I give you the second chapter :) thank you all for the lovely reviews! I'm glad you all enjoy this so much. Again, please review :) if you see a grammar mistake (I tend to make a few :/) just let me know and I'll try to see that it gets fixed and such :) Thanks so much, guys!


Chapter Two

On the way to 221B Baker Street, John felt his body tingle with nervousness as he limped along the sidewalk. He wanted to believe that it was because the full moon was so close, but he knew better. He was nervous about meeting Sherlock Holmes again.

That vampire was a mystery. John had looked him up when he got home the night before and found his website. The Science of Deduction. Apparently, the man could identify a software designer by his tie and an airline pilot by his left thumb.

How the hell is that even possible? John thought.

He wanted to look up more, but felt it would be…an invasion of privacy. And anyway, if he was going to live with the vampire, he wanted to learn everything about him for himself. He felt curious as to how this was going to work out, a vampire living with a werewolf. Whoever heard of such a thing? It was strange, indeed, but John felt oddly excited.

When he reached the apartment, his excitement only grew; especially when Mr. Sherlock Holmes himself suddenly showed up out of a taxi. He looked even paler in the sunlight, but thank god, he didn't sparkle. He was in the same attire as the day before, like he didn't even sleep at all.

Oh, right. He doesn't 'do' resting.

"Hello." The vampire greeted, offering nothing but a small smile that let his fangs slip past his lips a bit.

"Mr. Holmes." John returned, politely.

"Please, call me Sherlock."

John nodded. "This is a prime spot." He stated, indicating the building. "Must be expensive."

"Mrs. Hudson, the landlady, is giving me a special deal." Sherlock explained. "A while back, her husband was sentenced to be executed in Florida. I was able to help out."

"Oh, so you stopped him from being executed?"

"Oh, no, I ensured it." The vampire smirked just as the door opened. An elderly lady peeked out, dressed entirely in purple, and smiled sweetly when her kind eyes landed on Sherlock.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, pulling the vampire to her in a hug. "Sherlock!"

To John's surprise, Sherlock returned her affection with no complaints. From the impression he had given John, he didn't seem all that affectionate towards others. Vampires weren't very friendly with their food…

"Mrs. Hudson, Doctor John Watson." Sherlock introduced after releasing the lady.

"Doctor." She said, smiling largely at him.

He couldn't help but return it. She gave off a very sweet and gentle feeling that left John thinking of his own mother, a lovely woman, who married and raised werewolves without so much as an whisper of complaint. A fiery Irish woman who taught John the gentleness he used to treat the wounded and the kindness he showed to the small and misunderstood. Maybe it was cliché, but his mother had taught him to treat others the way he wanted to be treated. A lesson he tried to apply to his everyday life, but being involved in war had somewhat changed that, much to his displeasure.

"Come in, come in!" Mrs. Hudson cried, opening the door for them.

Sherlock led the way inside, taking the stairs by twos with those impossibly long legs, leaving John in the dust as he tried to keep up. Damn leg, kept him from doing even the most simplest of things. The look Sherlock gave him when he finally did reach the top told him that Sherlock agreed with him. Damn his leg…

The vampire opened the door into the apartment, revealing a lovely sitting room. It was a good size for two men, and perfect for the painful nights that the full moon would bring. There were boxes scattered all about, filled with knick-knacks and such. Books, papers, and letters littered most of the apartment, making John almost want to sigh.

Oh, how I love cleaning…He thought, sarcastically before he said, "This could be very nice."

"Yes, I thought so as well, which is why I moved in right away." Sherlock said, looking about.

John's cheeks reddened. "So…this is all your things?"

The look on Sherlock's face could only be described as sheepish. His bright eyes skittered across the room, looking everywhere but John. "Yes, well, I could…clean up a bit." He grabbed some papers on the floor, setting them on the fireplace mantle and stabbing them with knife, next to a…skull?

"That's a skull." John stated, pointing at it with his cane.

"Friend of mine." Sherlock replied, "Well, I say 'friend'."

Oh dear god…John blanched slightly. Please tell me that wasn't your last roommate.

"You look like you're about to be ill." Sherlock observed.

"Car sick." John replied before he could stop himself.

Sherlock raised a dark eyebrow. "You walked."

"…Right. So um, lovely spot."

"You're nervous."

John looked up a little, scowling. "Am not."

"Are too."


"Quite." Sherlock said, smirking. John felt his lips curl upward, forming a small smile in return to the vampire's. He wasn't at all like other vampires were, all vicious and terrifying. He was strange no doubt about that but John found his odd ways refreshing compared to the condescending attitude that many showed him just because of his…curse.

"So, what do you think, Doctor Watson?" Mrs. Hudson asked after stepping into the room. "There's another room upstairs…if you'll be needing two bedrooms."

"Of course we'll be needing two." John responded, looking confused.

"Oh, there's all sorts 'round here!" Mrs. Hudson exclaimed then lowered her voice to say, "Mrs. Turner next door's got married ones."

Oh…my…god…John closed his eyes and shook his head. She thinks…Really?!

Mrs. Hudson grinned sweetly before going off to clean a little after Sherlock, who set up his computer rather quickly. John made himself comfortable on one of the chairs, watching Sherlock a bit. "Looked you up on the internet last night."

"Find anything interesting?"

"Your website."

"What did you think?" Sherlock asked, smirking proudly.

John gave him a look.


"You're nothing like the stories I've heard."

Sherlock tilted his head. "What, did you expect me to dress and act like Count Dracula?"

"Well, you're no Gary Oldman, that's for sure."


"Oh, that's just sad, mate." John gapped.

I'm fixing this shit ASAP.

Several hours later, John killed a man to protect Sherlock. He felt like it would be a good thing to do since the man had fixed his leg and amazed him beyond anything he'd ever seen. Yep, the vampire definitely deserved to walk the earth for a little bit longer, in John's opinion, at least.

When Sherlock regarded him with knowing eyes, his heart leapt in his chest. He wasn't worried about being found out. No, Sherlock wouldn't do that to him. No, the consulting vampire was giving him a look that he confused John like nobody's business.

I hope to God that it's fascination. John gulped, shuffling his feet behind the police line. Sherlock came toward him, long legs moving in slow, lazy strides; like that of a cat.

"Alright, then?" John questioned.

"Good shot."

John nodded. "Thanks."

"Did you clean your hands for gun residue?" Sherlock replied, steering John away from the scene.


"Good. Don't want any irritable legal actions taken, though I doubt you'd serve time for this."


"Are you alright?"

"Of course."

"You did just kill a man."

John stopped, blinking. "Yes, I did, didn't I?"

Sherlock nodded his head, slightly.

"He wasn't a very good man."


"And a bloody awful cabbie."

"Oh, terrible. You should've seen the ridiculous route he used to get us here."

They both giggled, like children at recess.

John cleared his throat. "So this is how you get your kicks, isn't it? Risking your life to prove that you're clever."

"Now why would I do that?" Sherlock muttered.

"Because you're an idiot."

Sherlock stopped, a grin slowly making its way to his pale face. "Dinner?"


Aw, John's a wolf in shining fur!...I'd like to see you come up with something better lol ooh! That'd be something good to put on a review! You know, those things that keep me happy and writing :D Please review! I don't if you're anonymous or whatever, just let me know if you like it cuz it makes my day sooooooo much better :) If you do, I shall update faster :D You know you want me to! Thanks guys.

Loves youse! :)