is my first fanfic to be uploaded, and this is just a little tester to see what y'all think, so if you wanna leave reviews that'd be awesome. I'll probably be uploading the proper continuation a bit later on. I'm real sorry if I'm not the best writer, I'm pretty hard on myself as I try to create so much emotion. Anways, I'll be incorporating some ideas from the show, but I won't actually be using the full story lines, most of it will be my own ideas.

Well, enjoy! :D

Punk walked backstage with Heyman after finishing his championship reign celebration.

"Nice job out there Punk, still can't get over the fact you've had that belt for a year, might be about time for me to take it back." Suggested Miz as he shook Punk's hand.

"Firstly, it's a Championship title. And secondly, you can try, but I've practically beaten every loser in this place, it'd be my pleasure to kick your ass too."

Although Punk and Miz were friends, when it came to business, Punk had only enemies.

"Where's Kofi anyways, I thought we were going out?"

"Yeah, we are. I think he's gathering up some of his stuff to put back on the bus, you know he doesn't like to leave anything here. He gave me the keys to his car, he's taking the truck and meeting us downtown."

"Ah, okay."

Punk shook hands with Heyman as a little farewell and walked with Miz to the locker room, he needed to shower before they went anywhere. If there was one thing Punk hated was leaving this place not feeling refreshed.

"Do you know who else is coming with us?" Punk questioned.

"Kofi said about inviting Ziggler."

Punk was relieved. He knew earlier in the week Kofi had mentioned inviting along some of the Divas. It wasn't that Punk didn't like them, it was just since the whole promo with AJ, Punk wasn't really in the mood to be around her, since she went all crazy chick on him, and left him questioning his manliness, as for once in his sinister life, he had thought he might have felt some actual feelings towards her.

"Ah, cool. That's all good with me. As long as Ziggler doesn't bring along his grandmother."

They both shared a laugh as they continued to walk along the silent corridors. Backstage seemed to get seriously quiet after the live show had ended, Punk wondered how everyone managed to get out so quick.

AJ lounged around in the Diva's locker room, waiting for Layla to finally stop hogging the mirror.

"Are you done yet?" She pestered.

"Ok I'm sorry little miss impatient, it takes a while to look this good." Layla replied, making her fingers circle her face.

AJ chuckled. She had to admit she did love Layla, even when she was extremely vain.

"Anyways, we still have to wait for Kaitlyn. Where even is that girl anyway?"

AJ shrugged. She hadn't seen Kaitlyn since the beginning of the show when they tag teamed against Kelly Kelly and Eve.

Eventually, Kaitlyn burst through the locker room door.

"C'mon guys, Kofi is waiting outside, and he's complaining because he says it wastes his gas running the truck whilst he waits for us."

"Gosh I swear, the longer that guy spends with Punk, the more he turns into him."

AJ quivered at Punk's name. She hadn't spoken to him properly since their promo a while ago. It had ended so abruptly that neither of them had really had a chance to speak about it properly.

Layla finished fiddling in her makeup bag and sprayed the final layer of hairspray on her tight up-do. AJ often begged Layla to do something with her own hair, but Layla insisted AJ looked perfectly fine with her loose curls.

"Ok, lets go take the world by storm!" Layla cheered.

AJ dragged her bag across her shoulders and opened the locker room door again, after Kaitlyn had let it shut abruptly behind her.

The girls walked down the short corridor to the nearest exit, to be greeted by Kofi hanging out the truck window, beckoning them to hurry and get in.

"Really? Does it really take like 15 minutes to get ready, you could have just thrown on a t-shirt or something." Kofi moaned as he looked at Layla's very sparkly dress.

"You've only been waiting 15 minutes, you're lucky you weren't here for longer. Now drive, you're the one holding us up now."

After Punk had dried his hair on the nearest towel he could find, he ruffled his fingers through his almost black hair. Deciding not to bother doing anything with it, he threaded his belt through the hooks on his jeans, then clicking shut the Batman buckle.

Miz had finished doing whatever he was doing, [Punk never really wanted to know, Miz was a guy of flashy presentation, who knew what lengths he went to to look good, whether that was wearing women's makeup to fix his complexion or not.]

"Dude, you ready yet?" Miz called coming out of the bathroom cubicle.

