I'm back with another story! This story is about the Power Puff Girls Z! There powers have expanded since they're older. I hope you enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: I OBVIOUSLY don't own Power Puff Girls Z cause if I did, the Rowdy Ruff Boys Z would be with the Power Puff Girls.
Blossom's P.O.V
"You have a message." A monotone voice said. I checked my laptop to see someone had sent me a message. I rolled my mouse over the tab and opened it. It was from Brick. I smiled and read it. After reading it my smile turned into a frown. It said:
"Hey Bloss. I can't make it to our Friday date. I have work at Skateboard Shop. Sorry.
I turned off my laptop and plopped onto my bed. I hugged my pillow as my thoughts consumed me. Brick had been missing our dates more often. He always had a reason though. Most of the time it was about work. We were in our sophomore year and things were getting difficult. Boomer and Bubble's relationship was fine, but Butch and Buttercups was dying out. Buttercup had often told Bubbles and I about her arguments with Butch. Brick and I were just going through a... phase. It would pass, I'm sure of it. "Blossom?" There's someone to see you." I hear the Professor mumble on the other side of my door. I leap off my bed and head to the front door. I spot Butch standing outside. Funny, Butch and I don't talk much. "Hey Butch. What are you doing here?" Butch fidgets and
inhales deeply. "Have you seen Buttercup?" Butch finally blurts out. I blink in surprise. "Buttercup told me she was going on a date with you. Weren't you guys supposed to see a movie together?" I asked. He shook his head in disbelief. "I knew our relationship became rocky, but I never thought she would lie to avoid me." Butch mutters sitting on the front steps. I join him and rest my head in my hands. "How about I help you look for Buttercup? With two of us it'll be faster!" I suggest. Butch nods and we shoot into the sky leaving behind a streak of green and pink.
I streak across the sky searching. "Buttercup!" I shout. I flew a little lower to get a better view of the streets. "BUTTERCUP!" Butch screamed. I felt sorry for him. I scanned the streets and spotted a red cap sticking out of an alley. "Butch! Look!" I pointed toward the cap. Butch stared at me confused. I motioned for him to follow. I landed softly on the concrete ground and picked up the hat. "Where's Brick? I know this is his hat." I ask Butch. He shrugs and points into the alley. "Let's keep looking in there." I nod and step forward. It was so dark I could hardly see. "Butch, turn on your night vision." I tell him as I turn on my night vision. I scan the room and I almost scream. I feel Butch stiffen beside me and I know he sees what I see. I turn to Butch to see his lips in a grim line holding back words. "Brick?" I finally whisper. Brick stops and turns around. "Blossom? What are you doing here?" Brick says nervously.
Brick's P.O.V (Earlier that day)
I laid on my bed plugging my headphones in. I thought about Blossom and how she used to make my heart skip. But now I felt nothing. I thought about the date I had scheduled with Blossom today. I honestly didn't want to go and lie to her face about how I loved her. I'll be honest, the love I had for her has long died out. I turned on my computer and sent Blossom a message to excuse me from our date. I also sent a message to Buttercup.
"Hey babe! Ready for our date tonight? ;)
I hit send and relaxed in my chair. It was true; Buttercup and I have been secretly dating behind both Blossom and Butch. I grinned at the message she sent back.
"Can't wait baby! Alleyway tonight. :)
I changed into a pair of jeans and a simple T-shirt of my favorite band. I grabbed my red cap off the rack as I left. I walked down the streets to an alleyway unknown to most of the city. Buttercup and I had found on one of our secret dates. I leaned against the brick wall waiting for Buttercup. "Hey there handsome." Buttercup grinned at me. She was wearing a yellow tank top with a green skirt. "Hey gorgeous!" I complimented before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It got a little heated as Buttercup accidentally knocked my hat off. She ran her fingers through my hair and I continued to explore her mouth with my tongue. Our tongues fought for dominance. I eventually won and started kissing her jaw line as she gripped my hair and moaned. I pushed her up against the wall and began to kiss her again as I started to grind against her. "Brick?" A soft familiar voice broke our kiss. I whipped around to find Blossom holding my hat. "Blossom? What are you doing here?" I ask nervously. Blossom's face turns into confusion. "I thought you said you were at work? And who's that with you?" Blossom asks. Buttercup tries to hide behind me but it was too late. I noticed Blossom's eyes were darker meaning she had night vision on. "BUTTERCUP?!" Butch exclaims storming towards her. I protect her from him. "So you were with him. All those times you said you had soccer practice you were sucking faces with him. Disgusting." Butch snarled. "Why Brick?" Blossom whispers tears filling her eyes. I frown and open my mouth to speak. "I just don't love you anymore." I say scratching my head. Tears trickled down her cheeks. She shot into the sky leaving a very faint line of pink. I know I was really mean but it was true. Butch growled as he punched me in the face. I hit the ground and attempted to get up. I felt Butch's foot slam into my back pushing me down. "There's a better way to break it someone when you don't love them. You don't go and cheat on them with your brother's girlfriend." Butch snarled. "Get off him!" Buttercup screams as she tackled Butch to the ground. Butch easily shoved Buttercup off. "I'm done with this crap." Butch mumbles as he shoots off into the sky leaving a trail of green.
Butch's P.O.V
I flew through the sky trying to process everything that happened. My so called "brother" cheated on his girlfriend on MY girlfriend. I thought about poor Blossom. I made a detour to the Power Puff Girls house. I landed on their doorstop and knocked. Nobody answered. I remember Boomer saying something about going to the Zoo with Bubbles. I flew up to Blossom's window and peered in. Blossom sat on her bed crying her heart out. She also had a scrapbook on her lap. I knocked gently on her window. She looked up surprised. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She shuffled to the window and undid the hatch and pushed it open. I flew in and landed on her carpet. "Blossom I'm so sorry about what happened." I said gently. I took a closer look at the scrapbook to see pictures of Brick and her. A few had the whole gang and some were separate couples. There were Bubbles and Boomer, and Buttercup and me. There was even Bricks hat from earlier lying on her bed. Blossom sat on her bed and cried. I awkwardly got on the bed and hugged her. She cried into my chest as I muttered soothing words that we both knew didn't help. Let's face it; we were broken pieces of a puzzle that needed someone to tape us back together.
End of First Chapter~Cera Mist