AN: I am very sorry for not updating this sooner but I completely forgot about it until last week. Anyway I hope this was worth the wait, if not, tell me and I'll right another fic for Christmas day, I might write a Gibbs and Abby fic too just for fun.

The man swam up to the surface and gasped for breath, before he started swimming back towards the land. He kicked his legs faster as he was about to reach the shallow water, then as he felt his feet touch the ground, Gibbs came running up to the river.

Gibbs's gun was raised at the man and he had his finger on the trigger, as he looked around frantically for Tony. The man stepped on to land and as he turned left, he spotted Gibbs who was looking at him with fire in his eyes.

"NCIS! Put your hands up!" Gibbs ordered.

The man ignored him and turned quickly, hoping to make a run for it, but Gibbs's pulled the trigger. The gun shot echoed through the trees, making the birds fly away and the bullet lodged itself in the man's back.

The man stood for a moment before he fell forwards to the ground with a dull thud and Gibbs threw his gun to the side as he tore off his NCIS jacket. His jacket joined his gun on the ground as Gibbs started running towards the water.

Then acting on instinct, he took a breath, then dived in to the water in a perfect dive, his fingers went in first followed by the rest of his body. He could see Tony's lifeless form once he was under the water, he noticed little bubbles of air floating out of Tony's open mouth and he began swimming down towards him.

Gibbs's heart was in a vice as he swam closer and as he reached Tony, he wrapped an arm around Tony's waist. Tony's lifeless form moved as Gibbs started swimming upwards, his muscles were starting to ache and Gibbs felt the cold water crawling under his skin.

Gibbs's could see the surface just barely through the murky water and he tightened his grip on his agent, as he kicked his legs faster as his lungs started burning for air. When Gibbs broke the surface he gasped and pulled Tony up beside him.

Gibbs managed to get a good grip on his agent and he moved his feet to keep him afloat. He quickly pushed Tony's limp body up on top of the water, like it was floating and Tony's head lolled to the side.

Tony's green eyes were glazed over and unfocused, his skin was pale and cold and his mouth hung open as Gibbs looked down at him. Gibbs held Tony in his arms and supported his back the best he could, as he put his ear and cheek to Tony's mouth to check if he was breathing, but Gibbs already knew he wasn't.

"Shit. Don't do this to me DiNozzo," Gibbs said through gritted teeth.

Gibbs pinched Tony's nose closed between his thumb and forefinger, he took a deep breath and then parted Tony's lips. Gibbs didn't hesitate and he tightened his hold on his senior field agent, before sealing Tony's cold, wet lips with his own. Gibbs gave him two deep breaths of air, praying that's all it took, but Tony didn't move and some of the murky river water around him, splashed his cheeks.

Gibbs gulped audibly and he looked at the shore then back at Tony, as he held his agent close to him. Gibbs started swimming back to the land where the dead suspect lay and Gibbs held Tony with a traditional rescue hold with his right arm.

Gibbs was dreading the outcome of the situation as he felt his feet touch the ground and then Gibbs lifted Tony up in to his arms, using his aching leg muscles to support him. He walked out of the river and Tony was a dead weight in his arms as he walked up the bank to the flat ground.

Gibbs put his hand behind Tony's head as he lowered him quickly but gently to the ground and then he fell to his knees beside his agent. Gibbs already knew Tony wasn't breathing and he put two fingers under Tony's jaw on his neck looking for a pulse.

When he felt a faint beat under his fingertips he sighed in relief but the fear in his gut was still there. and then he looked at Tony. His eyes were closed, his skin was a grey colour and his lips were blue. Gibbs looked at Tony and parted Tony's lips as he did a finger sweep of his agent's mouth, then he hunched over his face, tilted his head back, opening his airway, held back his forehead and pinched his nose closed with his thumb and forefinger.

"Breathe Tony, come on breathe," Gibbs murmured.

Gibbs took a breath and held Tony's chin, before sealing Tony's lips with his own. Gibbs exhaled a breath in to his agent's lungs and his cheeks puffed out, then he sat back on his knees as he watched Tony's chest rise and fall. Gibbs leant down and pinched his nose, then blew another breath in to Tony's unmoving body. Tony's chest rose and fell then he was motionless again and Gibbs scowered his mind for his first aid training from Ducky.

Tony looked like one of the corpses that lay in the morgue and Tony's head lolled to the side lifelessly when Gibbs didn't hold it in place. Gibbs felt helpless as he checked to see if his agent was breathing on his own once again, but he found that he still wasn't.

