What if Robin was Batman's real son? What if Artemis' mom's accident happened when Artemis was too young to remember? What if the accident had killed her? What if Sportsmaster just disappeared with Jade? What if Artemis had been put up for adoption? What if Batman adopted her? What if he never told her about her family? What if she just found out?
-Batman-2 am-Batcave-
Batman had just come in from his nightly patrol. It had been a slow night that night. On any other night he would be happy about that but, as it would be, it was the day of Artemis' mother's death. The anniversary of the night Huntress was killed for trying to get out of that life with her daughters. The night Artemis' father Sportsmaster disappeared with her sister Jade. Not that she knew. He could never look her in the eye and tell her about her family and since she was merely a year and a half at the time there was no way for her to remember anything. Today would go on like any other day; she and Dick would go to school, they would go hang with the team pretending she was Green Arrow's niece and they had only just met a few months earlier, Artemis would fight with Wally, Richard would make fun of her crush on him, Bruce would go to work, maybe hang with Superman and try to nock some since into him about Conner, Emily (Bruce's wife) would watch over Gotham, try baking cookies with Alfred, and go out with friends. The only difference would be the pain Bruce and Emily hid from everyone. They would dwell in the pain that Artemis should be feeling, the pain they were saving her from. Batman sighed and changed into his pajamas before heading to bed. Going to be a long day.
-Artemis-6 am-Kitchen-
Artemis grabbed a plate of the counter and sat down at the table. It wasn't long before Dick was next to her. "Your hair is down." He stated.
"Thanks captain obvious! I had no clue!" she replied in a sarcastic exited tone.
Dick flashed her a smirk before saying "Your welcome sergeant sarcasm!" (AN: This was said in someone's story and I love it but cannot remember who, if you know please tell me so I may thank them) Artemis rolled her eyes and continued eating.
Bruce walked in and sat down with a cup of coffee "Morning"
"Morning dad" they said at the same time. Artemis went back to eating but Dick just stared at her. It was a while before she noticed "What?"
"Why do you call him dad?" Artemis just raised an eyebrow.
Bruce slammed his coffee down "Richard that is rude! What would possess you to say something like that?"
Dick shrunk back in his seat and shrugged his shoulders mumbling a sorry. Artemis' eyes widened at the sight. Usually Bruce would let them fight things out themselves and this time she wasn't even sure there was a fight. Looking at her plate she said "It is not a bad question. It is perfectly reasonable; after all you aren't my dad. It just feels like that sometimes."
"And that is why it is not a nice question sweetheart. It was rude of him to remind you of the fact." Emily said appearing next to Bruce, being true to the Bat-Family name.
Artemis was silent for the rest of breakfast for that made her think of a question she probably should have asked long ago. What happened to my parents?
-Richard-11:45 am-Gotham Academy lunch room-
Richard was sitting with Barbra and Bette listening to them try to explain to him why he should join the math team to him. The latest argument was from Babs "It would look great on any resume."
"Being the son of Bruce Wayne takes care of every resume I will ever need" he countered. That was when Artemis finally arrived, "Hey Arty! Do you have a reason that I should join the math team?"
"Hmmm, oh I don't know maybe because you are a geek who loves math." She said partially sarcastically.
"Good point. Ok I will join." He smiled and the two non-Wayne kids frowned "What?"
The two rolled their eyes and turned to Artemis "So do you plan on bringing a date to your big birthday party this year?" Bette inquired.
Richard did the *cough* Wally *cough* thing and Artemis hit him. "You are supposed to say it while you cough idiot!"
"Ok spill, who is Wally" Babs asked, dramatizing the Wally.
"He is no one! We hate each other even!" Artemis defended taking out a sub and some of Alfred's cookies.
"More like he hates you and you love him." Robin snickered. Artemis scowled and through a cookie at him which he promptly ate.
"We have to meet him!" Babs and Bette exclaimed at once, amazed there was a guy that could win over Artemis.
Artemis sighed. "That implies Bruce will let me bring friends from our club." Dick shrunk in his seat when he noticed that she had called him Bruce instead of the usual Dad, not that Babs and Bette would notice. They are not highly trained bats that are taught to notice that.
Bette snorted "You mean the supper secret club that we can't know anything about? It was bad when Dick was in it but now that you are to it totally sucks- wait a second, you called him Bruce!" or maybe they did notice.
"Yeah you did, didn't you?" Babs exclaimed.
"So?" Artemis said in faked confusion.
Dick was really starting to feel bad now. Apparently Bette and Babs where trained by someone to notice things because they noticed Dick was wearing his guilty face. They stared at him with a look that said 'What did you do' all on its own. It wasn't long before Artemis noticed "Come on guys it was an honest question." There look changed to 'What did you ask'?
Very quietly he mumbled "Why do you call him Dad?" the looks turned into a glare "It was a joke! Everyone just took it too literally!"
There glares softened "you cannot joke about things like that." Babs said sweetly.
"And even if he is not your birth Dad he is your Dad." Betts told Artie.
