Title: Winter Solstice
Movie: Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack/ OC
Genre: Supernatural/ Mystery/ Action/ Romance
Summary: "Battered and yet still full of spirit. I must say Jack. You really lived up to your title as being the one of the Guardians. However, when this experiment is over, that title won't matter to you anymore." Jack/OC
Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of The Guardians. Dreamworks does.
I'm falling…
"We have to stop him."
Deeper and deeper into the dark abyss below me…
"You…you think this is better!"
My body getting heavier and heavier by the second…
"You'll be my first experiment, Jack…"
"Sir? Sir?"
Suddenly, I felt someone gently shaking me.
Slowly, I opened my eyes to see two girls looking down at me with worried expressions. One of them, the girl with black hair was bended down besides me, her hand on my shoulder. What's going on? Why was I laying on the ground? I tried to get up but when I did, a sharp pain went through my entire body. I closed my eyes as I grinded my teeth in pain, trying my hardest not to scream in agony.
"Oh god…" The black haired girl whispered in fright.
"Sara." I barely reopened my eyes to see the one called Sara looks away from me and back at the other girl, the one with brown hair. "I'm going to get help. You stay here with him." Sara nodded and looks back at me as the other girl ran off somewhere. Most likely doing what she told Sara. "Sir, can you…can you speak?"
I look at her; the pain lessened a little as I spoke. "Y-yea…"
"If you can, can you tell me what happened? How did you gotten so hurt?"
It was that moment I suddenly realized something. I don't why I'm hurt at all. Why was I hurt? Last thing I remember was-
All of sudden I began to experience a massive headache.
I let out a scream of pain as Sara tried to calm me down. Soon, everything went black.
"Yes... You will be my first…"
I shook against my binds as I glared at the monster before me. The man couldn't help but chuckle. "Battered and yet still full of spirit. I must say Jack. You really lived up to your title as being the one of the Guardians." With the branding iron in one hand, the bastard raised it up to my upper right bare arm. The metal shape had a strange magic symbol. "However, when this experiment is over, that title won't matter to you anymore."
Author's Note: From what I can see, Rises from the Guardians was a pretty good movie. So, I decided to write a fanfic about it. A day later, this idea came to my head. "What if the hero, Jack lost his memories of being Jack Frost?" And ta-da~ this story was created.
Now, I know Jack can't be seen by people unless they believe in them. However, somehow in my story, he's being seen right now. That's going to be explains soon as the story progress as to how Jack came to this state. I promise the chapters are going to be much longer from this point on.
Until then…