Hay guys here's the another chapter for Naruto the Dragon Master enjoy.


"Bridge talking"

"pokemon/psychic talking"


I don't own Naruto or Pokemon, though I really wish I did

"How are they Nurse Joy?" Yugito asked seeing Nurse Joy walking towards the three bridges. It had been a few hours since they had reached the Vermilion city pokemon center to have their pokemon looked at.

"I'm happy to report that your pokemon are all doing well after their sudden evolution," Naruto and Yugito sighed in relief at that. "Though I recommend letting them rest for the night before you go challenge Lt. Surge," she said seriously, getting a nod from the two.

"Well that's good, at least your pokemon are fine," Karen said with a smile. "Though we do need to talk," the tensed up at the seriousness in her voice before following her out of the center.

For a few minutes the three walked in silence until they reached a small plain building that looked ordinary to anyone walking by, though they could see the symbol for the elite four carved into the corner of the door.

The three calmly entered the building, which looked like a restaurant, before heading through a door leading to the back room, nodding to the man at the cash register. Once they entered the back room they headed for a door at the back, which turned out to be an elevator, before taking it down to an underground bunker/communication station.

"Well here we are you two," Karen said as they stepped of the elevator into a giant room what looked like the control center for NASA. "To the Vermilion city, Akatsuki base," the two teens looked around in awe at the sight, before a tall man walked over to them.

"Ah Karen, you're here, thank you for coming," the man said getting their attention.

"Uncle Nagato, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked upon seeing his uncle, who was the bridge between ghost pokemon, and the leader of the Akatsuki, who opposed team rocket, magma, aqua, plasma, and galactic.

"I'm here because we need to talk," he said seriously, getting gulps from the two, before they nodded in agreement, following him to a place where they could talk privately.

"So what do you want to talk to use about?" Yugito asked once they were in a privet room.

"We have confirmation that all five teams have managed to capture one bridge each," both teens straightened at this, if the five team had captured a bridge each, that meant that things would soon be picking up. "Team rocket has captured Fu the bridge between bugs, team magma has captured Kurotsuchi the bridge between fire, Team aqua has captured Haku the bridge between ice, Team plasma has captured Killer B the bridge between rock and Team galactic has captured Kimimaro the bridge between steel."

At this news both teens were shaken, they couldn't believe it, all five of them had been captured, it seemed unreal, especially since both Kimimaro and B were two of the strongest fighters out of all of them. If they could be captured who knows who could be next.

"You two don't need to worry," Karen said with a smile, trying to calm them down, she knew they were scared, hearing that the two, physically, strongest members of the bridges had been captured, it was unnerving, especially two these two, who were two of the youngest members. "We already have plans in motion to get them all back, so you don't have to worry."

"She's right, we are doing everything in our power to make sure that they are rescued, and that none of the others are taken," Nagato grinned when he saw them perk up a little at that. "However we have something planed for you two."

Before either of them could open their mouth to ask, the door to the room opened and in walked Jiraiya and Tsunade of the Sannin, two members of a trio of trainers that were as strong as the five pokemon league champions.

"Pervy Sage, Granny Tsunade, what are you two doing here?" Naruto asked, hugging Tsunade.

"We're here to get you two brats," Tsunade said returning the hug, getting confused looks from the two teens, before they turned to Nagato for an explanation.

"As I was saying we have something for you two to do," he grabbed a remote and pressed a button causing the monitor on the wall to turn on, revealing info on both of them and their pokemon. "This all the information we have on you two and your pokemon, who have evolved faster than they should have because you two don't know how to control your powers," the two scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment.

"Because of this we have decided that you two will be going on a training trip, Naruto with Jiraiya and Yugito with Tsunade," Karen said getting wide eyes from the two. "They will be taking you and training you both to control your aura."

"But what about the pokemon league, we still have six badges to get so we can compete at the indigo plateau," Yugito said, that was one of the main reasons they started their journeys, so that they could make it to the indigo plateau and beat the others bridges, and prove themselves.

"Don't worry, you both have only been on your journeys for about two months, the indigo league doesn't start for another ten months," Karen said trying to calm them down. "You both will go with Tsunade and Jiraiya for five months, in which time they will train you to control your powers and use your aura effectively, that will give you five months to gather the rest of your badges and make it to the pokemon league with plenty of time to spare."

