The Real Beginning of Hogwarts
I'm not sure how this will be, this is my first fanfiction and I'm only 13 so I want to try to improve my writing so go along with it please, hopefully it will get better.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter but if J. K. Rowling want's to give it to me I wouldn't' argue any.
How it all Begins
Voldemort's curse had just rebounded when the house around little Victoria Potter along with all the houses on the road and with a pop she was on an old road with old houses. A few seconds later a man with his three friends came up to the child they had seen pop into place all alone, looking to be only a year old. A ma with red hair and green eyes looked over her and said to a man with brown hair and pale blue eyes "She has powerful magic more than the four of us combined." A woman with long black hair and intelligent brown eyes said "She was sent her for a reason, she's not from this time look at her clothes, their not from this time."
"What reason do you think Rowena?" A witch with long blond hair and truthful blue eyes.
"I don't know Helga she may be sent to help nock that idea of a school out of Godric's hard head"
"It is not a bad idea it just needs a little work that's all."
"Shut up Godric."
"I will if I want to.'
"Shut up you two or I will hex you both into the time Victoria is from."
"Who's Victoria?" the two witches and wizard said in confusion
"The little girl not from this time that has the black hair green eyes and the gold necklace that says Victoria." Salazar said 'gold necklace' very slowly giving them a look that said you idiots, they all gave him a look that said oh
"What are we supposed to do with her?"
"I'll take her she would be safe with me and she'll have a good home, besides Victoria Gryffindor has a nice ring to it."
"I can be Aunt Helga"
"I'll be her only Uncle"
"I hope that I get asked to be Aunt Rowena."
"Okay you all have lost it but what ever, I'm sure she'll fit in fine with the family."
"Yeah she's going to be odd just like you."
"Shut up Salazar."
So from that day on Victoria Potter was known as Victoria Gryffindor the daughter of Godric Gryffindor and the niece of Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.