5:50AM Sunrise

The sun was just starting to rise over the city of Odaiba, Japan. As the first soft rays of light slowly made their way across the city it's inhabitants began to arise and begin another day. However for two families this was no ordinary day, for them this day would be remembered as the day their small families grew a little larger.

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya was bored…and when he got bored he started to think of things to do. These ideas of his usually ended up getting him, and whoever he was with, into trouble. Like the time he had convinced his friend Matt to help him catch the neighbor's cat so they could teach it to swim. While Tai and Matt had thought it to be a good idea at the time their parent's were anything but pleased.

Tai winced as he remembered the punishment he and Matt had gotten for that little escapade. No soccer for him for a week and Matt had been forbidden to listen to his music. Hence why he was sitting here quietly in the waiting room of the hospital while his new little sibling was being born, his parent's had threatened him with two weeks without soccer if he did anything bad.

At least he had Matt here to keep him company, his family too was here at the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of their own new family member. As Tai opened his mouth to speak both of the father's had walked into the waiting room with large smiles on their faces.

"Tai" "Matt"

As each of the boys turned to look at their dads they both started speaking at once, luckily for Tai and Matt they had the exact same thing to say…almost anyway.

"Are you ready to meet your new little sister Tai?"

"Are you ready to meet your new little brother Matt?"

As the two three year olds looked at each other their thoughts were running along the same lines.

'I'm a brother!'

As the two boys walked into the room that held their new siblings they both stopped when they caught sight of them. Not that seeing a newborn baby was all that uncommon for them. Rather it was what they were seeing that caused their surprise.

The two newborns were sleeping contentedly. However unlike the boys had expected they were not sleeping in their mother's arms. They were sleeping in each others, at least as much as they could with both of them being so small. In reality the two little ones were snuggled together wrapped in a warm blanket. The only part of the two that was easily visible were their right hands, their tiny fingers intertwined. Tai was the first to ask the question both the brothers were thinking.

"Why are they sleeping together like that?" He asked with a confused voice. He may have been young but he knew that most babies didn't sleep together like that. His question caused the adults in the room to laugh as his father explained.

"Haha well you see after they were both born your mom and Nancy wanted to show them off to each other so they had the nurses move the beds next to each other so they could get a good look. While they were talking these two little ones opened their eyes and looked right at each other."

This time it was Matt who interrupted with a question and his father who answered. "I thought that most newborns didn't open their eyes for a couple of days after they were born?"

"That's normally true but each child is different. I guess for these two they were just ready. Although your moms are a little disappointed that they first thing they ever saw wasn't them. Anyway once they saw each other the first thing they did was to hold hands like you see them doing now. In fact when they tried to separate them to feed them they both started crying and wouldn't stop until they were back together again." He said with a small smile on his face.

Nancy chimed in at this point with a smile on her face as she looked at her roommate. "I have a feeling that our families are going to be a lot closer with these two little ones in them." Tai's mother laughed as she replied "Yes, I think so too. In fact I have a feeling that we're all going to be a family one day." The women laughed as the men smirked and shook their heads at their wife's hopeful premonitions.

"So what did you name them Mom?" Matt asked as he and Tai watched their new siblings sleep.

"Well do you see the one with the blonde hair? That's your brother Takeru." His mother answered. "And the one with the brown hair is your sister Tai. Her name is Hikari." Tai's mother answered. As the two boys watched their new sibling sleep they were surprised to see Hikari snuggle in closer to Takeru. More surprising was the fact that Takeru seemed to try and pull her closer. Both boys thought the same thing as they looked on. 'I have a feeling that mom is right.'

Little did they all know how right the two mother's would be.

A/N: Hey again. I know it's been so long since I've updated anything. My mind just keeps bouncing around which makes it difficult to focus long enough to think about where I want my stories to go. This story has been keeping me up at night and I've finally found a little time to write out this first chapter. Even if it has taken me three weeks to get it somewhat presentable. In any case read and review and let me know what you think. I know this first chapter and probably the next couple are going to start off slow so be prepared for that.