
Sister: Hey.

Me: *Tumblring*

Sister: You haven't updated FanFiction in a while.

Me: Uh…

Sister: *Casually raises eyebrow.*

Me: …

Her: …

Me: ….SHIT.

Well hello there. If any of you have stuck with me on this story (and put up with my awful update gaps), then you are a MOTHER-FUDGING SAINT. IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIlov eyouIloveyou. And I'm sorry. So very, very sorry. You're all beautiful people. I'm serious. Take a moment to appreciate how wonderful you are.

Anyway, time for a happy chappy, don't you think? Slight Haruhi-OOCness, but I think it's an okay OOC moment… Meh, I leave the criticism to you. Hopefully the sort-of ChikaHaru fluff will brighten your day. (I'm kinda hoping I've turned a few of you into ChikaHaru shippers… Have I?)

I woke up on Sunday morning with a huge grin smacked on my face. For once, I felt completely happy, and it made a nice (and welcomed) change.

I scrambled out from under my covers, and opened up my closet, pulling out a clean pair of jogging bottoms and an old grey tank top. I changed quickly, before catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. There weren't any bags under my eyes, like there had been for weeks before.


Running my hands through my hair, I made my way into the kitchen. I poured myself some coffee, being careful to leave just enough for dad. I flicked the switch on the radio, smiling when I recognised one of my favourite songs.

I downed the coffee, placed the cup in the sink, and turned the volume up high. Even though I lack in a sense of rhythm, and I'm about as co-ordinated as a squirrel on steroids, I didn't particularly care today. I swung my hips, spun in circles, and prayed that I wouldn't crash into the furniture.

My guess would be that I was mid-head-banging when the front door opened. I looked up between my bangs to see Chika, half-collapsed against the door frame, clutching his sides as he laughed.

"Graceful." He choked out, wiping tears from his eyes.

I stuck out my bottom lip. "Thanks for ruining the mood." I said, with mock-annoyance.

He grinned, and closed the door behind him. Reaching forward, Chika grabbed my hand, and twirled me around the tiny kitchenette.

We must have been dancing for a good few minutes, because the song changed into something I didn't recognise. I turned the volume back down, and leaned against the sink, trying to catch my breath.

Chika rested against the wall opposite, hands in his pockets, looking like such a guy that it almost made me laugh.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked, "Do you want some tea?"

He nodded briefly. "Yeah, thanks. And I came to see my girlfriend." Chika stated. I felt heat flash across my cheeks. Girlfriend… I still wasn't quite used to that word yet.

I turned round, and rummaged through the cupboards for a decent mug. I reached for the kettle, but stopped short as two foreign arms wrapped around my waist. Chika rested his chin on my shoulder, and I matched his smirk.

"Perfect." He mumbled. I laughed lightly, the proceeded to finish his tea. Three sugars, low-fat milk, not too hot.

Chika detached himself from me, and accepted the mug. We stood in silence for a few seconds, unmoving, until he leaned down and gave me a quick, chaste kiss.

"Thanks, beautiful."

I nearly fell over.

I shook my head vigorously, hoping that I could shake off the furious blush that painted my cheeks, ears, and neck. My palms started to grow sweaty. He just… we did… I can't…

And then my dad cleared his throat. Impossibly, I felt my blush deepen. A terrible sense of deja vu washed over me as I remembered the incident with Tamaki. He'd fallen on top of me as my dad walked in, and had been thrown against the wall.

Chika had kissed me – kissed me – in front of my father. I got the feeling that I should call an ambulance in advance.

I cowered away slightly, prepared for the worst, when my dad started laughing.

"Haruhi~~~!" Ranka exclaimed, as he hugged me tightly and whirled me round. "Daddy's so HAPPY!" He exclaimed, tightening his grip.

"You're gonna kill me!" I gasped, struggling to breath. Ranka blinked down at me, before releasing me from his death-grip. I paused for a second, studying my dad's face. "That wasn't the reaction I was expecting." I said cautiously.

Ranka pouted. "Why shouldn't a father be happy when his daughter turns all grown-up?" he said rhetorically, an eerie smile on his face. He turned to Chika, and clamped a hand down on his shoulder. Ranka dug his fingers in, and I felt unease bubble in my stomach. "Besides," he continued, "If the lovely Chika hurts you now, he knows he'll have hell to pay. Right, son?"

I saw a shiver run down Chika's spine. "R-right, sir…"

Rolling my eyes, I threaded my arm through Chika's and tugged him into my room. "Your dad can be pretty scary…" he muttered after I slid the door closed.

I laughed. "Never underestimate a single father." Chika only smiled as a reply.

I sunk back against the nearest wall, sitting cross-legged, and patted the spot next to me. Chika sat down, carefully placing the mug on the floor. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I leant into him, trying hard to suppress the blush forming on my cheeks.

"Do you want to just… stay like this today?" he mumbled, playing with a few strands of my hair. I nodded, settling in to his side.

"I'm cool with that." I mumbled back, feeling warmth build up inside me as a smile played across my lips.

A/N; It's short and cheesy, I know. But don't worry, I'll be getting down to the nitty gritty in the next chapter to make up for it. Hmm… not long until the end now… I'm getting all emotional.

FOR THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST! Bout time, right? Drum roll pleeeease~~: Plain-Jane001! Now, this isn't a spoiler for you all. I'm not using her idea entirely – just picking at it :3 Moulding around it, if you will. Anyway, thanks for everyone's contributions! I love you all.