A/N Went to go see Rise of the Guardians and LOVED it! I mean, hello, Jack was hot! And a cartoon! How does that work?! Anyway, came up with this story and HAD to write it! I hope you all enjoy!

I woke up to the silver light of the moon shining down on me. Looming above me was a tall pine tree, its branches reaching towards the night sky. A warm playful breeze tugged at me, urging me to sit up and I did.

I didn't know who I was or where I was sitting. My mind was completely empty; I had no memory of what my name was or how I came to be laying under a tree. But instead of feeling scared or confused, I only felt happy. I was strangely at peace, content, even joyful.

I stood up slowly, studying the clothes I was wearing. I had dark green leggings, a lighter green short sleeve tunic with a hood, a belt made from a daisy chain, and brown leather boots. The tunic and leggings were soft and flexible; the boots were sturdy yet fit my feet like a second skin.

I was dressed for activity. Dressed for movement. Whatever I was meant to do, it would require moving around and being active.

The faint sound of rushing water made me turn around. Behind me was a little stream, its crystal clear waters silver in the moonlight. I walked over to it and knelt on the bank, staring at my reflection in the water.

My hair was the color of the sun, braided carefully down my back. My eyes were the brightest green I'd ever seen, sparkling like two jewels. My skin was smooth and tanned, with little rosy spots on my cheeks. I was stunning.

The moon seemed to get brighter and I looked away from my reflection just in time to be blinded by a flash of silver. Then the light returned to what it used to be and I was left blinking silver spots out of my eyes.

When my sight returned to normal I noticed an old man sitting on the opposite side of the stream. He had pale skin, long white hair and a white beard, a white robe, an old stick in his hand, and two eyes that looked like liquid silver.

He looked at me kindly, like a proud father. His face was open and wise, with a smile that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hello, child," he said, his voice deep.

"You know me?" I asked.

The man laughed and it was such a joyous, happy laugh that I laughed along with him.

"Of course I know you," he said between chuckles, "I made you."

I stared at him, unsure exactly how to answer that.

"You…made me?" I whispered.

"Yes," he said simply, "You are my creation. Just like everything else."

He gestured to everything around us and I looked around in shock. He made everything, I thought, he made me.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice filled with awe.

The man chuckled softly.

"Who am I? I will be known as many things…but you may call me 'The Man in the Moon'. The mortals will know me by another name, but I am both. I am everything."

He smiled at me and I smiled back. The Man in the Moon, I thought, that should be easy enough to remember.

"Who am I?" I asked.

"You, my dear, are a spirit," the man said.

I frowned, not sure what he meant by that.

"A spirit?" I questioned him, "What does that mean?"

He smiled again and I felt at ease immediately.

"You see," he said, "I have just finished creating this world and everything in it, including mortals. They are my favorite creation, but they are easily distracted by sadness and hardship. I need someone to watch over them, to remind them what's important. That's where you come in."

"How can I do that?" I wondered out loud.

"By giving them joy," the man said, smiling even wider, "That is who you are! You are the Spirit of Joy and Springtime, which go hand in hand. You must remind them of the joy in life, you must chase away winter with the warmth of spring."

My mind spun imagining all the work that would require. Can I do it, I asked myself. Can I do my job faithfully? The warm happy feeling I felt when I first woke up came back with a force. Yes, yes I can, I thought. I am the Spirit of Joy.

"I can do it," I told him.

The man smiled like what I said delighted him more than anything.

"I knew you could," he said, "But everyone needs help. I have some very special helpers for you, to help you bring joy to mortals."

The man stood up and from where he had been sitting, a golden light appeared and formed into the shape of a puppy with gold fur, huge silver eyes, and floppy ears. The puppy looked over at me then jumped across the stream to land in my arms.

I instantly felt happy and joyful, even more so than I already was. I buried my face in the gold fur and breathed deep, the fur smelling like all the most wonderful things in the world. The puppy licked my face, tickling me till I giggled.

"I thought you would like them," the man said, "There are many more like this waiting for you in your home. They hone in on any kind of happiness and enhance it…they also find those who are sad and try to cheer them up. Mortals can't see them, or you, but your aura radiates joy. You also have power to warm the weather and make plants bloom. It's your job to replace the coldness of winter with the warmth and joy of spring."

I nodded, knowing that even though it sounded like a lot of work, I would make it work. Joy was too wonderful a feeling not to share with everyone. There was just one thing I wanted to know.

"Do I have a name?" I asked the man.

"Of course you do," the man said, "Your name is Bliss. It means 'absolute joy'. I thought it fit, don't you?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Good girl," the man said, turning to walk away, "One day there will be more Spirits. You won't have to always protect the mortals on your own. You however, are the most needed right now and therefore the first. I wish you well, child."

Then with another blinding flash of silver, the Man in the Moon was gone and I was once again alone. The puppy suddenly jumped out of my arms, floating in the air. It barked at me, as if telling me something.

"What?" I asked it, confused as to what it wanted.

The puppy tilted his head and whined. It jumped around in the air then turned to look at me.

"Do you want me to jump?" I asked.

The puppy wagged his tail and barked excitedly. I took that as a yes and jumped. Instead of falling back to the earth, I floated on top of the air. I laughed with delight and it wasn't long before I figured out what to do.

The puppy floated off and I followed him, not sure where we were going but trusted him to know. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do all I had to, but I knew it would all work out. The Man in the Moon said it would. I knew my purpose and most importantly, my name. Bliss. The Spirit of Joy and Spring.

This is my story.

Yeah, the puppy was a bit random but puppies make everyone happy. I thought they'd be good joy bringers. I need a good name for them though…any suggestions? Besides that, what did you think? Review and let me know! I'm really excited about writing this!
