A story I randomly thought up. It is manly to help me get back into the groove of writing since I am hoping to make that my carrier. Please read and review, even if you don't like it I don't mind bad reviews I enjoy getting reviews that help me realize my mistakes. It is unbeta, I don't know if I need one…I have word that spell checks everything.

Disclaimer: I do not own Eyeshield 21, I never will….

The Worse Idea and the Dress

It was a couple of days before Team Japans final match against the Americans. It was a normal night in the hotel. Musashi, Sakuraba, Ikkyu, Kid, Tetsuma, and Banba were all asleep waiting for tomorrows training day. Kurita out of nerves was eating while Otawara kept him company also eating. Gaou was with Chuubou who was teaching him the 3 point triangle technique. Shin was in the gym room training and Agon was out of the hotel.

In the lounge relaxing before they slept was Taka, Yamato, Mizumachi, Kakei, Hiruma, Monta, and Sena. Taka was currently reading a book while Yamato was talking with Mizumachi about random subjects and Kakei was glaring annoyingly in Yamato's direction. The three left out were huddle in the corner a grin on Hiruma's face.

"Alright fucking shrimp, you seem to have a lot of faith on your friend why not make a bet of it?" Hiruma's grin just widened as Sena with determined and angered eyes nodded.

Monta looked worried for his best friend and he put in his two cents "This is a bad idea Sena" he warned but Sena just looked at him with a frown.

"Riku would never fight with another teammate!" He huffed mad that they had so little faith in Riku. Meanwhile Hiruma smirked knowing this bet would be his win, since he always won.

"The loser will have to do whatever the winner says, alright fucking shrimp?" Hiruma's face said Sena had no choice and Sena gave a curt nod and took Hiruma's hand giving it a shake and sealing the deal. Sena would soon regret having ever placed this bet.

Soon after the deal was struck Suzuna skated into the room her eyes wide not of fear but of entertainment "Riku and Marco are fighting!"

During the chaos of the members in the lounge running to go see the fight, some wanting to stop it could be heard the "kekekeke" of Hiruma's laugh as Sena paled feeling as if his life was doomed "You're lose fucking shrimp" Hiruma said his face in a wide sharp teethed grin. Sena gulped in fear, his life was going to get complicated.

The next morning when sena woke up there was a duffle bag in his and Monta's room. 'I wonder what it is?' Sena thought scared to even go near it. The bag looked awfully like one of Hiruma's, Sena gulped in fear.

By the time Monta woke up Sena was still staring at the bag but he had moved it onto his bed, he just couldn't muster up the courage to wear it. "What's that?" Monta asked with a slightly annoyed look on his face. He was still mad at Sena for making the bet in the first place.

Sena glanced at Monta and frowned then shrugged his shoulders "haven't opened it yet?" he mumbled and Monta barked out a laugh "Then open it!"

Sena grumbled a bit as he watched Monta get up to get ready for morning practice. 'Easy for him to say that, it doesn't hold his doom.' Mustering up all the courage that Sena had he nervously opened up the bag then gave off a squeak flinching away afraid it would exploded. It didn't, and he was looking very stupid, even monkey Monta was giving him a weird look. Sena his face flushing red in embarrassment moved to the bag then picked up the note that was over a bundle of clothes.

Sena picked up the note which was written by Hiruma. 'Hey fucking shrimp, great job losing the bet, here's your fucking punishment. You have to wear it or else!' Sena shuddered that the thought of what that 'or else' would be then continued reading the note. 'Wait for Suzuna to get to your room before leaving, don't disappoint fucking shrimp!'

Sena looked confused and set the letter down then glanced at the time, the practice was going to start soon, if he didn't show up people would worry, but Hiruma did say to stay in his room. Monta was already gone, by the time Sena got the courage to look at the clothes, and he was glad Monta was gone or he'd be thoroughly embarrassed.

Sena stuffed the cloth back into the bag his face bright red making a choking sound, Hiruma was going to make him wear something like that! A distressed Sena meant a Sena that would run so that's where Sena was going when the door opened and an armed Hiruma along with Suzuna walked into the room.

Hiruma had a smirk on his face like he knew what Sena was thinking and Suzuna looked like she was going to be a part of something fun. Sena however felt like he was going to faint. "You better not be trying to run, fucking shrimp?" Hiruma threatened moving his gun just a little closer to Sena.

Sena more scared of that gun and Hiruma than having to wear the humiliating outfit shook his head at light speed. Hiruma smirked at that and relaxed his gun down on his shoulder "Good. Suzuna will be helping you get ready, I expect you to be down to practice soon!"

Hiruma left cackling and Suzuna skated into the room smiling "Alright Sena where is it?" she asked in excitement and Sena pointed towards the bag feeling like he just died and his life went to hell.

After a long time of struggling to get into the clothes and a lot of persuasion on Suzuna's part Sena was reading to go down to the Team Japan practice and she was looking pleased with her work. The person in front of her you would clearing tell was still Sena, with his wild brown hair and big brown eyes but even with that he still looked like a different person.

The outfit he was forced into was way too short and way too tight for his liking. It was a deep green color that stopped about mid-thigh and had slits up the sides to make for easy moving of his legs. The dress clung tightly to his mid-section and there was a hole where his abdomen was to show off his creamy smooth stomach.

The sleeves were long and were as clinging as the main part of the dress. The problem was that they went far past his hands making his difficult for him to grab onto anything. The neck of the dress was high and clung to his neck and the buttons in the back tickled him in an annoying way every time he moved.

Suzuna had forced him into women's underwear and white tights that showed off the curves and muscles of his long golden legs. The shoes he wore were surprisingly easy to walk in and very comfortable, but it gave Sena an uncomfortable feeling. He was wondering why Hiruma was making his wear this embarrassing outfit when Suzuna plopped a pair of mouse ears and a mouse tail on him which made Sena shriek.

"Wow, Sena you make a really cute mouse!" Suzuna said hoping it would make Sena feel better, it didn't; he was unhappy, embarrassed, and so not willing to get in front of people in this outfit.

Suzuna clearly not seeing, or ignoring, Sena's distress grabbed the short boy's hand dragging him along out of the room. "Here put this on" she said throwing a cloak over him. He was completely covered, the only bad thing was, he couldn't see.

As Suzuna dragged him off to who knows where he couldn't quite get the feeling of doom out of his mind. Today was going to be one of the strangest days in Sena's life.