"Stay with me Tony, come on breathe," Gibbs urged.

Gibbs then leaned down once more to his agent's pale face as he coninued with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and as he prayed that Tony would breathe on his own. Water suddenly trickled from the sides of Tony's mouth and he coughed up a stream of water, then Gibbs rolled him on to his side quickly, not wanting him to choke. Then after a moment Tony lay still again and Gibbs pulled him back on to his back then he checked if he was breathing again, but he wasn't which made Gibbs's gut churn.

"Breathe DiNozzo, that's an order!" Gibbs roared.

Gibbs leant down once more and it was almost a few minutes of breathing for his agent until he sighed and felt the tears stinging in his eyes. He fought against them and took a deep breath, pinched Tony's nose and then gave him a breath. He felt his tears from his eyes fall on to Tony's face and he let his lips linger on Tony's, forcing all the air he had in his own lungs in to his agent's.

At that moment though Tony felt air go in to his burning lungs, he felt a warm sensation on his lips but it went away after a second and he felt something warm land on his face. His chest jerked unexpectedly and then he felt the need to cough. He could hear heavy breathing near him and he could hear a voice that sounded very familiar, then he felt pressure on his nose and on his chin.

"You are not allowed to die on my watch! You hear me? Come on DiNozzo," Gibbs pleaded his voice breaking.

Then Tony heard a rough but gentle voice, then the warm sensation was on his lips again and he felt air being forced in to him. Tony suddenly coughed in to Gibbs's mouth, which made the older man pull back, then water spewed past Tony's lips, before he dragged in a ragged gasp that hitched over droplets of water. He coughed and spluttered, struggling to get the river water out of his scarred lungs. Gibbs instantly turned him on to his side, facing away from him and he put his hand on his back and patted it.

"Just breathe in and out Tony," Gibbs told him.

Gibbs sighed in relief, wiped his red eyes and ran his hand through his soaking wet grey hair as relief spread through him like a wild fire and as he heard his agent coughing loudly and choking on the water he had took in to his scarred lungs. It was only seconds later when Tony regained consciousness and he felt the hand on his back disappear then land on his head, ruffling his hair slightly. Tony groaned as his eyebrows knitted together, then he slowly opened his eyes and he blinked as everything came in to focus.

"DiNozzo? DiNozzo," Gibbs said, tapping his agent's face.

"B-boss?" Tony asked, breathing heavily.

"You scared the shit out of me DiNozzo," Gibbs sighed.

Gibbs pulled Tony in to a hug as he wrapped his strong arms around him and then Tony wrapped his arms around his boss which made him feel safe. Gibbs laughed as he patted his agent's back and then he moved back and looked at Tony as he thanked the gods that he didn't believe in for letting his senior field agent live.

"Gibbs? Tony?" Ziva asked.

Gibbs turned his head and looked at Ziva who was running towards them with her gun drawn, then as she spotted the now dead suspect, her gun went back in to it's holster. She noticed Tony and Gibbs were both soaking wet and then she stopped walking.

"EMS are down at the house with McGee. Are you both okay?" Ziva asked.

"I'll live," Tony nodded.

"You better. Are we clear?" Gibbs stated.

"Crystal, boss," Tony coughed.

"Have a paramedic come up here, he's not walking," Gibbs said.

"Why not? I'm fine boss," Tony moaned.

"Because just minutes ago you weren't breathing and I had to resuscitate you DiNozzo. That's why," Gibbs explained, raising his voice slightly.

Tony was silent after that and Ziva nodded then set off walking back down towards where the paramedics were. Gibbs looked at Tony as he coughed once more and Gibbs brought a hand up to the back of Tony's head, then he brought it forward quickly in a headslap. Tony flinched as the hand came in contact with his head and he then rubbed the back of his head as he looked at Gibbs.

"Thank you, for saving my life boss," Tony smiled.

"You should have waited for us," Gibbs told him.

"But we would have lost him," Tony pointed out.

"Well I'd rather have lost him than lose you Tony,"

Thanks for reading guys. Part of this story was based on what actually happened to me when I got in a fight with someone. We were fighting on the river next to my school and the river was covered in ice. When the girl tackled me to the ground the ice broke and we fell in. Her friend pulled her out and I couldn't get out. The next time I opened my eyes I was lying on the bank near the river, with my maths teacher Mr Blake giving me mouth to mouth. I can tell you one thing though, getting water in your lungs hurts like hell, but coughing it up hurts even more. That was last week though and I'm fine now so yeah. Anyway please review as I love knowing what you all think and it is much appreciated :) And one last thing: