Regretting The Past New Changes : Chapter 1 : Forgive?

Sakura had her head bowed down to the hokage as two anbu's watched over her,Sakura was aware of her consequences of killing ninja's of another village,seducing the Kazekage to let her leave without making it a big deal.

Sakura lifted her head,many things ran through her head,after her revenge she had nothing left to do,executing her would not make a difference,trapping her in a dungeon stripping her from her ninja world would obviously kill her mentally.

Tsunade's eyes stared i shock,the emotion that ran through her old apprentices eyes,then the dull look replacing emotion she saw through her eyes were betrayal,

responsibility,curiosity,and then spoke,

"Well,you slaughtered the akatsuki group before you came back,that will definitely take off execution,info from the akatsuki also about their plans and use of the ,that makes you watched by anbu's until you're trusted,stripped from you ninja power for three months,can't leave Konohagakure for two years."said Tsunade

Sakura nodded her head and watched Tsunade made hand signs and then quickly stripped her of her ninja then was lead to her house,Sakura then opened the door and let the anbu's walk then sat on the couch,she leaned on the couch as she was watched by the read a scroll from the then looked at the anbu looking around the house,Sakura then spoke out loudly.

"My bedroom,left side of my bed,the tatami mat has weapons,under my pillow there should be a kunai,under the floor of this couch there is a lab right side of the door there is a poster,behind it is a small hole of senbons and there are multiple genjutsu laid out"

The anbu nodded their heads,Sakura then spoke once again,
"The shelf behind me,pick up the picture frame the shelf will turn and also show another shelf full of swords and bigger weapons."

She then continued reading.

Sasuke ran to the hokage office barging in,he looked at Tsunade who had Sakura's punishment written down,he read it,

Sakura will but watched by anbu's until trusted,not be able to leave Konohagakure for two years,stripped from ninja powers for three months.

He then ran to her house,he watched her read the scroll,he then saw the anbu's he then walked to the front doors,he knocked the door,he saw the anbu open the door.
"What is your purpose here Uchiha Sasuke?"
"I need to see Haruno Sakura"

The anbu opened the door,he saw Sakura look up,he saw the expression on her face,he then dodged the on coming watched her throw many things at the anbu had gripped onto her arm,he saw the tears running down her face,he looked at her,her eyes then looked up,his eyes widen,her eyes were not emerald,he could see his reflection through her eyes,he then saw the emerald colour return,he saw her look down as her hand formed into a hand then slipped from the anbu's grasped,

"I permit no visitors...get him out now" her voice full of hatred and sadness bunched up together.

He felt the anbu grab onto his arms and drag him out,he then saw Naruto approach the house,he then saw him,he then walked out he house,he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants.

Naruto knocked on the door,he heard the door open,he then showed a sheet,he had asked for permission by the hokage to see then heard the anbu speak,
"Haruno wants no visitors"
"I have the hokage's permission"said Naruto his voice full og confidence
He then walked into the house,his eyes landed on the broken vase and other items on the floor,his eyes then trailed towards Sakura,he met eyes with her,her eyes finally showing emotion but a angered sad then approached her,he sat down across from her.

He looked at the anbu,
"Please go into another room,I was told by Tsunade to make her regain her sense"
The anbu didn't budge,then he moved to the other room,his eyes then returning to Sakura's then spoke,

"Sakura,the past won't change...ever but,don't let the past ruin your always has its ups and downs,I know you won't forgive us but we apologize,just hear me out,in life there is a wall you must overcome no matter what keep trying and the wall that you must overcome is your emotions"

He saw a tissue fro her hand,he then remembered seeing Sasuke,he then thought of Sasuke,he was the one that created the emotional wall that made her a then sat on the same couch as her,he then saw her turn away,he heard her speak quietly.

"You must think I'm pathetic crying over a guy"
His eyes then soften,
"That's what makes you human,having emotions,not everyones perfect"

"Whatever happened, please patch it up with Sasuke,he is a kind guy,really"
Her arms that was wrapped around her legs hugging it closer towards her hiding her head in it,her head lifted as she looked at Naruto with her glossy eyes that had tears threatening to fall looked at him with distaste.

He had a feeling Sasuke was behind this,he then spoke,
"Sasuke betrayed you,but really,why do you think he came and visit you if he didn't really care?"

"If I brought Sasuke hear,what would be your reaction now?"

"Well, tomorrow,I will bring him here during the walked out the door and then walked home.

End Of Chapter 12