The two Wayne children looked at each other before saying "you too would be great councilors."
The four laughed at that. Bette was the first to recover "Well now that that is done, someone going to tell me why Artie has her hair down?" They ate the rest of their lunch in idle chit chat.
-Artemis-3 pm-her room-
As far as everyone else was concerned Artemis was fine. She went through the rest of the day acting totally normal. She only called him Bruce in her head. When she got home she had changed into a pair of skinny jeans and purple v neck cardigan that Emily had given her for Christmas last month. Now she was doing her homework and thinking about how to get him to let her tell the team who she was so they could come to her party. After long hours of thinking she decided on her go to favorite, pwease daddy. Combined with her hair down and puppy dog eyes there was no resisting her. She put away her homework and made her way to the Batcave.
Heading down the stairs she nearly ran into Dick "Wow, hold your horses, where is the fire?" she asked jokingly
"Sorry, brief on mission brief." Dick said sheepishly.
Artemis laughed and side hugged him "It is ok little bro!"
Right before they were about to enter the secret passage to the Batcave Dick stopped her "So you are ok now right, you know you really are family?"
Artemis sighed and hugged him "I know."
"Richard go get your sister for a brief on the teams mission brief." Batman ordered.
Richard ran out crackling leaving bats to think if this was really the right move. He had heard from many different sources that many different people were planning on kidnapping Artemis at her party and if half as many people wear really going to do it, he would need back up and unfortunately the league was busy.
I don't suppose Richard will be ok with not revealing that he is Robin?
It wasn't long before Richard came in with Artemis. "Before you start talking about the mission, can I tell the team who I am and invite them to my party next week?" he looked over to her to see her using her 'look' that always seemed to get Artemis her way.
"Yes." He said simply. The younger two of the three created Os with their mouths "Due to threats I would like them there as back up."
"But we always get threats, why now? And will I be telling them who I am?" Richard asked with ever curiousness.
Artemis punched is arm and whispered "Don't jinx it!"
Batman ignored Artemis and answered Richard, telling about how some of his inside souses for a couple big bads said that they were planning something big and "if you think that they are ready to know the whole story, then yes tell them you to are brother and sister. Get to the cave, brief will be in 2 hours, I hope you have a decision by then." Well that may make them think, but probably not.
The two shared a look and ran off.
-Artemis-4:25-Gotham zeta tube-
Robin had gone about 20 minutes earlier. Walking through the zeta tube Artemis walked right into Wally, causing her to fall down even though he managed to stay upright. "You should watch were you are going" he said in a monotone voice.
"I just walked through the zeta tube, why were you just standing in front of it?" she snapped as she stood and rubbed her sore bum.
He looked caught off guard by the comment "well… I… why are you so late?!" he recovered.
"I had a lot of homework" she informed him "why do you care?"
Once again she caught him in a pickle "I… I just… well what if we had a mission?" he decided
I don't have to worry about that, a couple of hours and you will understand why. "Then I am sure I would be contacted. What happens when there is a mission and you are not in the cave?"
He mumbled a "They would have called me…"
"Exactly." she said with a smirk.
Megan flew into the room "Artemis! You're here! Come on! You, Zatanna, and I are having a sleep over tonight!"
"I will be right there Megs." Artemis answered. Megan flew out of the room while Artemis bent down to pick up her bag. As she made her way to leave Wally grabbed her arm. "What?"
Wally opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Artemis waited the 5 minutes it took for him to speak patiently. Not because his grip was to hard she couldn't get out but because she could only get out by hurting him and that would only give him more reason to hate her. "I lied about why I was waiting for you." Artemis waited for him to continue even after he let go of her. "I wanted to ask you something." She just raised an eyebrow "I wanted to ask if you would go to my school dance next Friday. I can't go alone and you're the only person left."
Artemis looked at him for a few second before asking "What time?"
Wally's eyes widened and said "6 o-clock"
"You won't have to worry about it." Artemis said simply. You'll be at my party, protecting me, in a suit, looking hot.
While Wally looked at her confused Artemis heared the voice of a Martian in her head 'I take it this was a bad time' Artemis' eyes widened and before a magician joined the party 'Why didn't you tell us! We are SO having girl talk tonight about this' she ran across the cave into Megan's room and glared.
"Why are you listening to my thoughts?"
"What party is next Friday and why is Wally going to be there protecting you there, in a suit, looking hot?" Zatanna said making fun of her.
Artemis waved her arms and made the 'Shhh' noise closing the door. "You will all find out in an hour and a half. As for the Wally thing…"
As Artemis trailed off the human of the other two snorted before saying "Two things, one: you have been around Robin too much, two: no wonder you get so mad when he flirts." Artemis turned bright red.
"Why don't you tell him?" Megan asked excitedly.
Artemis opened her mouth to explain but got a text. Looking at it she saw it read:
Dicky bird:
Slight change in plans. Meet back at base.
Artemis groaned "Got to go. May be back, may not. Text you later with an update."
"Kay, later" Megan said as Zatanna did a salute.
What do you think? This just popped into my head.
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