Both teens glanced at each other, having a silent debate, before turning towards Nagato and nodding their heads in agreement.

"Good, now before you go there are a few things, first, you are not allowed to take you're pokemon with you on this trip," that stunned the two, but before they could open their mouth to argue Nagato held up his hands to stop them. "The reason you aren't allowed to take your pokemon with you is so that you can capture other pokemon, ones that don't belong to your own type."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked looking confused.

"He means that you two rely too much on your own type," Tsunade said getting their attention, waiting for her to explain. "Naruto, your mom is the bridge between normal type's which she has helping her around the house and gym, but tell me, what types does she use during gym battles?"

"Well, she uses a lot of different types during gym battles, mainly her Nidoqueen and Nidoking," he said getting nods from the four adults.

"Exactly, even though she's the bridge between normal types, she uses other pokemon, to compensate for the weaknesses of her normal types," the two teens made an 'oh' sound as understanding hit them.

Nodding in understanding the two handed their pokemon to Nagato, who sent them to Professor Oak, since they got their pokedexs from him.

"Good, now that that's done, you four leave tomorrow, we will see you in five months, and hopefully we will have rescued the others in that time," nodding their heads, the two teens headed back to the pokemon center were they would stay for the night.

The next day, Naruto and Yugito were preparing to leave with the two Sannin when they saw Nagato and Karen walking up to them.

"Hold on you two, before you go we have something else for you two," Karen said as they arrived at the group. "Here, these are four you, I hope you can find a use for them," she handed them each a box which contained two of each of the evolutionary stones, including a sun and moon shard, which they put in their bags.

"And I have these for you, Nagato said pulling out two black eggs with lightning wrapping around them. "I got this from Clair who was transporting the other dragon eggs to Blackthorn," he handed Naruto on of the eggs. "And I got this one from the electric forest for you," he handed one of the eggs to Yugito. "Take care of those egg's, I have a feeling you may need the pokemon inside of them someday soon."

"Thanks Karen, Nagato, don't worry, we won't let you down," the two said in unison before going over to the Sannin, both of whom called out two flying pokemon each for each of them, before they took off into towards the mountains.

Time Skip: Five Months

"So are you ready to show the world what we can do?" Naruto asked Yugito as the two headed towards the Vermilion city gym in order to get their third gym badge.

"Of course I am, I just hope dad can give me a challenge," Yugito smirked. It had been a grueling five months, and both Naruto and Yugito had taken the Sannin's expectations and shattered them.

Within the five months the two Sannin had taught the two everything they knew about aura, including how to use aura to walk on walls and water. The two had mastered everything the Sannin had to teach them within the first two months, leaving the last three months for them to train and catch new pokemon.

As they walked people turned to stare at them, the women had hearts in their eyes at the sight of Naruto while the men drooled at the sight of Yugito, seeing as both had changed their outfits.

Yugito was currently wearing a pair of blue jeans, which hugged her waist showing of her nice firm ass, and a tight black muscle shirt, which emphasized her d-cup sized breast, under a black short sleeved jacket with the kanji for lightning on the back.

Naruto was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a muscle shirt, which showed of his muscular arms and chest under a black short sleeved jacket with the kanji for dragon on the back.

"So should we knock?" Naruto asked once they reached the gym, a small crowd of people following them. Nodding her head, the two kicked in the door getting stunned looks from the crowd.

"Dad, I'm home," Yugito called into the gym, a smirk on her face as the gym leader and her dad, Lt. Surge, stomped up to them with an angry twitch.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" the crowd backed up thinking the gym leader was going to explode, before face faulting. "When you kick in a door you're suppose to knock it of the hinges, not leave it swinging."

"Sorry dad, we'll make sure to send it flying the next time," Yugito said with a smile before hugging her dad, who returned her hug with a wide smile, shocking the crowd, since none of them had ever seen Lt. Surge act like that before, normally he was serious.

"So I take it you two are here for a gym battle," both teens nodded their heads. "Well it's about damn time; I was expecting both of you days ago, what happen?"

Glancing at each other and smirking, they both pulled out their badge cases and showed him that they were each missing just three badges, his, Kushinas, and Sabrinas.

