HALO Fanfiction 2


Releasing Tension

"If you were a Sangheili, then I would compliment your crest and your waist," Thel said, "so your hair looks good and your waist is very…supportive." John raised an eyebrow in amusement. It entertained him to see the Arbiter stumbling over his own words.

"Hopefully that isn't offensive to human culture." Thel said. John held up a hand to stop him from saying more. He moved to the padlock and stopped the music.

"You're talking too much, Thel," John said. He turned to face him and saw the tired expression on Thel's face.

"It's just that…so many things have gone wrong," Thel said with a sigh, "I just want things to go right for a change… I just want…"

John gently placed a hand to Thel's cheek. He was relieved to see the Sangheili proceed into the touch. He removed his hand from his face and stood facing each other. They leaned forward and softly bumped their foreheads together. Thel placed a hand on John's shoulder and held him close. He slid his hand underneath his tank top and played with his warm, soft skin. John nuzzled his face into his neck and let out a soft, quiet moan. Thel moved his hands north and started playing with his chest. He helped the Spartan out of his clothes and led him towards his bed.

Thel sat back on his bed and allowed John to straddle him. He placed a hand over John's and led him over his armor straps. He helped him take off his armor by telling him where his fingers were supposed to go. There was a clunk and a chunk of armor fell to the floor, followed by other smaller pieces of armor. Now the Arbiter was naked too and their warm bodies touched each other. John wrapped his arms around his neck and bumped their foreheads together again. He nuzzled him and placed chaste kisses against his mandibles, trailing all the way down to his neck. Thel growled in pleasure and pushed John to the side. He arranged himself on top of him and clicked his mandibles in a satisfied smirk.

"Fuck me like you mean it," John whispered.

"Will do."

Thel grabbed John's ankles and heaved them into the air. "Now, stay still. I'll be gentle."

He pressed. Just the tip, but it was enough to make him clench up and moan. Thel stroked the inside of John's thigh until he was able to focus on the human's face again. He pushed himself further into John, moving rhythmically.

"Let me in," Thel whispered, and John complied by lifting his hips so Thel could push himself in deeper. They moved together without words, battle-hardened against battle-scarred, saying what they couldn't say about all those close calls, all those near-deaths, all those losses. John buried his face in Thel's chest as they swayed, and after a while the sangheili wrapped him in both arms and held him close. He quickened his pace, deepening the creases in Spartan's forehead. John fumbled for his own hard cock, but Thel gently nudged his hand away.

"Allow me," Thel said, reaching for the human's hard cock. He took over with one hand, steadying himself on the table with the other while he thrust harder and harder. John's moan became stilted by the motion; his hands could not find anywhere to be satisfied and groped at the leathery skin he could reach. Then, nothing: blinding, roaring nothing; and he could feel Thel hitting nothing too. Thel was a warm presence hovered over him; Thel was the only solid, safe thing; Thel was here and his.

They took their time recovering. Thel eased himself out and then lay lightly across John's chest. "Well, Spartan, I'd say we did okay, first go-round," he said after a while, nuzzling his face against his hair.

For his part, John was content to catch his breath and enjoy the tingling sensation in his legs. "Mmmm."