Punk slipped one of his old 'Straight Edge Society' tees on and gave Miz the thumbs up.

Miz nodded at Punk and grabbed the car keys from inside his locker. Punk put his hands into his jeans pocket, he had a habit of constantly checking that he had his phone, for unknown reasons.

"Let's roll." Miz said as he gestured towards the door.

Both men walked out to the parking lot, as Miz clicked the keys to reveal the irritating tone of unlocking Kofi's car.

Both men took their places in the Audi, with Miz being the driver. Although, Punk knew after he'd had some drinks, he'd be the one driving the lot of them back to the hotel.

Putting the keys in the ignition, Punk belted up whilst Miz turned the headlights on, revealing the exit of the arena.

As they drove along, Punk drummed on his knees along with the rock tunes blasting from the stereo. He was proud to say he had definitely influenced his own personal music taste on Kofi.

"How can you listen to this shit?" Miz joked.

"Shut up man, it's better than most of the garbage they're probably going to be playing tonight."

"Well, that I can agree with."

"Where are we going again?" Punk questioned as he looked out the window. Travelling around a lot meant he often lost track of where they were, it didn't help he had no sense of direction when it came to driving.

"Some old club downtown. I seriously hope Ziggler knows how to get there, cos I sure didn't give him any instructions."

"Ah who cares, he usually ends up being an hour late anyways, I'm sure getting lost is part of his usual routine."

Both men had a laugh as they proceeded to drive along the unusual streets, looking desperately for any clue of where they would be heading.

Eventually, Miz and Punk walked through the doors of the old club, into a scene of almost darkness, with just a few disco lights drastically moving around an old dance floor.

"Boys." Kofi said, punching Punk on the arm.

"Man, where the heck did you find this place? This is seriously out of sight somewhere. I know we have to worry about paps, but this place is really hidden."

Kofi was standing at the bar, watching the barman fumble around with the glasses, as he went on to fill them up accordingly with Kofi's order.

"Haha, well, I found a random leaflet in my hotel room, and decided why not? You guys want a drink, I already ordered ours."

"Ours? Dolph is already here? Me and Miz kinda counted on him being a few hours late." Punk said, looking around into the darkness for any sight of their bleach blonde pal.

"Nah, I'm talking about the girls man." Kofi replied, dodging his head to try and make some eye contact with Punk.

Punk turned his head round almost immediately, exchanging looks with Kofi and Miz. "Girls?"

"Yeah, I said I was inviting a few divas, you know?"

Punk slid his hand down his face. Kofi hadn't seriously invited her had he.

Kofi pointed over towards a table in the far corner. There they sat. Layla was sitting there, gossiping away in a bright pink sparkly dress, followed by Kaitlyn sitting beside her. And there she was, with her back to the guys, in a black tank top and skinnies, AJ Lee.

"Now, be a man and take these over there." Kofi said, as he shoved two glasses into Punks hands.

Punk grunted and made his way towards the table.

Layla had spotted him a mile away.

"Didn't really dress up for the occasion did you Punk? Well, not really like you is it?" Layla said coyly, adding a little wink with the end of her sentence.

"You know me well, Layla. Looking lovely yourself though, it's nice one of us makes an effort right? Anyway, who are these for? I think I've got a red wine" He sniffed the slender glass, then rolled his eyes, wrinkling his nose.

"Yeah, deffo wine. But I'm not too sure what this is?" He squinted his eyes and the tall, thin glass, the darkness of the club was proving to be too much of an obscurity.

"Ah, the wine is mine." Giggled Layla, taking the glass from his hand.

"I think that one might be mine" Perked up AJ.

She looked up from the table, which she had been admiring awkwardly, the entire time from when Punk walked over. She looked into his eyes, or what she could see of them. She never forgot the look in his eyes, that moss green, that irresistible colour.

"Oh, um, here." Punk replied awkwardly, holding out the glass in front of AJ's face.

She took it from him, her slender fingers slightly brushing against his hand. She pulled away quickly and placed the glass down in front of her.

"Alright, move round!" Said Kofi from behind Punk. It appeared him and Miz now had their drinks and were about to join the group. Kofi nudged Punk in the back, forcing him to take a considerably close seat next to AJ. Punk didn't think he'd ever been so uncomfortable in his life. This was sure to be one heck of a long night.