"After the two months we spent training with the pervy sage and granny Tsunade, we went around and captured a lot of different pokemon from different areas, then we challenged the gym leaders in that area, you, my mom and Sabrina are the only ones we haven't beaten yet," Naruto smirked at surprised look on Surges face.

"Well then I expect you two to give me one hell of a battle," they nodded before following him towards and open area, since the crowed was too big to fit inside the gym.

"Alright you two, this is how this battles going to work, I'll be using two pokemon at the same time while you each use one at the, I'll be battling both of you at the same time, so get ready," both nodded and got their pokeball ready. "Let's go Raichu, Electivire," he said calling out his pokemon.

"You ready for this?" Naruto glanced over at Yugito who nodded.

"I'm always ready," she smirked as they threw out their pokeballs. "Let do this Lucario," both called out as a pair of Lucario appeared on the field.

"Well now this is a surprise, what brought about this change?" Surge asked looking at his daughter.

"We thought about what Tsunade told use before we started training, about how we needed other types to compensate for our weaknesses," she smirked.

"So while we captured pokemon we're close to, we also capture a lot of other types as well," Naruto finished, getting a nod from the gym leader.

"So you learnt that a single type won't beat everything, that's good, but let's see who well they stand up to my pokemon, Raichu, Electivire use thunder punch," both pokemon charged in, their fist sparking.

"Lucario, use counter," the two aura pokemon took the blows before delivering their own, knocking both electric pokemon back a few feet. "Now Aura Sphere/Shadow Ball," the two Lucario fired of the attack, which merged together before exploding in between the two electric pokemon.

"No, Raichu, Electivire, use Thunderbolt," the two fired of a bolt of thunder which hit the two, though once the attack died down it revealed two both Lucario had little damage. "But how, those were direct hits?"

"We caught these two when they were Riolu, three days after we started training," Naruto grinned at the shocked face of Yugito's dad.

"We spared with them every day, you really don't think they wouldn't learn to resist lighting a little, do you?" Yugito asked holding up her hand, which sparked a little to prove her point. "Now let's end this, Lucario use Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse" the two fired of the attacks, which again merged, before exploding in between the two electric pokemon, knocking them both out.

"The crowd was silent for a few seconds before they erupted into cheers at the sight of the assume battle.

"Hahahahha," the crowed fell silent as Surge began to laugh at his loss, before he walked over to the two, recalling his pokemon. "That's my girl, kicking ass and taking names, you two deserve these," he held out a pair of thunder badges for them.

"Alright we got a thunder badge," the two said bumping fists, with a grin on their faces.

"Are you sure you two don't want to stay the night?" Surge asked a few hours later outside the pokemon center, having just gotten their pokemon healed.

"Sorry dad, but we have to get the last two badges," Yugito smiled, getting an understanding nod from the man.

"Alright then take care," he hugged Yugito before turning to Naruto. "Gaki, you better take care of her you hear me, because if you hurt her, I don't care if you are a bridge, I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be tasting my boot, got it?" Naruto gulped and nodded his head, getting a chuckle from Yugito, they both knew nothing would separate them; even though they fought a lot they had already marked each other as mates so nothing would be able to separate them, though it was his job to threaten his daughter's lover.

"Alright let's go," the two yelled out tossing a pair of pokeballs into the air. "Zekrom," a pair of giant black dragon pokemon appeared, shocking everybody who saw them. "We're headed to Saffron city, so let's go," the two dragons nodded before flying of, headed towards their second to last gym battle and answers to the question, what happened to the others.

Thanks for reading every one and please review.

Naruto's team: Lucario, Zekrom

Yugito's team: Lucario, Zekrom

I would like to hear suggestions on the last to members of Naruto and Yugito's teams, remember, only Dragons for Naruto and Electric types for Yugito.

Naruto's Harem so far: Clair, Yugito, Cynthia.

Bridge/ Name/ anime/ States

Bug – Fu – Naruto - captured by team rocket

Dragon – Naruto – Naruto - free

Ice – Haku – Naruto -captured by team aqua

Fire – Kurotsuchi – Naruto - captured by team magma

Ghost – Nagato – Naruto - free

Electric – Yugito – Naruto - free

Normal – Kushina – Naruto - free

Psychic – Sabrina – Pokemon - free

Rock – Killer B – Naruto - captured by team plasma

Dark – Karen – Pokemon - free

Steel – Kimimaro – Naruto -captured by team galactic