If it's Love
Plot: Jensen Ackles reflects on the past year. Meeting his new co-star Misha Collins has changed his life and while confusion rained down on Jensen for months, he is finally accepting exactly what Misha means to him. One end of season wrap party is about to change everything. WARNING FOR RPS SLASH, JENSENxMISHA!
This is an RPS fanfic, which means REAL PERSON SLASH – YES THIS MEANS JENSEN ACKLES/MISHA COLLINS (Cockles if you will!) If you are creeped out by it or turned off, then turn away now. If you are all for it, then please I encourage you to read on…
Most importantly if you are UNSURE about it, then let me try to sell this to you in the best way I possibly can and see if I can sway you in my direction…
Here are some key points…
I do not believe in any way, shape or form that these situations have ever occurred in real life or ever would. I am very respectful of the actors and this story is purely for entertainment purposes for the fandom that ship RPS couples.
The wives do NOT feature in this story. Let me just say I adore Danneel & I adore Vicki and would never write a story involving them in any 'heart-breaking' situations like divorce plot lines or a plot about cheating on their other halves. The only real couple to feature in this fic is Jared & Gen. for my fictional story…Jensen & Misha are very much single!
The story is what it says on the tin…it's a story. Not fact, not truth…simply a fictional story, made up by me! Though the actors are very much the same as real life, with a few twists, adjustments and turns. They may be slightly outside of their actual personalities too (although I try to stick to their real life traits as much as possible).
Warnings for the fic? Not much…just that it is an RPS and there will be possible graphic sex. This is a 3 chapter only fanfic, designed to be fluffy, cute & hot!
Last but not least…this is here for you to enjoy! It's a different way of writing to the usual Destiel stories I am used to, instead of portraying Dean & Castiel, I am writing that of the actors who play them. If it makes you feel more comfortable…think of it as French Mistake style!
I think that's all I have to say, figured it would be best to explain to my regular readers before I charge in with the fic, this is something new! I am a Destiel writer, but I do also ship Cockles and this is my first Cockles fic I have uploaded, so please be open minded and please be nice.
Reviews are encouraged; I'd love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions.
The fic will start in the next chapter…so click to continue!