A/N: Yo guys, mark it in the calendar, MacDixy is updating things! Yay! Please don't hold your applause. It is a tiny one…
Disclaimer: I don't own the Boondock Saints or make profit or whatever I'm supposed to say here.
Warning: dirty language, sexual stuffs, twincest
The MacManus That Live Together…
Chapter Three, If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Cry, and Buy (some booze).
Yesterday my Murphy began to act exceptionally strange. Well stranger than usual, him being the artistic twin and all. But this was different from the times he'd go into an artistic trance and forget to eat, or simply stare at a wall. Murphy was just too damn jovial.
I had gone to McGinty's in an attempt to drown a directly painful wave of lust for Murphy after I'd given his aching shoulders a message. I didn't have enough money just then to drown in the proper amount of pints to unwind so I peeled away from the stool and made the chilly trek back to the loft. To Murphy.
It wasn't like I had gone to McGinty's to forget my perverse love for my brother-hell no, that was stupid, and impossible- I just didn't want to do anything stupid or outright rape the poor bastard. Quench two types of thirst at once. Kill two birds with one stone, if you will. I was Irish after all, so my thirst for booze was never quite filled, but that other thirst had never come close to being sated, probably never would be if I was being realistic. I hadn't had sex in close to six months. A painfully long time, but its presence was just as lonely as its absence, so I gave it up.
Don't get me wrong, I've been known as a bit of a slut, but sex was just that. Sex. Just a motion I went through like combing my hair or tying my shoes. Didn't think much about it, just went through the motions with some strange new woman, my brothers name in my throat. Because like everything I did Murphy was right there with me, in my head. When I did think during sex it was just of Murphy. How I imagined he'd feel around me, or how he'd sound. Murph was the only person that could get me over the edge, ever since we had discovered how good a tug could be. Murphy had debuted and starred in every single one of my wet dreams. I just couldn't cum if it wasn't for Murphy. Isn't that horribly, sadistically sweet? So, I'd fuck the girl, only seeing Murph, and run back home before my separation anxiety could get any worse.
I had returned to the flat from my failed drowning attempt to be greeted by an adorable, shirtless Murphy. My twin had always been the less serious, playful boy I loved so dearly, emotional, but so strong. I was set for a loop when he bounded over to me like a happy puppy , yanked off my p-coat and slammed the door behind me.
"Uh, hello..?" as much as I loved it, why was he smiling like that? The mischievous grin that came before a trip to the principals office or the A&E (E.R.) Wolfish and toothy.
"Hello, yourself." he sang, "Brother, ye smell like ye fell into an entire vat of Guiness. Let me help ye." Before I could figure out what was going on through my hazy mind, my shirt had already joined the discarded coat on the floor, his fingers working deftly at my belt. Then I was just standing there in my boxers. The fuck?
We took care of one another when we were drunk, sure, but usually it didn't have such an inclination as Murphy seemed to have. I wouldn't question it though. I loved when my brother cared for me like we'd been born to do, we always had our other half's back. One of us just wanted said back in a different way.
Murphy, already I an identical state of undress, ushered me over to a bed- his bed- and pushed me onto it. In my mostly inebriated state I was sent ass over tea kettle into the old mattress, feet flying and nearly connecting with my handsome brother's jaw. He lithely dodged it, playfully gripping and setting my lost limb on his shoulder and moving to kneel over me on the bed.
"Murph, 'm too fuckin tired tah horseplay," I complained, him moving my legs. My thigh flush against his had created unexpected friction. My breathing hitched and I prayed he hadn't noticed. His grin said otherwise.
"Just want to cuddle, dear brother." Murphy whined indignatly positioning himself between my legs at an oh-so-precious angle that I feared was sure to bring trouble. Before I could shift though, Murphy had decided on more contact, groin to groin, stomach to stomach, chest to chest, and face to face. My twin smirked with what seemed like pride, mentioning something about our hearts beating in the same rhythm, but I was too distracted with thinking about cold showers to give it much thought. I couldn't allow my aching dick to ruin my perfect relationship with my brother, how could that possibly be okay? It couldn't.
Murphy must have been out to kill me, I had no explanation as next his head sank to my shoulder and his lips plant firmly against a pulsing vein there. I already was sporting a semi with Murphy's breath ghosting across my sensitive throat and his teeth and tongue caressing, toying, and nipping at my flesh I would certainly be found out.
Though he didn't smell of alcohol my twin had to be drunk , that was all I could explain it with. He had a tendency of getting sloppy and kissing anyone or anything in sight, myself not excluded. This was just another bought of Murphy's classic horny drunk antics, so with a sigh I gripped his face between my palms raised his face to mine and planted our lips together in a quick chaste kiss. I quickly rolled away from him though, my back to his chest, his leg and arm slung over me. I hadn't been so comfortable since the last time this had happened.
My brother's sigh ruffled my short hair as I snuggled back into him. I drifted into a wonderful sleep, the strange sensation of scruffle on scruffle still tingling my skin and the taste of Murphy still on my lips.
It's always awkward waking up with an erection hard as brick. It's a bit more awkward when you're in your brother's bed and you both wake up at the same time to see your harder than steel manhood. I just couldn't help the blush that created my every inch of skin as Murphy chuckled and nudged me wit his shoulder awkwardly. I wanted to die, to be swallowed up by the ground and never come back, until I noticed my dearest twin brother, sporting a similar excitement. I said as much too and laughed rather cruelly as he blushed twice as bright as me and squirmed around to conceal his matching boner.
"Twins" mumbled deftly, near tragedy averted thanks to my other half's bumbling similarities, "Just can't resist doin' the same thing." I smiled meekly rummaging about the messy flat for almost clean jeans and a band t-shit that of course belonged to Murphy. The lack of nicotine in his brain seemed to be affecting his functions as Murph just sat there staring at his lap.
Thank God he didn't feel like talking.