Sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry it is kinda short.
April 2013
Penny slowly walked down the stairs to go answer the door. Whoever it is, is being very impatient and keeps ringing the doorbell repeatedly. She finally got to the door and unlocked it before opening it. "God, Sheldon." Penny groaned when she saw who it was. "I can only walk so fast down those stairs."
"You should not be going upstairs when nobody is home. You are six months pregnant after all." Sheldon stated like she did not know.
"Damn. I'm six months pregnant? I thought I was only a month along." Penny said sarcastically.
"Is that sarcasm?" Sheldon questioned.
"Yes." Penny said annoyed. She really wanted to go take a nap.
"Oh, good, I'm 4 for 32 this month." Sheldon said.
"What do you want Sheldon?"
"Leonard did not show up to drive me to work. I had to take the bus so I wasn't late." Sheldon complained.
"He told you last week that he wasn't going to be able to pick you up for work today. We had our doctor's appointment today, remember?" Penny said.
Sheldon ran through all the things in his brain trying to remember Leonard telling him that. "I have no recollection of him saying such a thing."
"You were probably too busy playing Halo to listen to him." Penny said. "Now, if you don't mind, I am really tired and want to go take a nap."
"I do mind. I want to speak with Leonard." Sheldon said.
"Well, you can go take the bus back to work because he left twenty minutes ago." Penny said before shutting the door in Sheldon's face. She then proceeded to walk back up the stairs to go take her nap.
Later that day, everyone was at Penny and Leonard's for dinner. They were all sitting around the dining room table eating.
"So, did you guys find out what you are having?" Bernadette asked.
"We did, but we're not telling." Penny said.
"Oh, come on Bestie." Amy complained.
"We will tell you though that we made a deal of who gets to name the baby." Penny said. "If it is a boy Leonard can choose his name and it can even be from Star Wars, just not something over the top like Obi-Wan. If it is a girl I get to pick her name." Penny said.
"We both have to approve the name though." Leonard said.
"That's a different way to do it." A drunken Raj said.
"I'm betting it's a boy." Howard said.
"No, it's going to be a girl. I can picture them with a daughter not a son." Amy stated.
"I can see you having one of each." Bernadette added. "But not twins."
"Let's make a pool of what their baby is going to be." Raj exclaimed.
Penny and Leonard just stared at their friends as they began betting on what the sex of their baby was. They were enjoying the fact of knowing who exactly was losing their money.
"I am saying the germ infested child is a girl." Sheldon said out of nowhere which shocked everybody that he was joining in on their pool.
"You really want in?" Howard asked.
"I will bet fifty dollars that I am right." Sheldon said. "Even though I know I am going to be right. I'm always right."
The next three months consisted of Penny and Leonard decorating the nursery and preparing for the arrival of their baby. They had to make sure that their friends did not go upstairs when they were over so that they did not peek and see what the gender of their baby was.
It was a hot summer day in July. It was above the average temperature in Pasadena during Fourth of July weekend. Of all days, Penny would go into labor on the hottest day in the summer, so far.
She had awoken in the morning feeling weird and as the day progressed she started to have contractions closer together.
"Leonard!" She called out as she got to the bottom of the stairs. "Leonard!" She called out again when he did not answer her. She went over to his home office and opened the door. "Leonard," She said getting his attention away from the computer. "The baby is coming."
Leonard whipped his chair around so fast; Penny didn't even have time to blink. "Are you positive?"
"Pretty damn positive." Penny said.
Leonard jumped up from his chair and rushed over to Penny. "Do you have everything packed?" He asked frantically as he led her out of the room and toward the garage.
"In the bag by the garage door. I packed it three weeks ago." Penny said as she opened the door to the garage.
"Really?" Leonard questioned not knowing his girlfriend had prepared weeks in advance.
"The books say to have it ready just in case." Penny said matter-of-factly.
Leonard helped Penny into the car before grabbing the bag and placing it in the backseat next to the empty car seat. He got into the car and pressed the garage door opener before turning the car on.
Penny was in labor for eighteen hours before giving birth to their beautiful baby at 3 AM on July 4th.
After the nurses cleaned the baby up and took its measurements, one nurse came over and handed the baby to Penny. "Here's your daughter."
Penny and Leonard both smiled down at their baby girl.
"Hi sweetie." Penny said to the newborn.
A few minutes later, Leonard sent out a picture of their daughter to their friends that read:
Alexis Rylee Hofstadster
July 4th, 2013 3:04 AM
8 lbs. 7 oz. 22 inches